2007-01-02 Queensbury Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the January 2, 2007 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury, Supervisor's
Conference Room
Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 6:58p.m.
Present: Commissioners Conboy, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Mott
Staff Present: Director Lovering, Aquatic Supervisor Carr, Program Specialist O'Shaughnessy Q-
Club Coordinator Baertschi
Guests: Richard Schermerhorn, Schermerhorn Construction
Approval of the Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes
from the December 12, 2006 meeting and to place on file. All members present approved.
Note: discussion with Rich Schermerhorn began at 7.15 regarding various options for pool
construction. This will be recorded under Neiv Business below.
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
• Letter to Paul Etu from Director Lovering thanking him for his years of service to the
Department of Parks and Recreation and Recreation Commission.
• E-mail from Director Lovering to Personnel Committee regarding personnel change
recommendation. (Note: this recommendation was approved by the Commission at the
12/12/06 meeting).
• Letter and e-mails from Warren County Conservation Council, Rick Haag, Secretary and
Director Lovering regarding a request to reopen Glen Lake boat launch area during the
winter for ice fishing. Brief discussion about liability concerns and what, if anything, could
be done to lessen or remove these concerns.
• Letter/memo from Margret Sing Smith, Warren County Youth Bureau informing Supervisor
Stec of matching fund grant in the amount $8,500 awarded for 2007.
• E-mail from Director Lovering to the Commission regarding pool proposal from Rich
Schermerhorn who will present it at the January 2, 2007 meeting.
• E-mail from Program Specialist O'Shaughnessy to Supervisor Stec requesting a spot on the
Town Board agenda at the workshop meeting scheduled for January 1611'
• Budget Control Report as of 12/27/2006 distributed
• 2007 meeting schedule distributed
Unfinished Business
• Ridge/Jenkinsville ParkA project timeline was distributed and discussed by Director
Lovering (see file for copy). Chairman LaBombard appointed Commissioner Conboy to
coordinate and lead this project forward. The Commission will meet with the Town Board
at their workshop meeting on January 16th to review the project and request approval for
funding at the February 5th meeting of the Town Board. A motion was made by
Commissioner Conboy, seconded by Commissioner Irish to present to the Town Board
on January 16th phase 2 of the Ridge/Jenkinsville Master Plan, i.e.: the development of
6 athletic fields in a 2 stage project spreading capital costs over a two year period. All
members present approved.
• West End Park Master Plan as developed by Jim Miller presented and briefly discussed.
This will be further discussed as part of our Long Range Planning process. A motion was
made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Irish to approve the Master
Plan for West End Park Renovation at an approximate cost of$202,554. All members
present approved.
• Riverside Park Master Plan—Director Lovering has met with BOCES personnel reviewing
the worksite and expected outcome. A contract with BOCES will be forthcoming.
New Business
Developer Rich Schermerhorm presented a concept involving the Adirondack Nautilus building
on Glenwood Avenue, proposing to renovate the existing building to include an 8 lane pool
which he would then lease to the Recreation Commission. A lengthy discussion followed
involving the pros and cons of such a proposal. From this discussion evolved the idea of Mr.
Schermerhorn possibly building a recreation center (pool, gym and other amenities) on property
owned by the town adjacent to the Town Hall. The property would be leased to Mr.
Schermerhorn who would then lease the building back to the Recreation Commission. It was
agreed this plan merited further exploration and discussion. Mr. Schermerhorn will met with
Director Lovering to develop some preliminary designs, conceptual drawings and cost
estimates. Also needed would be how this concept can be implemented legally to the benefit of
both parties.
Committee Reports
• Budget Report-no report
• By-Laws-no report
• School Liaison-no report
• Personnel –no report
• Planning-no report
• Program-no report
Monthly Department Report–weather is an issue with skating program. Brief report from Ms.
Carr and Ms. Baertschi on Q- club activity.
Motion made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Irish to adjourn at 9:20 p.m.
All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted, Approved by,
Joseph Fusco, Secretary Jack LaBombard, Chairman