JUNE 19, 1989
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury, held Monday, June 19, 1989, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury,
New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioner Bly, Labatore, LaBombard, Lettus, Simmonds, Sperry
and Teti
Councilwoman Monahan (8:50 p.m.), Director Hansen and Recording
Secretary Wilson
Mr. Roger Murman and Mr. Jim Stephenson (Murman Associates)
In view of the Department's summer program workload, the Chairman suggested
that the Commission postpone discussion and approval of the May 15, 1989 minutes
until the July meeting and all agreed.
The Director introduced Mr. Roger Murman and Mr. Jim Stephenson representing
the firm of Murman Associates, which had been retained to update the Department's
Master Plan. Mr. Murman briefly outlined his firm/project team and then detailed the
Master Plan project. He explained that the study would be a 2 part affair which would
evaluate the resources of both the Town and the Department. This would include an
analysis of the personnel, finances, equipment and facilities available for recreational
use. He explained that this first section would be completed sometime in September
and thereafter, the second phase, the recommendation and plan phase, would begin.
He anticipated that the second phase would be completed sometime in November at
which point a report to the steering committee and subsequent public meetings, in order
to generate additional input and data would be scheduled. Shortly thereafter, the final
Master Plan report would be submitted to the Town Board.
Mr. Murman fielded questions from the Commission and explained that his organization
was in the process of compiling data which, at this point, has created more questions
than answers. He pointed out issues which his project team were looking at, including
possible overuse of Town and School facilities, the neighborhood playground concept,
additional capital construction, funding alternatives and the concept of user fees. Mr.
Murman explained that his team would begin on site inspections within 2 weeks, at which
time they anticipated not only looking at the Town's present parks and recreation facilities
but also assessing the unused property, which might become future recreation sites.
He explained that the Master Plan should be completed by January 1990.
The Commission questioned Mr. Murman with regard to public input via neighborhood
meeting and surveys and he explained that the latter was not a viable method of information
gathering and would not be used. Mr. Murman pointed out that the steering committee,
which is being formed at this time, would be the liason between the Town and his organization.
The Director mentioned that his letter to the Supervisor, which was included as correspondence
in the monthly packet, had suggested possible community representatives for the Board
to consider as steering committee members. It was anticipated that the steering committee
would be in place before mid July.
Chairman Simmonds and the Commission thanked Mr. Murman for his presentation
and all present expressed their willingness to help in any way possible.
The Director briefly reviewed the letter of recognition, which had been read by
the Supervisor and presented at the May 23rd Town Board meeting, to Scout, Erik Rist
for his hard work and effort with regard to the recently completed Gurney Lane Nature
Chairman Simmonds reviewed the list of Recreation Commission Committees
and explained that after discussing the matter with other Commissioners, that it might
be time to reevaluate the status of these committees. It was pointed out that it might
also be time to redefine the responsibility of the Commission as a whole and to determine
the job description of a Recreation Commissioner. She also emphasized that as Chairman
she would welcome ideas, comments/dialogue between herself and other members of
the Commission at any time. Along with this, the Chairman requested and was granted
authority on behalf of the Commission to schedule a meeting with the Supervisor in
order to express her philosophy and help determine the Commission's function/responsibilities
in the future.
The Commission discussed a number of issues including annual personnel evaluation
for full time exployees, possible Commission attendance at Town Board meetings, a
Recreation Commissioner job description, and the elimination of some of the committees
which are not active at this time. A number of Commissioners also expressed concern
with the Commission's limited responsibility and involvement in the areas of funding
and the development of new park and recreation projects. The situation at Hovey Pond
was mentioned as an example of how the Commission's input with regard to the development
of this facility had been misconstrued.
Chairman Simmonds summarized the discussion in terms of the status of the committees
and it was decided that the Summer Pl"ogram Review and the Joint School/Town Committees
should remain active. It was also decided that the Planning Committee, the Hovey
Pond Committee and the Riverside Park Committee be considered inactive until such
time as they were again needed. Chairman Simmonds pointed out that the Hovey Pond
Historical Committee had, in essence, completed its function and after thanking Committee
Chairman Teti for a job well done, this committee was eliminated.
The Chairman requested additional members for the 2 active committees and
Commissioner Sperry volunteered as a member of the Summer Pl"ogram Review Committee.
The Director distributed a Parks and Recreation Department funding recap sheet
which included detailed information on subdivision funds and the new facility project
accounts. It was explained that the project fund accounts were now in place and that
funds for work at each of these sites was being expended. Furthermore, he explained
that the subdivision funds including interest, had been put aside and were not being
used at this time.
The Commission questioned the Director with regard to whether the subdivision
funds could be expended and if the Director would have to go through the same request
process each year, and the Director replied affirmatively.
Chairman Simmonds suggested that as a change of pace, that future Recreation
Commission meetings be scheduled at various park sites in order for the Commissioners
to view the facilities first hand. The Commission agreed with the Chairman's suggestion
and it was the consensus that the July meeting be held at the Gurney Lane Recreation
Area at the regularly scheduled time. The Director will see that the Post Star is notified
and will remind the Commissioners when they receive their monthly packet.
The Director presented his monthly report verbally and detailed the status of
the summer youth program, the swimming program and some of the other lesson programs.
It was mentioned that the Department was still looking for a golf instructor and Commissioner
LaBombard volunteered to assist the Director in this regard. The Director also pointed
out that the situation with the use of Queensbury High School and Middle School facilities
was still in limbo, but that the Department was committed to conducting all of the
programs which were advertised in the summer program/activity brochure.
The Director recapped a recent meeting between he and the Supervisor concerning
the park at the South Queensbury Firehouse site. It would seem that a number of South
Queensbury Fire Company personnel were unhappy with the Department's progress in
developing the park. Inasmuch as Commissioner Lettus was a member of the Fire Company,
the Director requested his input with regard to this situation. Commissioner Lettus
and the Director disagreed regarding the park development situation and it was mentioned
that the Fire Company should speak first to the Department and/or the Commission
before taking their complaint to the Supervisor. Both the Director and Commissioner
Lettus agreed that there had, in the past, been differences in opinion and a definite
lack of communication. In order to insure that a similar situation did not occur in the
future it was suggested that the Fire Company speak directly to the Director or the
Commission. The Commission agreed that better communication was necessary and
Chairman Simmonds suggested that a future Recreation Commissidn meeting be held
at the South Queensbury Fire Company site.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. The
next meeting will be held on July 17, 1989 at 7:30 p.m., at the Gurney Lane Recreation
arron Simmonds, hairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director