2009-03-03 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the March 3, 2009 regular meeting of the Town of Queensbury Parks
and Recreation Commission held at the Town of Queensbury Supervisor's
Conference Room
Chairman LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm
Roll Call:
• Present—Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Mott, White
• Excused— Conboy,
• Staff—Director Lovering,
• Guests--none
Approval of Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Mott , seconded by Commissioner Maine , to
approve the minutes from the February 3, 2009 meeting. Discussion: question
about donated property off West Mountain Road. All members present approved.
Chairman LaBombard then turned the meeting over to Director Lovering.
Annual Organization Meeting
• Election of officers: Motion made by Commissioner LaBombard nominating
Commissioner Irish for Office of Chairman, seconded by Commissioner
Mott . All members present voted in favor. Discussion on length of term.
Motion made by Commissioner Maine nominating Commissioner White for
Office of Vice Chairman, seconded by Commissioner LaBombard . All
members present voted in favor. Motion made by Commissioner Irish
nominating Commissioner Fusco for Office of Secretary, seconded by
Commissioner Mott. All members present voted in favor.
• Review/change of Committee Assignments. New Committee List is as
• Budget Review-Chair Cm. LaBombard, Fusco, Mott
• Bylaws-Chair Cm. Maine, Irish, White
• School Liaison-Chair Cm. Mott, Conboy White
• Personnel-Chair Cm. Irish, Fusco, Mott
• Planning-Chair Cm. Conboy, Maine, White
• Program Review-Chair Cm. Mott, LaBombard, Maine
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
• Monthly Correspondence-none
• Budget Control Report-no change
• Employee Roster-no change
Unfinished Business
• Ridge/Jenkinsville Park Field Use Fee Schedule—draft #2 changes in
schedule highlighted in red ink. Changes stem from discussion at last
meeting. Schedule should be reviewed and updated as needed. Discussion
centered around ways to generate some modest revenue (concession stand)
and possible tournaments. What would be fair for all parties concerned?
Draft will be reviewed again at a future meeting.
• New Park Signs—draft #2—modified designs submitted as three choices.
Discussion on what design would be appropriate for each different park.
Should the sign reflect the use and type of park? General consensus was the
middle design is best for certain specific parks (see file for specifics).
New Business
Broomball League—discussion took place on viability of such a new program.
Extensive analysis submitted by Director Lovering. Commissioner LaBombard
thought this should be looked at and discussed. General feeling among
Commissioners is we are not taking on any new programs at this point in time.
Further, the costs do not justify beginning such a league.
Committee Reposts
• Budget Review
• By-Laws
• School Liaison
• Personnel
• Planning
• Program Review
Monthly Parks and Program Report
• Follow up items
• Glen Lake Dry Hydrant—not sure who is responsible for maintaining
• Budget Surplus Information—data submitted for four years
• Gurney Lane Winter Program very successful
Adjournment—Motion by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner
Irish to adjourn at 8:50 pm
Respectfully submitted Approved by:
Joseph Fusco Jack LaBombard
Secretary Chairman