1987-05-18 .' QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MAY 18, 1987 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, May 13, 1987, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, NY. Chairman Granger called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Lettus, and Teti, Councilmen Montesi and Monahan, Directbr Hansen and Department Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioner Martin (Ex.) VISITORS: D. Morse, B. Hague, T. Bigelow, G. Moran (Post-Star) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Lemery moved to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1987 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. HOVEY POND PROJECT UPDATE D. Morse presented a schematic of the Hovey Pond project and distributed a sheet outlining the cost estimates of the different portions of the project. The engineer's drawing included some reshaping of the pond, a number of islands, walkways, picnic sites and a wildlife viewing station and it was pointed out that the total project could be completed in phases over a period of years. The cost estimate summary sheet was reviewed and specific items including dam repair and the cost for fill material were discussed. The ENCON permit time frame was also discussed and the consensus was that if the project was begun this summer that the granting of an extension beyond the l-year time limit, by ENCON, would probably not be a problem. Councilwoman Monahan mentioned that she would take the initiative and correspond with Mrs. C. pierce, the owner of property on Hovey Pond adjacent to the Town-owned parcel. This was agreed on by the Commission and Chairman Granger requested a Commission motion regarding the engineer's proposed plan, stating, "...That we conceptually approve of the total project if indeed, we can facillitate or negotiate accesses across the parcels of property..." -2- Commissioner Teti agreed to introduce the motion and suggested that the Commission direct Councilwoman Monahan to negotiate with the adjacent property owner, Mrs. Pierce. Chairman Granger pointed out that this entailed land acquisition and was specifically a Town Board function and was not necessary or proper in the Commission's motion. Commissioner Lettus seconded the motion and Commissioner Lemery requested additional clarification regarding Councilwoman Monahan's limits of negotiations. Councilwoman Monahan explained that she would talk informally with the property owner and report back to the Town Board regarding formal action. After additional discussion, Chairman Granger summarized and re- iterated that the Commission was in favor of proceeding with the project as outlined by the engineer and the Commission was polled and the motion was unanimously approved. OUTDOOR EDUCATIONAL CENTER PRESENTATION B. Hague presented additional information including literature on similar conservation/education centers and explained the daily operation of such facilities and the funding criteria (construction costs) involved. The Commission discussed the possibility of such a facility and the Director responded that this type of project at Gurney Lane would undoubtedly be a consideration for the Department in the future (5-10 years). The Commission agreed and suggested that Mr. Hague contact appropriate School officials regarding this facility as a joint project on School grounds. After further discussion and information from T. Bigelow on a similar facility operated by the National Park Service in Delmar, NY, Commissioner LaBombard moved, "...To pursue this project. II Commissioner Lemery seconded the motion and it was agreed that the possibility of an outdoor learning center as a joint project between the School District and the Town be considered for the future. The Commission was polled and the motion was unanimously approved. In light of the discussions regarding this facility as a joint project, Chairman Granger volunteered and requested to be included in all subsequent joint committee meetings. CORRESPONDENCE The Commission briefly reviewed the correspondence included in the monthly packet and were pleased with the action taken by the Town Board regarding a change of title for the Department. The Recreation Commission's revised recommendation regarding the Hiland Park property was also reviewed and there were no comments. The Director distributed Commissioner Martin's summary regarding the joint School/Commission May 12th committee meeting -3- and some of the items were discussed in more detail. It was pointed out that the next joint meeting will be held on June 29th and at that time it is expected that more information will be presented on the cost to light specific School facilities, the possibility of installing a public telephone on School grounds and a student recreation survey. 1986 SWIMMING PROGRAM ANALYSIS The Commission reviewed the 1986 swimming program analysis which had been previously mailed to all Commissioners. There were questions in regard to some of the recommendations and the Director responded on the need for the additional picnic area fencing and a number of recommendations which had been made by the Aquatics Director, Terry Martin. Councilwoman Monahan had a number of comments regarding the swim lesson program including the diving lessons, participant information i.e. name of physician and the possibility of the Department purchasing a solar pool cover for Gurney Lane. The Director elaborated on his plan for the old pool site (picnic area) especially in light of the total acreage (120+ acres) which has the potential to be developed at the park in the future. Councilman Montesi expressed his wish to see the Gurney Lane area developed as quickly as possible and pointed out that he and the Town Board needed to be pushed by both the Commission and the Department. Councilman Montesi expressed his disappointment with the lack of development at Gurney Lane including nature trails, ski trails, etc., and pointed out that he, as a representative of the Town Board, needed more definitive direction from the Commission. Chairman Granger explained that some work at Gurney Lane is included in the 1987 budget and will be completed this season. In addition, the Commission, some time ago, prioritized a list of recreation projects and further development at Gurney Lane is not, at this time, the Commission's number one concern. Councilwoman Monahan clarified some of the original Gurney Lane pool project plans (parking lot, paving, etc.) and reiterated that the development of athletic facilities at Ridge Road was the Department's top priority. Chairman Granger further explained the Commission schedule of projects as was outlined some time ago to the Town Board (Immediate and Long Range Plans, 1/87). DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director presented a verbal monthly report and included a status report on South Queensbury project. D. Morse is in the process of completing his analysis of the Director's initial plan and expects to stake out the location of the parking lot and the pole barn shortly. Because of the liability consequences, D. Morse is being consulted based on his engineering expertise, for the major portions of this project. -4- The Commission was updated on the status of summer activities including the playground and swim lesson programs and it was pointed out that the Gurney Lane pool will be open and ready for use on Memorial Day weekend. C. Bergeron has expressed a desire to return for her third year as playground coordinator and Ms. Terry Alden, has applied for the Aquatics Director's position which Terry Martin has chosen to relinquish this coming season. The Director and the Warren County Plànning Department are combining their efforts regarding the Environmental Quality Bond Act (EQBA) application for 50% matching funding for the Ridge Road project. The Director briefly updated the Commission regarding the summer program brochure and also informed the Commission that a break-in had occurred at the Department's summer storage shed (School grounds) which resulted in the loss of a lawn mower and a quantity of athletic supplies. The Department may be able to recoup some monetary value, from the insurance company, for the loss of this equipment. . Chairman Granger suggested that there were matters to be discussed in Executive Session and Commissioner LaBombard moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 9:27 P.M. Commissioner Lemery seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Commission. Returning to open session at 10:14 p.m. Commissioner LaBombard moved to nominate Commissioner Teti as Secretary to the Commission. Commissioner Lettus seconded the motion and there being no other nominations or further discussion, all Commissioners were polled and the motion was unanimously approved. The Commission discussed the title change for the Director and Commissioner Lemery moved to, "...Ask the Town Board to change the title of Mr. Hansen from Director of Youth Services to Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation." Commissioner LaBombard seconded the motion and after polling the Commission the motion was unanimously accepted. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:18 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 15th at 7:30 P.M. Dale T. Granger, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Recreation Director