DECEMBER l2, 1988
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recre tion Commission
of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, December 12, 1988, at the
Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman
Granger called the meeting to order at 7:41 P.M. I
Commissioners Bly, Granger, Labatore, Lettus, Simmonds,
and Teti
Councilman Montesi (8:30 P.M.), Direc or Hansen, and
Recording Secretary Wilson
Commissioner LaBombard
Commissioner Bly moved to approve the minut s of the November 21,
1988 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the mo ion and after polling
a~l Commissioners, the motion was unanimously ap roved.
The Director reviewed the 2 items of commun'cation included
in the monthly packet and a number of Commission rs requested addi-
tional information on Local Law #8, which was re ently passed by
the Town Board. It was explained that this law 'ncreased from $250.
- $500., the amount to be charged per lot, the d veloper of multiple
family dwellings. The Director reminded the Com ission that they
had been instrumental in the approval of the ini ial local law in
1986. A number of Commissioners expressed conce n that the Commission
had npt been consulted with regard to this incre se in fee.
Chairman Granger spoke on the topic of comm nication between
the Town Board and the Recreation Commission and mentioned that
recently, the Commission had not been consulted n a number of impor-
tant park and recreation matters. The Chairman pecifically pointed
out the recreation fee increase, the Trout Unlim'ted situation,
and the circumstances surrounding Hovey Pond Par , as instances
where the Board has failed to communicate adequa ely with the Recre-
ation Commission. Those present agreed with the Chairman and it
was the consensus, that a letter explaining the ommission's concerns,
be drafted. The Director pointed out that he to had not been advised
until the morning of the Town Board meeting, wit regard to the
recreation fee increase. He relayed that he had talked with the
Supervisor and had expressed displeasure on behalf of both the Depart-
ment and the Commission, with respect to the lin s of communication
and that the Supervisor had explained that the 1 ck of communication
was an oversight.
The Commission discussed this matter , including Board
representation and possible attendance by Commis ioners at Town
Board meetings, and a decision on the Commission's letter was tabled
until later that evening.
The Gurney Lane Phase II Recreation Facilit'es "shopping list",
dated l2/7/88, was reviewed and discussed. The irector explained
that the list had been submitted to the Supervis r and that the
Board had requested that the Commission/Departme t prioritize the
list. It was explained that this was necessary ecause funding
for this year's capital park projects had been t ken out of the
Department's 1989 operating budget. The improve ents at Gurney
Lane had originally been a part of the budget in the capital fund
The Director explained the enclosed Departm
List for 1989 and outlined the situation with re
It was explained that funds from the HII account
in lieu of ", would be used to accomplish the cap
the Department had outlined in its 1989 budget.
the 5 park locations and the items planned at ea
cussed. The Commission questioned some of the p
was discussion on which of the items would requi
The Commission had concerns over the question of
and exactly how the items would be funded throug
The Chairman attempted to sum up the discus
that the park project items listed in the 1989 c
should be prioritized. The Director was then as
about each park project item and the approximate
for a proposal and/or engineering II could be issu
under each park project were reviewed and after
the Director outlined the following tentative ti
nt Capital Project
ard to funding.
"recreation fee
tal projects, which
The Director reviewed
h site were dis-
ojects and there
e engineering work.
available revenue
the HII account.
ion and relayed
pital project list
ed specifically
date when a "request
d. The items listed
urther discussion,
e table:
Gurney Lane Recreation Area: I
1 - new roadway/parking lot/new entryway bl~CktoPPing
2 - amphitheater construction - January !
3 - ski/nature trail improvement - June/JUlt
4 - park landscaping - July/August I
5 - new water hydrant/pool fill line - Apri¡
- spring
Ridge Road Park:
1 - ball field fencing - April
2 - barn roof repair - January
3 - park landscaping - in house
4 - park entry sign/planter - in house
5 - phase II project development - March
Hovey Pond Park:
1 - park development - January
West End Park:
1 - park landscaping/reseeding/fertilizing
2 - new water fountain/piping - May
South Queensbury Park:
1 - basketball court construction - spring
2 - park entry sign/planter - in house
3 - park landscaping - in house
A number of Commissioners expressed concern
projects and the Chairman reiterated that the co
and the projects outlined were only tentative.
are funds available, the Department would be abl
tional park projects. The Chairman also mention
works II project item, which did not exceed $7000.
out. Therefore, items such as the Ridge Road ba
Queensbury basketball court, and some of the par
might fall under this category. Chairman Grange
provide information including a cost estimate fo
of a basketbal court at the South Queensbury Par .
of Councilman Montesi, Chairman Granger reviewed
Recreation Commission's concern over the lack of
between the Board and the Commission. He mentio
a number of instances and advised Councilman Mon
sion would be drafting a letter to the Board det
over specific park
t figure shown
opefully, if there
to complete addi-
d that a "public
need not be bid
n roof, the South
landscaping projects
volunteered to
the construction
With the arrival
in detail, the
two-way communication
ed and explained
esi that the Commis-
iling these concerns.
The Chairman quickly reviewed the list of 1 89 park projects,
including a tentative time schedule, for Council an Montesi's benefit.
The roadway parking project at Gurney Lane was d scussed and the
Director was instructed to draft a letter to the I Town Board detailing
this project. There was further discussion on other Gurney Lane
Phase II park projects and how a firm to engineet this project would
be hired. Councilman Montesi mentioned that onlt the Board can
hire an engineering firm, however, Chairman Granter mentioned that
he hoped the Director and members of the Commiss on would be involved
in the process. The Director explained that he ad drafted a Hovey
-4- I
Pond Engineering request for proposal and had evtluated and recom-
mended the engineering firm to do that project.
