Application Area Variance Revised June 2009 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: 239.12-2-69 Zoning District: wiz Detailed Description of Project[includes current&proposed use]: will reduce the lot's size by 466+1-square feet. (Note that the original survey provides an area of 0.54 acre based on a tie-line dimension computation) Location of project: 7 Nnrviaw Tan.-Pt Or to Anoe.mhly Pt Ref,n 2 mil.to Arnytnn Tan.nn right 11 I mile to Nnrvitnu T Applicant Name: Michael Camtanucci Address: 383 Broadway Saratoga Springs,NY Home Phone Cell: Work Phone Fax 587-7700 E-Mall: Apent'a Name: Dennis MacEiroy Address: 4 Glens Falls Tech Park OF,NY Home Phone 792-8200 C811: 376-4485 Work Phone 761-0317 Fax 761-0317 E-mail dmacelroy@edpllp.com Owner's Name Address Home Phone Cell Work Phone Fax E-mail Town of Queensbury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queensbury, NY 12804.618.781.8238 1 Cantanucci - 7 Norview Lane Tax Parcel ID # 239.12-2-69 Variance Request - Boundary Line Adjustment Project Description: The subject property is a 0.56 acre parcel owned by Michael Cantanucci. The parcel is accessed by what was once a private right- of-way known as Norview Lane and consists of a single family residence and a boat dock. In zoning terms it is a pre-existing nonconforming lot due to its area being less than the 2.0 acre per lot requirement for this zoning district. The proposed project seeks to adjust the existing north end of the easterly boundary at the shoreline area. This boundary line is common to Tax Parcel ID # 239.12-2-70, owned by Michael and Kim Cantanucci. The purpose of this adjustment is to create the situation that would allow compliance with the 'navigational' setback (20') required from existing and/or proposed docks on either side of the boundary line as it extends out from the shoreline (or the line perpendicular to the shoreline tangency). The adjustment as proposed will decrease the area of the subject lot by approximately 466 square feet (0.01 acre) thus requiring a variance as it will increase the nonconformity of the lot. Refer to the Variance Plan, Sheet V-1 for a graphic depiction of this request. Note that the addition of a boat lift with a canopy to the existing boathouse on Parcel 239.12-2-70 will require a 20' setback to the new boundary line extension. This can be accomplished while still maintaining a 20' setback to the existing dock on Parcel 239.12-2-69. Area Variance Revised June 2009 Site Development Data Area/Type Existing sq.ft. Proposed Total sq.ft. Addition sq.ft. A. Building footprint 1270 B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure(s) - D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area 2000+/- - E. Porches/Decks - F. Other G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F] 3270 - H. Parcel Area [43,580 sq. ft./acre] 24,393 (466) 23,927 I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H] 13.4% - 13.7% Setback Reauirements Area Required Existing Proposed Front[1] 30 210+ 210+ Front[2] Shoreline 50 50+ 50+ Side Yard [1] 20 20.8 20.6 Side Yard [2] Rear Yard [1] NA NA NA Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor NA Height[max] 28 <28 <28 Permeability 75 >75 >75 No. of parking spaces 2 2 2 Town of Queenabury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queenabury, NY 12804.818-781.8238 2 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Additional Project Information 1, Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? No 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): 3. Does this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? No 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date 3/12 End Date 3/12 5. Estimated total cost of protect: 0 6. Total area of land disturbance for project: 0 Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) --The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size In square feet, yielding a percentage. Zoning;District Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 Commercial Moderate CM 0.3 Commercial intensive CI 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, Including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (6) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage doss not Include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be Included. (See"FLOOR AREA RATIO°). B. Commercial or Industrial: the total area In square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. Parcel Area 24.393 reduced to 23.927 eq. ft. Existing Floor Area 127o sq.ft. [see above definition] Proposed Additional Floor Area 9 sq.ft. Proposed Total Floor Area 1270 sq. ft. Total Allowable Floor Area 3240 (Area x 9,22 ) Lsee above table] Town of Oueenebury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Oueenabury, NY 12804.818-781.8238 3 • Area Variance Revised June 2009 Compliance with Coning Ordinance Requesting relief from SECTION: 1794040 A,(5)(b)[1] Need relief from the requirement(s)listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed. (Chock gat iowappeg ❑Setback ❑Huffer Zone ❑Lot Width °Other lot size The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets If needed. 