1989-01-23 ~ml QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY Z3, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, January 23, 1989, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Granger called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, Labatore, LaBombard, Lettus and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Councilmembers Monahan and Montesi, Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioner Simmonds (Ex.) VISITORS: Wm. P. Gates (Glenwood Homeowner's Group), Doug Kenyon (Glenwood Homeowner's Group), Dave Klein (Trout Unlimited), Chas. & Gaynelle Moore (Feeder Canal Alliance), John Peck (W.C. Soil and Water Conservation District) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Bly moved to approve the minutes of the December 12, 1988 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS In view of the number of visitors present, the Commission decided to review the correspondence included in the monthly packet first, before discussing the Hovey Pond park project. The Supervisor's correspondence to the Commission on the matter of communications was discussed and Commissioner Bly suggested, in order to insure better communications in the future, that the Supervisor possibly attend some of the meetings. Commissioner Teti also questioned the Chairman with regard to the need for his January 19th meeting with the Supervisor and Chairman Granger responded that he felt such a meeting was warranted in order to better clarify the communication situation. The Director briefly responded to Commission questions regarding the Feeder Canal/x-coun- try ski trail memorandum and reiterated that the Commission had instructed the Director to draft this correspondence at the December meeting. Chairman Granger pointed out that Mr. & Mrs. Moore had been invited to this evening's meeting and that it would be more appropriate to discuss this topic (The Feeder Canal) at that time. The Director explained his Gurney Lane roadway improvement correspondence, -2- which had previously been approved by the Town Board. The Hiland Park letter to the Supervisor (4/19/88) was reviewed and the Director explained his apprehension with regard to the DEC fishing easement and the 3 year restriction, which Hiland Park has imposed on any Town work or improvements to the Halfway Brook parcel. Councilman Montesi pointed out that Hiland Park had, some time ago, given the Town a deed to the property and granted the Department of Environmental Conservation, a 30 foot stream easement. Both the Chairman and Councilman Montesi mentioned that they were aware of the 3 year moratorium with regard to park improvements at the site. On the subject of the DEC fishing easement, a number of Commissioners and the Director expressed concern over the fact that the easement is not referred to in the actual deed. The Director explained that though the easement is mentioned in the April 19th letter, it is not specifically referenced in the property deed, which was legally executed in April of 1988. This surprised a number of Commissioners including Councilmembers Montesi and Monahan and the Director will endeavor to research this information and report back at a later date. The Commission briefly reviewed the other items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and there were comments on the Town's Environmental Quality Bond Act rejection letter. HOVEY POND PARK PRESENTATION Chairman Granger displayed the newest Rist Frost Engineering Hovey Pond concept plan and highlighted the many changes which are proposed. He explained, in detail, the walkway systems, the dredging plan, the sedimentation/detention basins and the bypass pipe. He noted that the size of the pond area to be dredged has been reduced considerably from the initial project plan, which the Morse Engineering Firm had proposed in 1986. He also pointed out the plan for parking off both Glenwood and Lafayette Streets and relayed that Rist-Frost estimated that the total project would cost approximately $880,000. In summary, the Chairman reviewed the past history of the Hovey Pond park project including the Commission's role and involvement since the 10 acre parcel was deeded to the Town in 1982. At this point, the Chairman requested questions and comments from Commission members first and then visitors. A number of Commissioners requested an update on the status of the sewer project/fill material situation and both Councilman Montesi and the Chairman pointed out that the sewer contractor was about ready to begin work. In essence, this would mean that additional fill material would soon be available, and therefore the pl"esent culvert pipe would have to be extended further out into the pond. This fill material belongs to the Town and it was explained that, if possible, it should be used at Hovey Pond. Councilman Montesi agreed to coordinate with the Highway Department with regard to extending the culvert pipe and leveling off the present large pile of fill material. The subject of the filter fabric material was discussed and it was pointed out that before further filling can proceed, and to insure against downstream siltation, that this protective type barrier be in place. The question of what to do with the organic material excavated from the pond was also discussed and Chairman Granger reiterated that it would be extremely expensive if it becomes necessary to transport this type of dredged material from the site. At this point, the Chairman suggested possibly filUng in the westernmost bay area of the pond in order to create a temporary on site retention area for the dredged material. A number of