2007-10-02 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the October 2, 2007 regular meeting held at the Town of
Queensbury Supervisor's Conference Room.
Chairman LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7: 06 pm
Roll Call:
• Present— Commissioners LaBombard, Maine, Smith
• Excused—Commissioners Irish, Conboy, Mott, Fusco
• Staff—Director Lovering,
• Guests—none
Due to a lack of quorum, no official business took place. The
Commissioners and staff present informally discussed and reviewed the
following topics:
• Ridge/Jenkinsville Park Project - the Director provided an update of
work accomplished to date and outlined the work that remained.
• 2008 Revised Budget - Discussion was held concerning the upcoming
meeting with the Town Board.
• Gurney Lane Projects - The Director reviewed a number of ongoing
projects and provided a written overview with pictures.
• West End Park - The upcoming project was briefly discussed in terms
of funding and a general time-line.
• YMCA Meeting - Discussion of a recent meeting held between David
Kisselback (YMCA Executive Director), Jack LaBombard and Steve
Lovering with regard to the interest in joint community center
Approval of Minutes:
Due to a lack of quorum, no official business was completed and therefore, no approvals of
the September or October minutes were made. The September and October minutes will
be reviewed and approved at the November 6t" meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted Approved by
Steven Lovering Jack LaBombard
Director of Parks Et Recreation Chairman