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? No undesirable change will be produced or detriment created by granting this variance. 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method,feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? The benefit sought cannot be achieved with the requested variance. 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? The reduction in size of this lot by 466 square feet(0.011 acre)is not substantial, 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? The variance will not have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? The difficulty was self-created. Town of Oueenabury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Reed•Oueensbury, NY 12804.518-781-8238 4 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Submittal of a stamped and eland SURVEY MAP depicting existing and proposed conditions shell Include the Items as noted below. A OERa , Tr ON 1 Title,Name,Address of applicant&person responsible for preparation of drawing V-1 2 Deed attached 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID,date prepared and scale[minimum 11n.•40 ft.] V-1 4 Boundaries of the property plotted to scale,zoning boundary V-1 6 Principal structures,accessory structures with exterior dimensions V-1 6 She Improvements Ind.outdoor storage areas,driveways,parking areas,etc.: existing A proposed V-1 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing A proposed V-1 8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected structures NA B. WATER 8 SEWER SHOWN ON MEET:0 1 Project sewage disposal facilities,design details,construction details,flow rates,and number of bedrooms proposed NA 2 Water supply Ile.wsi]&septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or proposed onalte water supply and NA 3 Seepgo paration detentes for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies NA 4 Existing public or private water supply[well, lake, etc.]. Method of securing public or private water, location, design and NA construction of water supply including daily water usage 6 Percolation test location and results NA C. PARKING/PERMEABLE AREAS SHOWN ON 1 Number of spaces required for project Including calculations and justification: N tion: existing A proposed NA 2 No.of existing parking spaces,number to be removed number to maintain and type of surfacing materiel le.g.,gravel,paved] •'• 3 Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking: existing A proposed NA 4 Design details of Ingress,egress,loading areas and aping: existing A proposed V-1 6 Loudon and character of green areas[existing and proposed],modification to green area,buffer zone to remain undisturbed NA 0 Lighting,location and design of all existing end proposed outdoor lighting NA D. ADDITIONAL SITE DEVELOPMENT MD MISCELLANEOUS SHOWN ON Mir de 1 Onalte&adjacent watercourses,streams,riven,lake and wetlands V-1 2 Utility/energy distribution system]gas,electric,solar,telephone]: existing Q;proposed V-1 3 Location,design and construction details of all exiting and proposed site improvements Including: drains,culverts,retaining wall,fences,fire&emergency zones and hydrants,etc. V-1 4 Square footage of bldg. sae proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial activities existing 4 V-1 proposed e 8lgnage: Location,size,type,design and setback: existing A proposed NA f Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference specific items attached g Commercial/Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping,8tamwater Management,Grading&Lighting Plans NA h Identification of Federal,State or County permits required for the project together with a record of application for all necessary NA permits Town of Queensbury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queensbury, NY 12804.618-781.8238 5 1i` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY b - 41 742 Bay Road, Queenabury, NY 12804.5902 518.761.8201 • February 16,2012 Michael Cantanucci 383 Broadway Suite 403 Saratoga Springs,NY 12866 RE: