1989-05-15 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MAY 15, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, Iv1ay 15, 1989, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Vice-Chairman LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, LaBombard, Lettus, Simmonds, Sperry and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Councilman Montesi, Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioner Labatore VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Bly moved to approve the minutes of the March 27, 1989 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Director temporarily assumed the office of Chairman and requested nominations for the positions of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the Recreation Commission for the one year period, April 1989 - April 1990. Commissioner LaBombard nominated Commissioner Simmonds as Chairman and it was seconded by Commissioner Sperry. There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed and Commissioner Simmonds was unanimously elected by voice vote. Commissioner Bly nominated Commissioner Sperry for the position of Vice-Chairman and it was seconded by Commissioner Teti and unanimously approved after no further nominations. Commissioner Teti was nominated and unanimously re-appointed as Secretary to the Recreation Commission for the same 12 month period. COMMUNICA TIONS The Commission reviewed the 2 items of correspondence inclµded in the monthly packet and there were comments on the Supervisor's letter which addressed the subject of having the Citizen's Advisory Committee on Environmental Issues assist with the -2- development of the Hiland Park parcel. The Director pointed out that the Town, under the terms of the properties acquisition was not permitted to make any improvements to the parcel until 1991. Therefore, to involve the Citizen's Advisory Committee at this point in time would seem to be a little premature. There was further discussion on the subject and the consensus was that the Advisory Committee be contacted and that, if possible, a joint meeting be scheduled some time in the fall. The second item of correspondence was also from the Supervisor and was in regard to reducing the cost of the Hovey Pond project. The Director briefly updated the Commission with regard to this project. He explained that a special bulldozer (LGP - low ground pressure) had been rented and was presently working at leveling off the piles of sewer project waste material which were on site. Furthermore, it was pointed out that this was a necessary first step in order to correct the situation which had been allowed to get out of hand since last fall. The Director mentioned that this "cleaning up" would probably take 2-4 months and in the meantime, Murman Associates, would have an opportunity to thoroughly evaluate this park project. There- after, at some point this fall, the Town could then make the decision to either continue or possibly cancel the project based on input from Murman Associates. Councilman Montesi pointed out that the latest project cost estimates were in the $800,000. range and that the Commission and the Board might find it hard to spend such a large amount of limited recreation dollars for this type of project. The Director reiterated that his plan was to inexpensively clean up the area while buying time for the Master Plan consultant to adequately evaluate this park project. There was discussion by the Commission on the Trout Unlimited proposal and the Hovey Pond deed and whether or not the Town could legally relinquish the 10 acre parcel inasmuch as it had been gifted by the Finch Pl"uyn organization with special circumstances involved. The Director mentioned that the deed stipulated that the Town must keep the park for a minimum of 5 years and that it had to be developed and maintained for recreational purposes. PARK PROJECT STATUS The Director outlined the status of the Department's park prójects and it was pointed out that the Ridge Road Park facility had opened for adult softball league play on May 8th (55 teams - 5 nights per week). He also explained the situation regarding outfield fencing, the concession area, playground apparatus and the general condition of the fields were also discussed. The Director mentioned that the park had officially never been named and that tentatively, it was anticipated that some type of grand opening/ribbon cutting ceremony would be conducted at the park sometime this summer. The Commission discussed "naming the park", including naming the park after an individual and it was the consensus that the park's name should remain Ridge Road Park. This was unanimously approved by all Commissioners in attendance and Councilman Montesi also agreed. With regard to a grand opening ceremony, Councilman Montesi volunteered to carry the Commission's recommendation of a mid-summer cere:rnony to the Town Board for their input. The Director explained that the joint lighting project between the Town and the School was almost at the point of going out to bid. The Attorney was presently -3- working on an agreement between the 2 organizations and once this was signed and in place, the project could then be legally undertaken. The Director also mentioned that because of his summer program workload, that further work on this project would have to be delayed until mid July. The Director relayed that the 50 foot right of way to the Riverside Park parcel in West Glens Falls had been deeded to the Town by Mr. Carey, owner of Northern Distributors. Roadway and parking lot improvements at the Gurney Lane Recreation Area were in the process of being completed and should be finished when the park officially opens on June 26th. Improvements which are planned for at the South Queensbury Park site are also scheduled and should begin in mid summer. A number of Commissioners questioned why some of the park projects were just now getting underway and the Director explained that the Board had finally redistributed the capital/subdivision funds into the specific park project funds which the Director and the Commission had requested way back in January. He pointed out that it had taken this long to determine the total amount of funds available and furthermore, the Town Attorney, Bookkeeper and State Auditor could not agree on how the Department could legally spend this money. The Director anticipated that by mid June, purchase orders for specific park project items would be in place. NEW SUMMER PROGRAMS The Director outlined a number of new programs which he hoped to implement this summer. He explained, in detail, a children's competitive swim program, basketball program, 3-day football camp and an adult aquaerobicise class. Specifics for each program were explained and included times, dates, supervisors, locations, fees and other pertinent information on each program. The Commission had some questions regarding the competitive swim program and the program supervisor, Doug Gross. Commissioner LaBombard expressed his concern with the new programs and what effect the lack of school facilities for the first four weeks of the summer would have on all Department programs. Specifically, Commissioner LaBombard was worried that the Department might replace old programs with newer ones. The Director assured the Commission that he was aware of the four week shutdown in both the high school and middle school buildings and that he had coordinated the Department's programs with appropriate school officials. Furthermore, he pointed out that some programs would have to operate on an abbreviated schedule and quite possibly, in less than ideal conditions, but that the Department would make every effort to offer the traditional variety of summer programs and activities. Overall, the Commission was in favor of the new programs which the Director outlined and it was suggested that alternate facilities such as the YMCA and ACC be investigated as possible program sites. In summary, the Director reassured the Commission that the Pepartment would offer a variety of summer programs and activities including some new ones as well as the old standbys. -4- COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no committee reports and Chairman Simmonds requested that the Director compile a list for the next meeting of the Recreation Commission's standing committees. At that time the Chairman hoped that the status of each of the committees could be discussed and reviewed, especially in terms of some of the committees remaining active. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director distributed the Gurney Lane Recreation Area Nature Trail pamphlet and summarized Erik Rist's Eagle Scout project. He explained that Erik will receive a resolution of appreciation at the May 23rd Town Board meeting and that some type of ribbon cutting ceremony was scheduled and would be recorded by the Post Star later that same week. The Director reiterated that Erik and his fellow scout troop members had designed and created an extraordinary park facility which would be of benefit to the entire community. The Director mentioned that the Department was working with 2 other scouts on their respective Eagle Scout projects and that he would keep the Commission updated. The Director relayed to the Commission with respect to the Gurney Lane pool concrete repair work, and was confident that the pool would open on schedule for the Memorial Day weekend. The Director answered questions regarding summer staff personnel and the status of the Master Plan. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. The next meeting will be held on June 19, 1989 at 7:30 P.M., at the Town Office Building. ~1!!;.~dit~ Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director