2008-12-02 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the December 2, 2008 regular meeting of the Queensbury Recreation
Commission held at the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Supervisor's
Conference Room
Chairman LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7: 00 pm
Roll Call:
• Present— Conboy, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, White
• Excused— Maine, Mott
• Staff—Director Lovering,
• Guests—Eric Baldwin and Stephan Dorman Students from Queensbury
High School Government class.
Approval of Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Conboy, seconded by Commissioner Irish, to
approve the minutes from the November 4, 2008 meeting. All members present
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
• Monthly Correspondence
• Resolution Authorizing engagement of Aquatic Commercial Solutions
for Gurney Lane Pool repairs
• Letter from Director Lovering to Supervisor Stec regarding same.
• Reader Bravo in Post Star regarding Ridge/Jenkinsville facility.
• Budget Control Report as of 11/28/2008 Discussion -salary line item
explanation by Director Lovering
• Revised 2009 meeting schedule reviewed. No August meeting with July
meeting moved to later in month. Resolution passed at last meeting
approving this revised schedule.
Unfinished Business
• Discussion—Gurney Lane Pool repairs to begin on Wednesday December
3rd. Director Lovering explained the process to repair the loss of
approximately 3000 gallons of water per day.
New Business
• Discussion—Hooper intermediate basketball program. Changes being made
to make the program more compatible with Department philosophy. This
change is fully supported by the Commission.
• Discussion—South Queensbury Park lease discussion. Do we wish to end
the lease agreement?? Director Lovering reviewed the process and steps to
be taken to end the lease. This park gets very little use. Motion by
Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Conboy to begin the
process of ending the lease with the South Queensbury Fire Company.
• Discussion—Ridge/Jenkinsville rental fees (soccer/lacrosse groups).
Spirited discussion on the pros and cons of charging a fee to use the facility.
No decision made however this topic to remain on agenda for future
• Commissioner LaBombard requested a future report/listing of employees of
the Department.
Committee Reposts
• Budget Review
• By-Laws
• School Liaison
• Personnel
• Planning
• Program Review
Monthly Parks and Program Report
• Winter programs are underway
• Flooding of ice skating areas discussed
Motion made by Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Conboy to
adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted Approved by:
Joseph Fusco Jack LaBombard
Secretary Chairman