Lot Line Change Tax Map No: 239.12-2-69 Dear Mr.Cantanucci: I am writing to you in response to my review of your plans for the project referenced above, and to document my conversations with your agent,Dennis MacElroy regarding the same. Upon review of the application that has been submitted together with the applicable sections of the Town Zoning Ordinance, I find that an Area Variance will be needed for your proposed project Specifically, the proposed lot line change creates an increase in the non- conforming lot size in violation of the minimum 2 acre lot size requitement fbr parcels within the Waterfront Residential; (WR)zoning district. Additionally,the proposed location of the "new" lot line creates a violation of the minimum 20 foot setback requirement to the exi sting dock on the property. • Finally, while the maps submitted with the application materials include a signed, sealed survey map, the survey is dated July 2005 and is titled in another name than yours and Anther the survey map does not depict the proposed property line revision. While the Environmental Design Partnership plot plan does depict the proposed lot line change,there is no specific metes and bounds information on the"new"line and the plot plan does not reference the 2005 survey submitted. Please note that these items will need to be addressed in order for your applications to progress through our review processes. Should you have any questions regarding the above comments,please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Town Queensbury nag Brown I Zoning Administrator CB/sh Enc. Cc: Dennis MacElroy Loots$rownl2ou Ias1Dmw C.oannooi 2 16 12,aoo • ROME OP NATURAL BEAUTY Y A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 Area Variance Revised June 2009 pre-Submission Conference Form 1179.4-0401 1. Tax Map ID 239.12-2-69 2. Zoning Classification WR 3. Reason for Review: AV toe TN6•Qb¢S /102/-Odi /%i i OW tor 2r 4. Zoning Section I: /79 3-cw0 S. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes; Outstanding ltemyfo Be Addressed Include: Deed V Yes _No General Information complete Yes _No Site Development Data Complete Yes _No Setback Requirements Complete _Yes _No Additional Project Information Complete _Yes No FAR addressed _Yes —No Compliance with Zoning Ordinance _Yes _No Checklist Items addressed _Yes _No Environmental Form completed _Yes _No Signature Page completed _Yes _No • mope Z 3/iE /aEO, 2 #79 — uOh4n e!AL.Ctdb47 J'Al TD "meddler kr 10,v1Q OC '-or i,2r • PM —ALE96.c AEUti • joy ccX 70 tyrni-otio. I re boc e✓s rN .P�rAtem ro Uceu AE0€cY i.mE • 4tatee c c/E Staff Representative: Applicant/Agent: v�Md TG7'( Date: �./y /Z Town of Queenebury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queenabury,NY 12804.818-791-8238 6 Area Variance Reviled June 2009 14154 n111S-Tat 11 • I PRaECr1D NuwEW I sine SEOR AppesdlE Q etas rwkenmsntal Quality Review • SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Per uNUmo ACTIONS CMy PART 1—PRGIICT INFORMATION(To be completed by Applloant or Project sponsor) 1. APPUCANT GAON10n Michael Cantanucci I I. fMOJICT NAME Boundary Line Adjustment 3. PROJECT LOCATION: 7,,�.,� MuN01patIty Q�m"u`7 ousts Warren 4. PRIOM/LOCATION Iarst adwss and road InMSUUaM,pmminet IudmArw,Na,or provide mapI 7 Norview Lane-off Brayton Lane,Assembly Point S. M PROPOSED ACTION: I2N0w 0 Wpanelan 0 MedIlleatketallsrallen I. Da10Naa PROJECT'REPLY: The proposed project involves a boundary line adjustment for an pre-existing nonconforming 0.56 acre(24,393 ' sq.ft.)lot which will reduce the lot's size by 573 square feet. 7. AMOUNT OP LAND A0P10T10: In111Wp NIN Oman Umm.yp re e. a, WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH IRlat)Ns ZONING OR OTHER O MNI LANO IMB RESTRICTIONS? Otte 111 No It NIA daaddMbriefly Existing zoning requires two acre lot size S. WHAT IS MNINT LAND UN IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? 