FEBRUARY 22, 1988
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission
of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, February 22, 1988, at
Chairman Granger's business office location, #10 Harlem St.,
Glens Falls, New York. Chairman Granger called the meetina to
order at 7:38 P.M.
Commissioners Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Lettus
and Teti
Councilman Montesi, Director Hansen and Recording
Secretary Wilson
Commissioners Bly (Ex.) and Simmonds (Ex.)
Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the
January 18, 1988 meeting. Commissioner Lemery seconded the
motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was
unanimously approved.
The Director briefly reviewed the Commission's (1/19/88)
joint lighting project letter to the Town Board and a number of
Commissioners questioned Councilman Montesi with regard to the
status of this project. The Councilman advised the Commission
that the project was moving along and that a joint committee
representing the School and the Town would be formed shortly
to formulate specific project plans. He also elaborated on
some project details including information that state funding
through the School District was not available for this project.
The Commission discussed some additional specifics including
Town funding for the project and who was responsible for the
maintenance of the facility and Councilman Montesi mentioned
that he would report back to the Commission once the Board
received additional information.
The correspondence from Trout Unlimited was briefly reviewed
and the Director attempted to summarize the specifics of the
informal meeting (2/3/88) with the Town Planner, Dr. Braico,
President of the Adirondack Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the
Director. Chairman Granger and a number of other Commissioners
questioned the need/timing of Trout Unlimited's plan, especially
in light of the current status of this project. There was also
considerable discussion on a number of the specifics which the
Trout Unlimited plan advocated, i.e. a stream in place of a pond,
creation of additional storm water retention west of the pond
and the funding sources available for the project. Furthermore,
a number of Commissioners questioned the motives of this or-
ganization with regard to the "park/stream project" as opposed
to the "park/project" and the Director explained that Trout
Unlimited was interested in improving the cold water habitat/
fisheries below the pond. The proposed parcel which the Hiland
Park Corporation is giving to the Town (subdivision regulation
fee/land trade), was also discussed. It was agreed that this
area borders a portion of the Halfway Brook tributary, south of
Haviland Road, and is an area where this organization's input
and expertise could be beneficial. Therefore, the Commission
suggested that the Director stay in contact with Dr. Braico.
The Commission questioned Councilman Montesi, as a represen~
tative of the Town Board, with regard to capital funds and the
projects which the Commission had recently recommended (Hovey
Pond recommendation - 11/87 and Joint School/Town Lighting
Project recommendation - 1/88). The Director was asked to explain
the miscellaneous contractual budget amount in the monthly budget
update which was included in the Commission's packet. They re-
quested to know if these funds could be used for capital projects,
Councilman Montesi also requested to know if the Commission has
prioritized the projects which are under consideration at this
time. The Commission reviewed and discussed the 5 major projects
(West Glens Falls, Ridge Road, Hovey Pond, Gurney Lane and joint
lighting) and the consensus was that all projects were important.
However, at this time, the park project at Hovey Pond was the
Commission's top priority. Councilman Montesi agreed to relay
this information to the entire Board at their next meeting.
Chairman Granger pointed out that based on his meeting with
the Town Supervisor, that the amount of capital project funding
which was available at this time was not sufficient to accomplish
all of the projects under consideration. Furthermore, he men-
tioned that the previous Town Board administration had inferred
to the Commission on a number of occasions that there were suf-
ficient funds available to do all projects. The Director also
explained, that based on his preliminary budget revièw meeting
(11/87), that a pørtion of the Department's capital fund account
was to be used tò supplement the operating budget which had been
trimmed at thàttime (approximately $16,000.). Councilman Montesi
volunteered to update the Commission at their next meeting with
regard to subdivision regulation fees which have been received
or are due. The Commission agreed that available funding for the
completion of the park projects was extremely important and the
Director was asked to make every effort to determine up to date
income figures in these capital accounts and report back,
~ ~ _. A .",
Chairman Granger updated the Commission on the progress of
Commissioner Simmonds' committee and the Director briefly out-
lined the Town's legal position with regard to the question of
a right of way to this Town-owned parcel. Attorneys for both
parties have been in contact and there has also been considerable
discussion between the Supervisor and Mr, Carey (Northern Distri-
butors) with regard to the right of way. Councilman Montesi
pointed out that if the West Mountain project becomes a reality,
that the Town-owned parcel, because of its proximity to the
project, would therefore become more valuable. Furthermore, the
Director recommended that no decision on the sale or use of the
property be made until a determination with regard to right of
way has been finalized. The Commission agreed and instructed
the Director to continue to monitor the situation and report
The Director reviewed the first joint City/Town meeting held
in January and it was explained that a second meeting scheduled
in February was cancelled in part because of the renovation at
the Town Office Building. Commissioner LaBombard questioned
some of the items which were discussed at the initial meeting
and expressed concern that future meetings might not generate
positive results. It was pointed out that much of what was
discussed in'the first meeting had very little to do with the
subject of joint recreation cooperation i.e. exchange of property,
exchange for water/sewer services, etc. The Director agreed
but explained that, for future meetings, the Commission should
only be concerned with discussing items relating to matters of
parks and recreation.
