1987-09-21 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, September 21, 1987, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chair- man Granger called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Lettus Simmonds and Teti, Councilwoman Monahan and Director Hansen ABSENT: None VISITORS: Mr. Alton Dubois APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Lemery moved to approve the minutes of the August 17, 1987 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS Chairman Granger introduced and welcomed Mr. Alton Dubois, who explained that he was present to learn more about the Hovey Pond project. Mr. Dubois mentioned that he was extremely interested in helping the Town create a passive recreation area at this site and would be willing to volunteer his services to that end. The Director reviewed the correspondence which was included in the monthly packet including; information about the Ridge Road Park project, the Hovey Pond permit extension and the Department's letter to Mrs. William Hall (North Queensbury Rescue Squad). Thecorrespon- dence from the Queensbury Senior Citizen Club was also reviewed and the Director was questioned with regard to the organization's suggestions and whether the cost to implement these items had been included in the Department's 1988 tentative budget estimate. The problem of facility parking (pavilion parking, staff parking, and parking for pool patrons) has been a major concern and this was discussed in detail at the meeting. The Director explained that the parking situation should be substantially remedied once the plan being developed by The LA Group, for the total expansion of the park, is completed. Commissioner Lemery inquired about a handicapped -2- access ramp at the pool facility and the Director explained that this too was included in the 1988 Department budget. Chairman Granger briefly mentioned Mrs. Ryan's correspondence which complemented the Department with regard to a number of summer recreation programs. HOVEY POND UPDATE The Commission requested an update regarding negotiations with Mrs. Pierce and Councilwoman Monahan mentioned that the Town Board, at their most recent meeting, had signed a letter of intent to purchase the property in question. After further discussion, the Commission including Councilwoman Monahan agreed that .based on what has transpired to date (ie. intent to purchase land, ENCON permit approval, preliminary engineering drawings, etc.), that the Town was now at the point where construction at the Hovey Pond site could begin. The Commission continued to discuss the project and there was considerable disagreement with regard to the engineer's drawing and what the Commission had approved during the Hovey Pond Project discussion, at the May 18th Recreation Commission meeting. At least one Commissioner pointed out that the acquisition of two small portions of Mrs. pierce's LaFayette Street property were not included when the engineer's plan was proposed and discussed at that meeting. Some of those present refuted this and it was explained that the acquisition of these parcels was critical to the total project and was indeed reflected in the discussion that had occurred that evening (May meeting) . The engineer's preliminary drawing which had been presented at the May Recreation Commission meeting was reexamined and Chairman Granger's initial pond sketch (tracing paper drawing) was also reviewed. After further discussion, those present could not unanimous- ly agree or completely recount what had been discussed and agreed on that evening, with regard to the approval of the engineer's tentative plan. It was decided that a subsequent meeting of the Hovey Pond Committee, Councilwoman Monahan, the Director and the Engineer (D. Morse) would have occur before the matter could be resolved. It was also agreed that such a meeting was necessary before the Recreation Commission could make a final recommendation with regard to the plan for the park at Hovey Pond. The Director was instructed to arrange a meeting, as soon as possible, and notify all parties concerned. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner LaBombard (Joint School/Commission Committee Chairman) presented a verbal report and advised the Commission that a fall meeting of this joint Committee would be scheduled shortly. Commissioner LaBombard mentioned that he had been in contact with the Chairman of the School Athletic Committee, as well as the Athletic Director, with regard to joint usage of athletic facilities. The Director reported that the New York Telephone Company had re- -3- sponded to the School/Town request and that based on their invest- igation, that the installation of a public phone on the School grounds was not feasible at this time. Commissioner LaBombard (Planning Committee Chairman) reported that this Committee had been inactive due to the situation with the Town Planner (no replacement). Commissioner Lemery (Summer Program Review Committee Chairman) and Commissioner Lettus (Hovey Pond Committee Chairman) reported that their respective Committees had been inactive for the previous month. Commissioner Teti (Hovey Pond Historical Committee Chairman) briefly reported that he was having difficulty finding information with regard to the history of Hovey Pond. It was suggested that Commissioner Teti speak with Mr. John Austin and also contact Mrs. Caroline Pierce, both of whom were knowledgeable with regard to historical information about the pond. Mr. Dubois also volunteered to assist Commissioner Teti in this endeavor. Councilwoman Monahan pointed out that the trash barrels, which had been used at the Oneida Church summer playground location, had never been removed. The Director apologized for the oversight and will have them removed as soon as possible. Councilwoman Monahan and Commissioner Lettus voiced their concerns over the lack of development at the South Queensbury Park site and relayed some of the comments which area residents expressed at the recent Town sponsored neighborhood meeting (South Queensbury area). Commissioner Lettus stated that no progress had been made at the site and that there had been many negative comments from Fire Company personnel with regard to the condition of both the ballfield and the winter ice rink surface. Councilwoman Monahan also mentioned that many area residents at the meeting expressed dissatisfaction with the Park's progress, and the apparent lack of commitment on behalf of the Town with regard to the South Queensbury Park project. The Director responded and pointed out that everything that had been asked of him by the South Queensbury Fire Company, had been accomplished. He noted that an engineering firm had been retained to draw up a formal plan, that marking stakes had been placed to outline the specific park facilities (ie. parking lot, pole barn/ pavilion location, etc.) and that the ballfield area had been initially graded as requested. In addition, the Department had furnished flood lights which the Fire Company planned to use at the facility. Councilwoman Monahan and Commissioner Lettus summed up the comments of area residents at the neighborhood meeting, and stated that the Town had not lived up to its commitment. In order to correct the situation, Councilwoman Monahan requested that the Director draft a progress schedule for the South Queensbury Park project and that in addition to it being presented at the next Recreation Commission meeting that it also be posted at the Fire House. Commissioner Lemery disagreed that such a schedule should be drawn up or posted and mentioned that, if applicable, such a request should come from the Commission. Furthermore, Commissioner Lemery requested to know if the Director was aware of complaints by area residents -4- with regard to the ballfield and/or the ice rink. The Director explained that at the June 5, 1987 meeting at the South Queensbury Park site, Fire Company personnel, Councilman Montesi, Commissioner Lettus and the Director met to discuss the park plan (as drawn by Morse Engineering) and the marking stakes which had been placed to outline the parking area, the basketball court and the location of the pole barn/pavilion. The Director pointed out that the Fire Company had requested that the structure was scheduled to be erected that weekend. The Director noted that, to date, the structure had still not been completed and he reiterated that everything that had been asked of the Department had been accomplished. Chairman Granger mentioned that construction of the pole barn/ pavilion had begun and that the Highway Department was hauling in fill material as a first step in creating the parking area. Further- more, the Chairman inquired whether the Department intended to share the expense of the construction of one of the two enclosed areas proposed within the structure. The Director pointed out that any expenditure of funds earmarked for the South Queensbury project were in the Capital Fund and could only be expended by the Town Board. Chairman Granger agreed to draft a budget of cost estimate figures for the Recreation Department's share of the construction (one enclosed area) and would submit it to the Director, who in turn will forward it on to the Town Board for their approval. In summary, the Director reiterated that the Department was most anxious to work with the South Queensbury Fire Company and that, in the future, if problems existed, that the lines of communication between the Fire Company and the Director were always open. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director briefly reviewed the enclosed monthly report including the monthly budget update and the Commission requested additional clarification of some of the 1988 tentative budget figures and an update on the status of the Gurney Lane Park expansion. There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 8:57 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 19, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director