2Na MsManEal 0 Industrlal O DeemMlal 0 AwNUlturo OPwlest wopm spas 0 O1e0/ Deserts 10. DON ACTION INVOLVI A MRMW APPROVAL,OR FUNDING,NOW OR ULTIMATLLY PROM ANY OTHER GOVIRNMINTAL AGENCY IPIDIRAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? One m tie If M.nal MmoRN and pamWappmsla 11. DON ANY ASPIC?OP THE ACTION HAVE A OURR WILY VAUD PNMIT OR APPROVAL? GYIP INNS If yes,GM slang name And PwmWwprowl IS. Al A RINLT OP PROPOSED ACTION WILL LDMTINO MMIITUPPROVAL RaMUIRI MODIPIOATION? Ea Wm ONO I OIRTIPY THAT THU INFORMATION PROWDID ABOVE M?IOM TO THU MT OP MY NNOWNDOE Apsuslyimsr same Michael Cantanucci Dalt 2/13/12 gwM 1•41'f1 SC.T LQCre I If the ashen Is In the Coastal Am,and you are a state agency,complete the Coastal Assessment Fenn before prooesding with this assessment OVER 1 Town of Queenabury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queenabury, NY 12804.818-781.8238 7 • • Area Variance Revised June 2009 •PANT 11,-01VIBONNI NTAL AMOSWIT(To be completed by Agency) • A. 000 ACTION motto ANY TYPE I TNROHCLD IN 1 MUM MM 111.0 if yet,ed.rdlnal1 the review omens sal use the PIM.W. aye OP a WILL ACTION REAM COORDINATED REVIEW As PROVIDED POR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 1 NYCH,PART SITS? N No,•nagedn7e laralen • may be superseded by umber imbed Holley. Chu ON. C.COULD quitI sw nhw OIbAeeoaATOwrc eL ra (Anthers If legible)Pr quality, la quality quantity, W Nalng taN patterns, W uctol or Wee s& potential for ueomn,asthma at flown/problem?twain bPMyt W.Aesthetic agricultural arohn.loolo,,hitherto,or Mew natural or cultural reewoed;or.ornmunby or ntlhberlmod shsr.otet SspWn Nefy: O1.%Seen n law ,fish,shellfish or wildlife apa.led,significant habitats,or threatened or endangered spedlevt alpisln brwlyl Ce.A oemmU.Nys Wallas plea ages as emits adopted,or•change M as or Intently M um el fend or odor natural raeewc.etbpltn briefly OL Srawlh,subsequent danlepmsn4 or read sotMllw Maly la M Mused by the proposed salient MOM bristly. CI Lone tem,short term,cumulative,or mew effects net Identified In 011317 Explain briefly. • C7. Other Impede Onslu ling change.In use of edhe quantity so type M ewgyyr SnplaM briefly. Dr WILL THE PROJEOT NAVE AN IMPACT ON Tall ENVIRONMENTAL CNARACTSMITIOS THAT CAUSED THE SSTASLISHMENT OP A CIA? OYed ONe L IS THERE,OR le TI MM LIKELY TO EL CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? CI Yea Ow. If Yes,explain briefly PART, Nl—DrIRUINATION OP SIONIPICANOI(To be completed by Agency) NflUQT10Ne Px sa nadverse sN.M ldantlfsd above,riliem whalhb N id subatantfel, wgs,important or othsrwlr signlnca t. tech stint dmuld be wens M sennnttn wbh ha W sedleg d...urb n b rural);Ip)probability mint W dundn;(d) IrrevsfslbIiltt(0 gsogmpmo adage(and(f)magnitude.If necessary,add abnnmmnts or o�Supporting matenala.Mauro that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all releven atone Impacts have been Identified and adequately addnsnL It quagga Del Pert 11 was evoked yes,the determination and significance must evaluate the potential impact of be proposed wilon on the environmental ohancterfetles of the 01A, O Check this box If you have identifled one or more potentially large or significant adverse Impacts which NAY occur.Then proceed dimotly to the PULL BAP and/or prepare a positive declaration. O Check this box If you have determined, based on the Information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result In may Significant adverse environmental Impacts AND provide on attachments as neseseary,the reasons supporting this determination: Some or Led A.eray NMI or Type MOM of M,pefN.N 0mw In Lean Alert TWO N Ire*anea.Meet Walton of Rit oailell Mier In Lea Away swam Of papaw(II linnet from remittal*.Minn • Cab 2 Town of Queensbury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queensbury, NY 12804.818-781.8238 8 • • Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 Signature Page This page Includes the 1.)Authorization to Act as Agent Form:2.)Engineering Fee Disclosure;3.)Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 8.) Official Meeting Disclosure and S.) Agreement to provide documentation required. Ones Amu Feat Complete the blostng If the OWNER of the properly Is not the same as the applicant Onmer. Deelgratem As sgst medic _Vtlana_Sue Pen_Subdivision Lot For Tex Map No.: Stir OMIIBttiIgNADeNE�.. _Book Pegs T _Pegs Date GATE Arta mmit'sAaslyFast Camplsts the blowing Mho APPLICANT Is untie to Sad the meeting or wishes to be represented by anohir pear Oars : Mid o e..r Daaiptatea: Doe Nag As agent regard rrG it Valence x Sib Psi Subdittion For Tax t a mock 'A Lot Deed - ,y' / i� w Pegs Ion We s OMER IONATURE Ii/7t) /AI� DATE - . • Applications rtry be reined to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design,storm drainage,etc.as determined by the Zoning or Pinning Departmerk. Fees for engineering review trice witl be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed$1,000 Clout notification to the applicant Si asuagggiagazgamaga By signing this pegs and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner,Applicant,and tdtAer/their agents)hereby authorize theJcnkp Board or Planning Bard and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. s i Omen reties auppNealLryraafe