The Director outlined the tax information he had obtained
with regard to the Crandall Park City property, located in the
Town of Queensbury, and explained that, at this time, the City
pays neither Town of County taxes. The Commission also discussed
the City's watershed property and Councilman Montesi mentioned
that representatives of both communities were still investigating
a cooperative venture. After further discussion, it was agreed
that the Director will contact the Glens Falls Recreation Commission
for a joint meeting next month, provided negotiations between
the 2 communities have concluded.
A number of Commissioners questioned the Chairman and the
Director regarding the conversation which caused Commissioner
Bly to leave prior to the start of the meeting. The Director
explained that Commissioner Bly had stated that he objected to
the Queensbury Recreation Commission meeting in the City of
Glens Falls and would not attend such a meeting. The Director
explained the circumstances regarding the choice of Chairman
Granger's office location being used as a meetina site. The
Commission, after discussing the situation, saw no problem with
conducting the Commission meetings temporarily at the Chairman's
office location. Therefore, the Director was asked to contact
Commissioner Bly in hopes of remedying the situation and insuring
his future attendance.
The Director presented a verbal report and updated the
Commission on the status of all winter programs. It was explained
that, except for the ski trips (lout of 5 to date has been
conducted), all other programs and activities were going as
The Director commented on the 2 laborer positions which the
Department was in the process of hiring and anticipated that
the 2 full time positions would be on board no later than the
first of April. The Director also mentioned that the new Depart-
ment I-ton dump truck would probably go out to bid in mid-March
and that delivery would be sometime early this summer.
The Director highlighted the cooperative project which the
Department and a local Boy Scout troop will undertake this spring
at Gurney Lane. Two scouts, who are working towards their Eagle
Scout badge, must complete a community project and the construction
of a nature trail and a pathway at the Gurney Lane facility
would meet the requirements for such a project. The Director is
working with the 2 scouts and their scoutmaster and will keep
the Commission advised of the progress of each project.
The Director alerted the Commission with regard to a potential
budgetary problem yet this year. All seasonal part time individuals
who work more than 40 hours per week will now be eligible for
overtime pay (time and a half) and this could have serious con-
sequences in terms of overspending the budget line - personnel
account. Most college students who seek employment for the
summer do so because of the number of hours of employment avail-
able. Limiting summer employees to only 40 hours because of
budget limitations (not being able to pay overtime) would be
unfortunate and might very well cause good employees to seek
employment elsewhere. On the other hand, the Department's budget
cannot withstand paying overtime to seasonal employees and this
fact was not known when the budget was approved in November, The
fact remains that the Department will either experience a shortfall
in the personnel account before the end of the year or possibly
lose good employees unless this situation is remedied.
Councilman Montesi updated the Commission on some Town-
wide subjects including the Earltown project and the situation
with Round Pond. He suggested that the Recreation Planning
Committee again become active in light of the recent hiring
of the new Town Planner and Commissioner LaBombard and the
Director agreed.
There being no further business, the Commission adjourned
at 9:22 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 21,
1988, at 7:30 P.M. at Chairroan Granger's business office location,
#10 Harlem Street, Glens Falls, New York.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director