AUGUST 21, 1989
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation ComIinission of the Town
of Queensbury, held Monday, August 21, 1989, under the open air pavilion at the
South Queensbury Park Site, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called
the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M.
Commissioners Bly, Labatore, LaBombard, Simmonds and Sperry
Councilmembers Montesi (7:45 P.M.), Potenza and Director Hansen
Commissioner Teti (Ex.)
Jeff Campp, Paul Corrento, Ron Dufour, Joe Duprey, Ken French,
Bob Gillmore, David Jones, Kevin LaPointe, Jim Lettus, Dana Washburn,
and others.
Commissioner Bly moved to approve the minutes of the July 17, 1989 meeting.
Commissioner Labatore seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners,
the motion was unanimously approved.
Chairman Simmonds opened the meeting and welcomed the members of the
South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company who were in attendance. She mentioned
that she had recently visited the park site to observe summer youth program activities
and commended the Fire Company for their past support especially in providing
the facility. In order to facilitate the evening's meeting, Chairman Simmonds explained
the Recreation Commission's intentions and asked South Queensbury Fire Chief
Jones, on behalf of the Fire Company, to make his comments.
Mr. Jones commented briefly and explained that except for some picnic tables,
that not much of the $36,000. allocated for the South Queensbury Park facility had
been expended. Furthermore, he pointed out that a number qf Fire Company representatives
had met with the Supervisor just recently and that nothing h~d resulted from that
meeting. In addition, Mr. Jones mentioned that the Fire Co~pany had been promised
things at the time the Fire Company contract had been negotiated and that here
again no action had resulted. .
Chairman Simmonds questioned Mr. Jones about the FUie Company meeting
with the Supervisor and Mr. Jones mentioned that the Directc:i>r had not been present
at this meeting. A number of Commissioners requested that ithe Director qualify
the $36,000. South Queensbury project fund and it was explained that this was the
amount of funding allocated just recently for park facilities at the South Queensbury
site. Furthermore, the Director stated that the construction of the basketball court
would be paid out of this account. He also pointed out that grass seed, which had
been purchased and spread on site in the spring and the new 8 foot high chainlink
fence, which is situated on a portion of the Fire Company's eastern border, had also
been paid for from this account.
Mr. Jones and the Director disagreed regarding the authority to charge the
South Queensbury park project account for the fencing. The Pirector stated that
this was a Departmental/Board decision and that the Fire Company had no say regarding
this matter.
A number of Fire Company personnel mentioned the estimated cost to construct
the basketball court and also wanted to know about a drinking fountain, lighting/electricity
for the pavilion and other softball field amenities. They mentioned that some of
these items had been discussed with the Supervisor and that no action had been taken.
Director Hansen responded and mentioned that the bases for the softball field, which
had been ordered some time ago, had arrived and would be installed later this week.
Regarding both the lighting and the drinking fountain, again the Director reiterated
that these items had been discussed with the Supervisor at a meeting which the
Director had not been invited to. Furthermore, the dollar figure of $25,000. to construct
the basketball court was only an "estimate" for budgetary purposes and not an actual
quote/bid figure.
There was further discussion by Fire Company representatives with regard
to park project discussions/promises which had been made as far back as 3 years
ago. The Director concurred but pointed out that funding for this park project had
only been authorized in the capital project fund this past June. A number of Commissioners
sympathized with the Fire Company and mentioned that governments have a tendency
to operate at a much slower pace than private business.
Chairman Simmonds summarized the discussion and explained that the problems
discussed here tonight seemed to have resulted, for the most park, from a lack of
communications. She mentioned that the water fountain, lig~ting for the pavilion,
and even more swings, were all items which could be included in a "wish list" and
that these might then be included in the 1990 park project fund.
A number of Fire Company members again questioned the $25,000. estimate
for the basketball court and they mentioned that a local contractor (S. McLaughlin)
would be able to do this job for half the price ($ 12,000.). Once again, the Director
pointed out that the budget figure of $ 25,000. was only an estimate and he reminded
everyone that by law, a public works project over $ 7,000. wquld necessitate going
out to bid. Councilman Montesi and a number of other Commissioners questioned
the Director with regard to the $36,000. project fund and whether or not any unused
funds could be carried over into another year. The Director was unsure and will
check on this and report back at the next meeting. There WaS additional discussion
with regard to having the basketball court project be adverti$ed for bid yet this
Chairman Simmonds summarized the meeting and reiterated that the lines
of communication between the Fire Company and Commissioþ/Department be kept
open. She thanked the Fire Company members for their atteþdance and participation.
The Director was asked to briefly explain the 2 items of corrbspondence included
in the monthly packet. A number of Commissioners were dismayed that a nonresident
would comment negatively about the swim lesson program and there was discussion
about nonresident usage and the possibility of implementing fees and charges for
some Department programs. There were additional comments from Commissioners
regarding their individual observations or secondhand information of the swimming
pool/lesson program. However, the Director reminded the C9mmission that the
incident was the important factor and that whether or not the individual making
the comment was a resident or nonresident was, in essence, irrelevant. With regard
to program participation and user fees, the Director mentioned that Murman Associates
would certainly address this situation extensively in the Master Plan analysis.
The Director briefly highlighted the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company's
letter which recommended that the small pond at the Gurney Lane Recreation Area
be completely enclosed by a 6 foot high fence. This recommendation had previously
been submitted in July 1987, and as was the case at that time, the Director disagreed.
Furthermore, it was pointed out that, in 1987, Supervisor Walter agreed with the
Director and no action was taken at that time.
Chairman Simmonds briefly highlighted a recent meeting with the Town Attorney
who had been helpful in detailing further the role and function of the Recreation
Commission especially with regard to personnel and program evaluation. She summarized
her meeting and requested that a Commission task force to e,valuate both personnel
and programs be formed in the near future. Commissioner Sperry volunteered to
assist the Chairman in this regard.
Chairman Simmonds suggested that considering the growth of the Department
(programs and activities) that it might be time to recommen4 to the Town Board
that additional administrative staff be hired after the first of the year. She briefly
outlined and summarized present staff responsibilities and pointed out that inasmuch
as it was budget time, that the Commission ought to strongly consider recommending
such a staff member to the Town Board. Commissioners LaBombard, Sperry and
Labatore concurred with the Chairman's suggestion/recommendation and it was
requested that the 2 Councilmen present convey this recommendation to the other
Town Board members. There was further discussion and Councilwoman Potenza
expressed her support for the Director and both she and Cotm'cilman Montesi agreed
to relay the Commission's comments regarding a new full time administrative staff
The Director presented a verbal report and mentioned that the Department's
1990 budget was due shortly.
The Director updated to the Commission with regard to the break-in at the
Gurney Lane Recreation Area and outlined the events of the ~vening. He explained
that the 7 individuals involved had all been caught and that 4iof the young adults
had been arraigned on felony criminal trespass charges.
The Director explained a number of other Department ~tems including the
Ridge Road Park sign sketch, the Gurney Lane Health Department pool report, and
the Hiland Park property deed information.
Chairman Simmonds suggested that the Recreation Commission's September
meeting be held at the Ridge Road Park facility beginning at 7:00 P.M.. and this
was agreed on unanimously. The Chairman also stated that she would, on behalf
of the Commission, draft a letter of appreciation to the Soutþ Queensbury Fire Company
for the use of their facilities and for their input and participa.tion at this evening's
There being no further business, the meeting was adjo\U'Iled at 8:54 P.M..
The next meeting will be held on September 18, 1989 at 7:00 P.M.., at the Ridge
Road Park facility (Jenkinsville Road).
Sharron Simmonds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director