1989-02-27 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY Z7, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, February 27, 1989, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Granger called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Granger, Labatore, LaBombard, Lettus and Teti (7:39 P.M.) ALSO PRESENT: Councilman Montesi, Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioners Bly (Ex.) and Simmonds (Ex.) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner LaBombard moved to approve the minutes of the January 23, 1989 meeting. Commissioner Lettus seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICA TIONS The Director reviewed the 3 items of correspondence, which were included in the monthly packet, and a number of Commissioners questioned the Director with regard to the installation of the wood duck boxes at Rush Pond. It was explained that this type of structure (wood duck box) served as a nesting site for wood ducks and would in no way impact the problem that the Town presently was experiencing at Ft. Amherst Road with the mallard ducks population. The Citizens Advisory Committee on Environmental Issues is attempting to create a natural habitat/wild environment at Rush Pond where the species of waterfowl can reproduce. The Director briefly explained the legislative alert information and pointed out that if the Governor's tentative budget is approved, the impact on recreation program funding through the County (Youth Bureau - Division for Youth), will be substantially affected. At this time, the direction by the Warren County Board of Supervisors is to "wait and see." The Director read a portion of the Trout Unlimited newsletter text and mentioned that there were a number of items in the newsletter which both the Director and the Commis- sion were unaware of; including the February 1st letter, the T.U. cost saving design changes to the project, a plan for landscaping, and a number of fund-raising options/suggestions. The Director summarized the correspondence and relayed that neither he nor the Supervisor had received a copy of the February 1st letter referred to. -2- MASTER PLAN R.F.P. DISCUSSION The Director briefly reviewed the Department Master Plan R.F.P. summary sheets which were included in the monthly packet. He explained that the R.F.P. had been sent to a number of consultants and in addition, had been advertised in both the Albany and Glens Falls papers and through the Dodge Report. Of the 13 firms who responded, 9 responded with actual proposals while 4 firms choose not to respond. The Director outlined the review committee procedure and briefly explained how he anticipated this group (2 Town Board members, 2 Commissioners, Senior Planner and the Director) would evaluate the proposals. Chairman Granger questioned the need for redoing the master plan in light of the fact that many of the park projects, which the Commission had previously recommended, remained uncompleted. A number of Commissioners also wondered why there was a need for a new plan especially since some of the items recommended in the 1982 plan had not been acted upon. After further discussion, the Director explained that even though much of the old plan was still valid, in actuality, the rapid growth of the community, including the projected increase in population, had necessitated that a new Department master plan be developed. Councilman Montesi questioned the Director with regard to some of the old projects and mentioned that he was unaware there had been very little movement on a number of these projects, since late last year. The Director explained that he had always attempted, through the Director's Report, to keep both the Board and the Commission up to date on the status of all of the Department's park projects. The Commission briefly reviewed some of the uncompleted park projects including the Ridge Road barn roof repair, the joint lighting project, and the construction of a basket- ball court at the park area in South Queensbury. The consensus was that these projects should be completed before any new ones are undertaken. In addition, the Director explained that a decision by the Town Board/Attorney, with regard to the expenditure of funds from the HII account, had not yet been made. In essence, therefore, the Director was somewhat handicapped in terms of spending funds on these projects without prior authorization. The Commission requested to learn more about project funding and the HII account and the Director detailed what had transpired since the Commission's/Director's initial funding correspondence in December 1988 (Department Capital Pl"oject List for 1989 - 12/7/88). Furthermore, the Director pointed out that the HII account is supposedly a "reserve account" and that expenditures from this account are strictly regulated. Nonetheless, the Town Attorney was still investigating the situation and has promised to render a decision as quickly as possible. The Director reiterated the function of the R.F.P. Review Committee and both Chairman Granger and Commissioner Labatore volunteered to act as Commission representatives on the committee. In summary, the Director explained that funds for the master plan update had been allocated in 1989 in the Department's operating budget and based on the responses (cost and time frame), undoubtedly could be completed this year. The Commission continued their discussion on a number of master plan proposal topics; including funding, the situation with the HII account and communications between the Director and other Town Departments. Councilman Montesi suggested that the Chairman and the Director attend the Tuesday evening meeting and meet with the Board in executive session to clear up some of these matters. Both the Chairman and the Director agreed and will be present between 6:30 - 7:30 P.M. -3- Councilman Montesi addressed the Commission on the subject of better communications between the Board and the Commission and mentioned that recently, a number of recreation related financial matters had come to his attention. He specifically relayed information about the possibility of 2 cooperative Town/City ventures which might entail the expenditure of Town funds. The Councilman explained that he was endeavoring to not only update the Commission but also to determine their input, inasmuch as both matters were related to recreation. The Commission questioned the Councilman in regard to these subjects (Fire Road ice facility compressor repair and Crandall Park ski trail groomer) and after further discussion, Councilman Montesi pointed out that additional discussion during the Tuesday Board meeting executive session would seem to be appropriate. In summary, the Director pointed out that the Town Board had the final say with regard to expenditure of Town funds. If the Commission wished to express their opinion with regard to expenditures from the HII Park and Recreation account, that was indeed valid and correct. On the other hand, expenditure by the Town Board from accounts other than recreation, were of no concern to the Commission and therefore, Commissioners could only express their opinions as citizens. Councilman Montesi reiterated that he would relay the Commission's comments, both as Recreation Commissioners and as individual citizens, with regard to the expenditure of funds. PARK PROJECTS UPDATE The Director briefly reviewed the status of the Department's park projects and there were no questions. Councilman Montesi briefed the Commission with regard to the recent meeting which he and the Director had with Fred Austin. The Warren County Highway Department may be able to assist the Town (Hovey Pond Pl"oject) in terms of mitigation compensation for the Halfway Brook/Quaker Road relocation project. Further information with regard to this assistance should be forthcoming in the very near future. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director reviewed his monthly report and there were some questions with regard to the children's soccer program, which he outlined. The Director explained that the Queens- bury High School soccer coach had approached him with regard to offering a children's (3-6th grade) soccer program either in the spring or fall. It was mentioned that this type of program would necessitate coordination with the school for both indoor and outdoor facilities and that these details were still being discussed. Additional information on this program should be available next month. Commissioner Labatore also questioned the Director with regard to a problem concerning facility usage involving the coed volleyball group, and it was explained that the situation had been remedied. The Feeder Canal Alliance project was briefly discussed and the Commission questioned both the Director and Councilman Montesi with regard to the expenditure of recreation funds for this project. Councilman Montesi reported that, to th~ best of his knowledge, no funds for this project had been expended and furthermore, th¢ Town Board could not use HII funds for this type of project. Chairman Granger expressed his views and mentioned that based on his recent observation of the actual site, that the cost to repair and maintain the canal might run into million of dollars. The Director also relayed that the map which depicted the proposed Feeder Canal park site was incorrect in that it showed the "Town -4- park" on property not owned by the Town. In summary, the Chairman expressed second thoughts with regard to the viability of this project, however, he explained that he would remain open-minded and await further information. Councilman Montesi commented that 2 Commissioners (Granger and Labatore) were due for reappointment this month and that the Town Board would act on the appointments at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:17 P.M. The next meeting will be held on March 27,1989 at 7:30 P.M., at the Town Office Building. ¿G~~er. Cha~man Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director