Commissioners and some visitors expressed concern with this alternative, -3- however, the Chairman pointed out that this might only be a temporary measure. The bypass pipe portion of the project was explained and discussed and it was suggested that installing this pipe first, might make it possible to then drain and dredge the pond to the desired 9 foot level. However, the Director and the Chairman pointed out that the pipe itself could not possibly carry the high volume of water, which usually occurs during spring runoff. In addition, the proposed pipe is scheduled to be located in the newly created shoreline on the pond's eastern shore. This new shoreline will be created by using a combination of fill material from the sewer project and dredge material from the pond. The Chairman also mentioned that considering the total cost of the project, if special interest groups desire to see certain portions of the project completed, that those groups should be prepared to take a more active part, in terms of helping to finance that portion of the project. There was considerable discussion by a number of visitors and Commissioners with regard to the value of the dredged material and how it might be removed more economically. A Trout Unlimited representative requested to know if the highly organic dredged material could be removed and sold, or if a contractor could be hired to excavate the fill material for free. Chairman Granger pointed out that the material was highly acidic and that in order to be valuable as topsoil at a later date, that it would necessitate a substantial cost in both chemicals and time. A number of Commissioners and visitors questioned the Chairman with regard to the total cost for the project and wondered if the engineer was going to break the cost down further into specific items. The Chairman noted that the dredging portion of the project was projected to be approximately 50-60% of the total cost. In addition, the cost for the installation of the detention basins was projected at approximately 12% while the bypass pipe was estimated to be about 7 % of the total cost. Mr. Peck questioned the Chairman with regard to a number of topics including the sedimentation basins, the bypass pipe and the filter fabric, which DEC had required in the Article 15 permit. He pointed out that his office could provide technical assistance similar to that which was provided in the 1982 Resource, Conservation and Development study. As a matter of fact, he suggested that the 1982 plan be dusted off, so to speak, with updated cost estimates and be re-submitted. On the subject of funding, Mr. Gates, representing a Glenwood homeowner's group, relayed that the Supervisor, at a previous meeting, had mentioned that funds for this project were available. In addition, both Mr. Gates and Mr. Kenyon questioned the Chairman with regard to filling in the western bay area of the pond and the Chairman responded that this might be necessary in order to help reduce the total cost for the project. Furthermore, Councilman Montesi explained that a dragline operation would be expensive and that in view of the pond's size and configuration, that the use of a dragline was not feasible. He reiterated that because work on the sewer project had again begun, that there was an immediate need to find a location where this excavated material could be deposited. Mr. Gates, on behalf of the Glenwood homeowner's group, mentioned that their group was adamant in the desire to see that the area remain a pond, a natural area. There was further discussion on all aspects of the project including possible funding and the Warren County project to widen Quaker Road, and it was mentioned that the latter will impact the pond project somewhat. In summary, the Chairman presented a brief synopsis of the Department's 1989 park projects which included improvements to the park facilities at Gurney Lane, Ridge Road, West End, South Queensbury, and the Queensbury School lighting plan. -4- Mr. Kenyon questioned the Chairman with regard to the Glenwood Avenue property, which the Town is purchasing from Mrs. Pierce, and inquired as to the Town's plan for patron parking on Glenwood Avenue. Mr. Klein also inquired with regard to the amount of fill material which was planned for on the Glenwood Avenue side of the pond. Chairman Granger pointed out that Glenwood Avenue is a county road and that additional fill would improve the flood situation by stabilizing the pond's eastern bank. The additional fill would also help to create substantial shoreline off Glenwood which might then be used as a small parking area. The Chairman was asked by Dr. Braico to detail some of the tentative cost figures which Rist-Frost had outlined. Councilman Montesi reminded everyone that these tentative figures were received less than a week ago and that in view of the projected cost, that the engineer had been instructed to reevaluate some of the figures. The Councilman also outlined the situation with the Queensbury Central Fire Company and detailed the upcoming information meeting scheduled with Fred Austin of the Warren County Highway Department. Mr. Peck again mentioned the RC & D plan and possible funding through a WC Soil and Water Conservation Grant program. The Director requested that Mr. Peck clarify his statement and after additional questioning, he confirmed that the WC Soil and Water Conservation District did not have a grant program per se, but would be hiring an individual who would help the Town locate possible sources of grant funding. The Chairman again summed up the Hovey Pond park project and a number of Commissioners