2010-11-09 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the November 9, 2010 regular meeting of the Queensbury Recreation Commission held at the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Supervisor's Conference Room. Chairman LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. Roll Call: • Present: Conboy, White, Mott, Maine, Irish, LaBombard • Excused: Fusco • Staff: Director Lovering • Guests: none Approval of Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes from the October 5, 2010 meeting. All members present approved. Discussion: Spelling error—"Reports not Reports". Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) • Monthly Correspondence • Letter from Steve Lovering to Adirondack Youth Soccer and Adirondack Girls Lacrosse League discussing 2011 Spring Field Use Request- Commission would like to see both groups use the facility. Steve will outline a schedule and propose it to both groups. • Email from Kathy Maiocco thanking the Commission for Hovey Pond Park improvements. • Invitation from American Legion Post 1797 and VFW Post 6196 Veterans Day Ceremony at the memorial site in Hovey Pond. • Memo to Queensbury Town Board from Jack LaBombard and Steve Lovering requesting Contingency Funds. At the time of our meeting, these funds in the amount of$6,725, had been approved. • Memo to Queensbury Town Board from the Recreation Commission regarding the 2010 Recreation Commission Projects Update. A few questions were raised such as field space behind community center, funding mechanisms for the future and funding through commercial projects. Commission would like to set aside time in the future to discuss these points at greater length. • Budget Control Report as of 11/4/2010. General discussion. • Discussion of Terms of Office. Commissioner Maine's term ends 12/31 and has announced that he will not renew his term. • Meeting Schedule for 2011. Looks fine by all Commissioners. Add another asterisk — summer meetings will be called on an"as needed" basis. Unfinished Business • Meadowbrook Preserve- Entire 1 mile loop has been marked, cleared of debris and is fairly well defined. This winter we will run a snowmobile through the trail for hiking or snowshoeing and will continue working on the trails in the spring. • Gurney Lane- Mountain bike trails are marked and have been trimmed of branches. New Business • Park Project Priority List- Discussion and Update. With budget cuts, 2011 will probably be a maintenance year where we will not be adding any new projects or programs. The Commission prioritized the list further into long term, short term and mid-range goals. Although we are not adding this year, most planning and discussion on the future needs to begin soon. Realization that time goes by very quickly and we need to be ready to react. Steve will re-prioritize the list according to our discussion and we will revisit the list in December. • Discussion of Athletic Fields usage and needs. • Seasonal Brochure. It has been mentioned many times by Supervisor Stec, that the cost to produce the seasonal brochure should be reduced. The Commission believes that the brochure is an excellent way to reach our community, yet recognizes the need to reduce cost. Discussion about other avenues to offset costs. Commission agrees to explore other monetary strategies to see if there are other options that may work. Additional Information: • 2010 Summer Programs Registration and Revenue. Discussion of summer and all programs offered and program fees. • WHBI After-School Parks and Recreation Club Assembly. All Commissioners agree that this is an excellent way to connect the Queensbury School District with our Parks and Recreation Programs. Committee Reports • Budget Review • By-Laws • School Liaison • Personnel— • Planning • Program Review Monthly Parks and Program Report • None this month Adjournment Motion made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Conboy to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm. All members present approved. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Lisamarie White Jack LaBombard Chairman