2007-02-06 Queensbury Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the February 6, 2007 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury,
Supervisor's Conference Room
Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Mott
Staff Present: Director Lovering, Aquatic Supervisor Carr, Program Specialist O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Dan Ladd, Howard Mosher, and Rick Haag from the Warren County Conservation
Approval of the Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes
from the January 2, 2007 meeting and to place on file. All members present approved.
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
• Memo from Director Lovering to all Parks and Recreation Maintenance Personnel regarding
use of Town equipment and vehicles under requirements of new insurance carrier.
• Year to date budget report as of 02/02/2007.
Unfinished Business
• Glen Lake Boat Access discussion Director Lovering reviewed the past history and
rationale for denying access to Glen Lake through our boat launch area. Representatives
from the Warren County Conservation Council were asked for input and thoughts. After
much discussion and clarification regarding new insurance carrier and opinion of new Town
Council, a motion was made by Commissioner Irish and seconded by Commissioner
Maine to open up our Glen Lake Access Area to winter recreational activities during
daylight hours only, with no motorized vehicles allowed and proper signage posted. All
members present approved.
• Chairman LaBombard reported on the Town Board voting 5-0 on a resolution to hold a
public hearing on February 26th regarding Ridge/Jenkinsville proposed improvements and
funding necessary for said improvements. Director Lovering reported the design RFP's are
due back on Thursday February 8th and will remain sealed until opened on Friday February
9th by Chairman LaBombard, Director Lovering and the Town Budget Officer.
• Pool/Gym Facility update—Director Lovering distributed an architectural rendition of a
possible facility arrived at in very preliminary discussion with Mr. Schermerhorn. On going
discussions will continue as this project evolves.
New Business
• Gurney Lane Pool Update—Director Lovering reported and distributed documentation on
the much needed repairs on this 21 year old facility. The plumbing and filtration systems
have begun to fail during the 2006 season and are now at a point if not corrected and
repaired, the 2007 season will be in jeopardy. After more than five weeks of searching
(contacting large commercial pool companies), the staff has finally located a highly regarded
and recommended commercial pool company in Schenectady (Clardon Pools) qualified to
do the repairs. Clardon Pools has completed their preliminary examination of the systems
involved (see file for backup documentation) and have begun to make necessary repairs
starting with the main return valve which was leaking. A motion was made by
Commissioner Mott and seconded by Commissioner Irish that the repair work is
emergency in nature and requests that Director Lovering make arrangements to
inform the Town Board of the critical need to continue making the repairs and to move
forward with a funding request
• to be allocated from the Town's Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund ($177,000
balance). All members present approved.
• Director Lovering reviewed the process being used in the hiring of the Recreation Program
Assistant Position. This included the Civil Service requirements and procedures,
advertising, and other policy requirements.
Committee Reports
• Budget Report-no report
• By-Laws-no report
• School Liaison-no report
• Personnel –no report
• Planning-no report
• Program-no report
Monthly Department Report
• Aquatic Supervisor Carr distributed a very complete report on Aquatic activities of the
Department thus far. The number of children (and adults) taking part in these activities is
amazing and further entrenches the resolve of the Conznzission for the need of an indoor
pool facility. Chairman LaBombard complimented Ms. Carr on the excellent report.
• Program Specialist O'Shaughnessy distributed a program summary for the fall/winter
programs. This also was a very complete and informative report showing future programs in
the planning stages. Chairman LaBombard also complimented Ms. O'Shaughnessy on a
well done report.
Executive Session—a motion was made by Commissioner Irish and seconded by Commissioner
Maine to enter into executive session at 8:37 pm discuss a personnel issue. Out of executive session
at 8:45 pm.
Motion made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Irish to adjourn at 8:57 p.m.
All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted, Approved by,
Joseph Fusco, Secretary Jack LaBombard, Chairman