requested to know the next step. He explained that, at this point in time, the engineer has been instructed to reevaluate the project in terms of its cost benefit ratio. Likewise, the Commission would also have to look at the cost of the project compared to other park projects. The Director mentioned that the sewer project engineer would again be contacting the Department shortly regarding the use of the site as a dumping area. A number of Commissioners suggested that the park project engineer be available at the next meeting in order to help the Commission make some decisions. The Chairman explained that because of the cost factor, the engineer had not been asked to attend this evening's meeting. The Chairman thanked all in attendance for their input and explained that the Commission would reevaluate the project and hopefully make a determination, as quickly as possible. FEEDER CANAL ALLIANCE PRESENTATION The Chairman welcomed Mr. & Mrs. Moore, who were present, at his request, to further outline the Feeder Canal Alliance Pl"oject. Mrs. Moore distributed a packet of information about the canal and explained the project. She mentioned that the $5000. Town donation would help fund the writing of a master plan for the project. A number of Commissioners questioned Mrs. Moore with respect to the recl"eational opportunities for residents, which this project might create. There was further discussion on the use of the canal as both a passive and active recreation site and Chairman Granger pointed out that the Commission had previously recommended approval to the Town Board, with regard to this project. Mr. and Mrs. Moore thanked the Commission for their support and pointed out that the ultimate goal of the Alliance was to cre,ate either a state or municipal park. The Chairman thanked them for their presentation and there was no further discussion. -5- COMMISSION MEETING DATES SCHEDULE The Director reviewed the 1989 Recreation Commission Meeting Date Schedule and he pointed out that there were 2 conflicts. The March meeting conflicts with the annual NYS Recreation and Park Society Conference and the School's spring vacation schedule (Director's vacation) will affect the April meeting. Chairman Granger discussed the possibility of changing the previously scheduled dates and it was the consensus that the March 20th meeting be postponed and rescheduled on March Z7th. Furthermore, it was agreed that the April meeting would be postponed indefinitely and that a final decision on the need for an April meeting would be determined at the meeting on March 27th. At this point, the 2 page preliminary construction Hovey Pond cost estimates were distributed by the Director for the Commission's perusal. The Chairman explained that Rist-Frost had projected these costs at a previous meeting and that afterwards, the engineer had been instructed to reevaluate the total project in terms of cutting costs. DEPARTMENT MASTER PLAN REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Director briefly reviewed the draft Master Plan R.F.P. and pointed out that unless there were of negative comments, that the Department would immediately advertise for proposals from qualified consultants to develop a new Department Master Plan. The Commission approved the draft and instructed the Director to move as quickly as possible, in this regard. COMMITTEE REPORT The Director reported that the Summer Youth Pl"ogram Review Committee, at their meeting in January, had discussed and unanimously recommended to approve the 1988 Summer Youth Pl"ogram Report. Chairman Granger accepted the Committee's report and suggested that the Commission draft a letter of commendation to Pat Borgos, (1988 Summer Youth Pl"ogram Coordinator), author of the report. The Chairman's suggestion was unanimously approved and he volunteered to draft the letter. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The monthly Director's Report was discussed and the significance of the Director having to complete a civil service exam was questioned. Councilwoman Monahan requested additional information on the Master Plan/R.F.P. and inquired as to who would be included in the interview process. The Director responded that his (12/21/88) memo to the Supervisor had suggested that 2 Town Councilmen, 2 Recreation Commissioners, the Senior Planner ' and the Director comprise the committee to conduct the interviews and that this had been approved by the Supervisor. The Chairman requested some information on the new Town Activity Center and if all groups using the facility were being charged a fee. Councilwoman Monahan mentioned that the Senior Club, because they had donated money to the building, were not charged for usage. Councilwoman Monahan further explained that a building committee to oversee the building's operation was in place to make those types of decisions. The Commission viewed the Musco lighting video cassette tape which showed graphically, the problem of lighting spillage. It was pointed out that light spiUage is a condition which -6- may affect the joint lighting project at the Queensbury School athletic facility. Therefore, the Director chose to show the film in order to make the Commission aware of this particular lighting situation. The Commission was impressed with the video and agreed that a lighting system, which significantly reduces spillage, might certainly be warranted, especially at this location. ere being no urther business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:06 P.M. The eld on Feb ary 27th at 7:30 P.M., at the Town Office Building. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director