Commissioner Labatore again reaffirmed his esire to see the
landscaping at Ridge Road Park completed, as quiþkly as possible,
this spring. Chairman Granger explained the Depþrtment's list of
priorities and both he and the Director promisedl_to do as much of
the park landscaping as possible, prior to summer activities.
Thè list of current Recreation Commission P~oject committees
was reviewed and Commissioner Simmonds volunteer d to accept the
vacant chairmanship of the Summer Program Review Committee. Commis-
sioner Labatore also volunteered to assist on thþ Planning Committee.
The subject of updating the Department's Ma
briefly discussed and the Director explained tha
that he and members of the Commission would inte
recommend to the Town Board a firm to complete t
Montesi agreed with this idea, especially in lig
current work load and schedule and will explain
at their next meeting. I
The Chairman briefly highlighted the functifn of each of the
Commission committees and outlined his committeefexpectations for
1989. The Commission was also updated with rega d to the Hovey
Pond project and the status of the joint School/ own lighting project.
The Glens Falls Feeder Canal project inform.tion, which was
included in the monthly packet, was reviewed by the Director. The
Director explained the Feeder Canal Alliance's p an and relayed
that the Supervisor/Town Board were requesting i put from the Commis-
sion with regard to this project. After some di cussion, the Commis-
sion agreed that the project had merit and that he Town should
lend its support as a contributor in order to he p underwrite a
Master plan for this plan. However, the Commiss on was adamant,
in that funding for this project should not be t ken from either
the Department's operating budget or the special HII account. The
Director was instructed to draft a letter to the Supervisor to this
effect. I
ter Plan was also
he anticipated
view and ultimately
is task. Councilman
t of the Town Board's
his to the Board
The Commission reviewed the tentative list qf 1989 meeting
dates and the Chairman requested to know why the Idates in January,
February, April and December had been changed. ~t was explained
that the 3rd Monday in each of those 4 months was either a national
holiday or a school vacation and that it might b~ inconvenient to
hold a Commission meeting on those evenings. Th~ majority concurred
and the list of tentative dates was approved by ~otion/vote, (Commis-
sioners Teti/Labatore) and will be appropriately! advertised and
distributed to all interested parties after the ~st of the year.
· i
The Director relayed information with regar~ to a possible
cooperative effort between the Town and the CitYI concerning the
cross-country ski trails at Crandall Park. He e~plained that represen-
tatives of the City and the Town, in conjunction! with area retail
establishments and interested citizens, had met ~o discuss a number
of possible cross-country ski trail related imprpvements, including
additional user parking and creating/lighting a ¡'mass ski start
area". Councilman Montesi provided some additiopal background infor-
mation with regard to parking problems and the Y~CA' A number of
Commissioners expressed concern with regard to t e legality of the
Town making improvements to private property. T ere were also ques-
tions regarding the funding for this project and the time frame,
in that the winter season was right around the corner. The consensus
was, that before a decision could be made, more planning and addi-
tional information was certainly necessary. Sum~arily, the Director
was instructed to include the Commission's asses~ment/recommendation
of this project in the letter he is drafting to ~he Supervisor.
Councilman Montesi inquired regarding the s~atus of the 70+
acre parcel, which was gifted to the Town by theþi Hiland Corporation,
and whether there were plans to develop this par el in the near
future. The Director explained that the map of ~he parcel and accom-
panied deed had been received some time ago by t e Department. He
also suggested that rather than form another com ittee, that the
Planning Committee (Commissioners LaBombard and ~abatore) could
undertake to help to develop a park plan. The Cbmmission agreed
and the Director will forward a copy of the map ~nd deed to Commis-
sioner Labatore in order to start the ball rollipg. The DEC fishing
easement, which was mentioned in the Hiland Park property deed,
was also discussed and the Director will investi~ate this and report
back at the next Commission meeting.
The Director briefly reported on the status of the ongoing
park projects and on the variety of winter progr~ms which were sched-
uled to begin shortly.
The Director relayed that the summer youth trogram report would
be finalized shortly and distributed to the Comm'ssioners as quickly
as possible. Thereafter, it was anticipated thai the Summer Youth
Program Committee could convene a special meeting to review and
evaluate the report possibly before the next Com~ission meeting.
The Director reviewed the Department's wintþr program flyer,
which was included in the monthly packet, and th~re were questions
regarding the ski trails at Gurney Lane and the ~ce area warming
facility. As a final matter, the Chairman requeßted the Commission's
wishes with regard to a letter to the Town Boardl on the subject
of better communications. After a brief discuss~on, it was the
consensus, that the Chairman and the Director dr~ft a letter on
behalf of the Commission, expressing the Commiss~on's concerns and
desire to improve communications between the twO¡ groups. Councilman
Montesi agreed that the Commission had adequate ~mmunition in this
regard and volunteered to read the letter on beh~lf of the Commission,
at the upcoming Tuesday evening Board meeting. ~he Chairman thank~d
Councilman Montesi, however, it was decided thatl the Commission
Chairman should read the letter, as the Commissiþn's representative,
at the Tuesday evening meeting.
There being no further business, the meetin~ was adjourned
at 10:06 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Uanuary 23, 1989,
at 7:30 P.M., at the Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director