1987-10-19 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1987 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, October 19, 1987, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Vice-Chairman Lemery called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Lettus, Simmonds and Teti, Councilwoman Monahan and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioner Bly (Ex.) VISITORS: Dick Morse (Morse Engineering) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the Septem- ber 21st meeting. Commissioner LaBombard seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Director reviewed the correspondence which was enclosed in the monthly packet, including the proposed Gurney Lane No Parking Local Law which had previously been approved by the Town Board at their October 13th meeting. The Environmental Quality Bond Act (EQBA) application rejection letter (Ridge Road Park funding), which had just been received, was also discussed and the Director explained that the application would be resubmitted, a second time, in the 1988 funding cycle. Dick Morse updated the Commission regarding the Hovey Pond Project and reviewed the recent events which have occurred with regard to the acquisition of additional property (Pierce property) , adjacent to the Town's Hovey Pond parcel. He also detailed the specifics of the September 30th mini meeting (D. Morse, B. Monahan, D. Granger, M. Lemery and H. Hansen) which was held for the purpose of discussing and clarifying the two project options. He briefly outlined the two plans and explained the cost difference between both. In essence, Plan A calls for a larger pond area and would -2- cost approximately $4,700. more than Plan B, which would create a smaller pond and more park area (green area). The Engineer re- iterated that Plan A maximizes the pond's water resource while Plan B would create and emphasize a larger passive park area. He also mentioned other factors including the amount of additional fill material necessary in Plan B and the amount of dredge material which would have to be removed from the site if Plan A was chosen. Other concerns which were expressed and discussed included storm water retention and the total project cost for each plan. Chairman Granger briefly highlighted the correspondence from the Town Supervisor which advised the Commission about the possibility of acquiring additional property at Hovey Pond. It was explained that land acquisition negotiations were still underway and that no final decision had been reached. Both D. Morse and the Commission agreed that this new factor (possibility of additional property) would undoubtedly alter the present plan for the park, and therefore, any further discussion or recommendations by the Commission would be premature at this time. The Commission thanked D. Morse for his information and assured him that they would contact him once ne- gotiations for the additional property were completed. Chairman Granger also pointed out that the Engineer had provided information and completed work in excess of the original Hovey Pond contract and that this should be taken into acoount (possible compensation) by the Town Board. Following the Engineer's presentation, the Commission discussed how this new development (additional land purchase) would affect the total project. It was the consensus that additional property at the site would only enhance the park and therefore, the Commission decided to await the outcome (Town's negotiations) before making a final Hovey Pond Park recommendation to the Town Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner LaBombard reported that the Joint School/Town Committee would be meeting in the very near future and that he would have a report at the November Recreation Commission meeting. Com- missioner LaBombard (Planning Committee) commented that this Committee had still not had a meeting, because the full time Town Planner's position was still vacant. Commissioner Teti (Hovey Pond Historical Committee) reported on his Committee's progress and distributed a copy of a map depicting historical events which had occurred in the vicinity of the Hovey Pond site. Furthermore, he explained that he was having extreme difficulty in obtaining additional information, but that he would continue his investigation. Commissioner Lemery (Summer Program Review Committee) and Commissioner Lettus (Hovey Pond Committee) reported that their respective Committees had been inactive for the previous month. -3- DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director presented a verbal report and highlighted the co-ed volleyball program, the men's gym night program and the recent Senior Citizen trip to Proctor's Theatre. The Director also dis- tributed the ski lesson flyer and it was explained that registration for this 4-week program was now being accepted. The status of the Ridge Road Park Project was explained by the Director and the Commission was also updated with regard to the construction at the South Queensbury neighborhood park. Paul Naylor and Highway Depart- ment crews have been busy at both sites and have almost completed work on the parking lot, the ballfield, and the ice skating area at the latter location. The Director detailed the Department's budget meeting with Town Board members (10/6/87) and pointed out that he had been able to justify the Department's request for additional personnel and equipment in 1988. The subject of vandalism at Ridge Road Park was mentioned and the Director stated that even though there had been no trouble, to date, that fencing might prevent or at least discourage misuse of the park area this winter. The Director is concerned that the new softball fields may be ruined by unauthorized motor vehicle usage and would suggest that snow fencing be installed as a temporary panacea. There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 8:32 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 16, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director