Other permits may be required for construction or'tram activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. it I.the applicant%responsibility to obtain any additional penults. jamagaugrawegagagaggint ft N the practice of the Community Development Depert ant to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tales constlldss the official record of en proceedings. h,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand tie Instructions r abmlwbn and agree to the submission requirements, I sdcnow edge no construction actiNtlss shall be commenced prior to issuance of a void permit I eerily that the applaud, plans and supporting materials we•true and complete statsmenta..cription of the sodding andirons and the work proposed, end that as work w8i be pained In accordance with the approved pans and in oonibn nenas Cl low zoning regWasons. I adcawledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents,wn.obtain a aAMcats of ocapency a neaseary. I also understand that live may be required to provide an as- it survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a I ha /1. 1 _ • the above. £! 1 /._ amnkmet'S 2/1812 1 ____ w 'Print Name{Applicant] Date signed •nature to - ana12 G4gentl Print Name(Agenq Date signed Town of Ouseabury Planning Ott 742 Bay Road•Oueenebury,NY 12804.618.7614220 11 I P J tk el BARGAIN&SALE DEED (vii ', TICS INDENTURE,made the today offemZberr.`3007 1\61 Between JANE IUD.I5ld ngal 1101 Tug Ave.Apt.2.Rolla.MO 65401,MARGARET ,r-?ti IZZO,melding at 185 Paisley Road.Ddiaton Spa,NY 1203 ,JOHN C.HUDSPATH.kMty dually . and ea Eleanor tithe EstateofKarh Y.Hudspeth.raatdhtgg at 490 Wimple Road,Oknmont,NY 12077. CHERYL M.ALVORD YOUNG.indiviunily sect as the Administrator of the Estate of Charles Frederick Yount', resifts at 612 site&'kk�101a13493.JmL..__...__. ._.. _-. .. . _ .a " 'YRUSTC6BANR.as Executnrof Estate o ecru A.Yours v n an office at 3 Samowskl Drive,Glenville.New York 12302.pocks of the lint pert.and MICHAEL J. CANTANUCCI. Iwving s moiling ntkfren of 358 Broadway, Suite 403, Saratoga Springs,N.Y. 12866,party of the second pat: W17NESSETH,'1'hat the part les of the brat pan.one of which, I'rustco Bank was granted letters testamentary by the Surrogan's Court.Schenectady County.New York for the Estate of Gertrude Young on May 1% 2006. another of which. John C. Hudspeth. was granted letters testamentary by the Surragate's Court. Albany County. New York Ibr the Estate of Karin Y. Hudspeth on July 29.2002,another of which.Cheryl M. Young.s lira Cheryl M.Alvord Young, was granted letters of adminbtratbn by the Surroptes Court.Warren County,New York for the Estate ofCharla Frederick Young on November 22. 1996;and by virtue ofthe power and authority Egiven In end by said tat will and testament and/or by Article I I of the Estates,Powers and Trusts ms,and In consideration of Eight Hundred Thousand Five Hundred Dollars(5800300.00)paid by the party of the second part.do hereby awl and release unto the party of the second part.the dtahibutees or successors and assigns of the party of the weld part tbrver. ALL THAI CERTAIN ICI,PIP.CFOR PARCEL OF LAND,wkh the buildings thereon situate,lying and being in the'Town ofQuensbury,County of Warren and State of New York,as more fil ly described as sat forth on Schedule"A"attached hereto. BEING the same premises convey ad by deed dated December 30. 1993. from Gertrude Young to Margaret kao conv�reeyybbgg n 7.43%Interest each in Parcel A.Parcel B.and Parcel C,ofthe Premiss and recorded on Dyer 30, 1993 In the Warren County Clerk's orrice In Book 904 of Deeds at Page 135;and being the nine premises conveyed by deed dated September 22.1995 from Michael 1.and Kimberly A.t'antanucci to Maryann Inn conveying a 12.50%interest In Parcel C only and raoorded on October 20, 1995 h the Warren County Clerk's office in Book 960 of Deeds at Page 163;and being the same premises conveyed by deed dined December 23, 1995 from Gertrude Young to Margaret Izzo an additional 2,37%Interest each in Parcel A.Parcel B.and Parcel C,of the Premien and recorded on Jemmy 10. 11/96 In the Warren County Clerk's office In Book 968 of Deeds at Page 70:Oetrude Young havin reserved to herselfthe right to repurchase the properties conveyed 1r the sum oFFlvc''thousand 15.000)Dollars; ALSO BEING, the same premises conveyed by deed dated December 14. 1994. from Gertrude Young to Karlin Hudspeth a 2.85% Interest each in Parcel A.Parcel B.and Parcel C.of the Premises and recorded on amuary 4. 199$ in the Warren County Clerk's office In Book 936 of Deeds at Pp�a�e 70;and Mins the m mere premisw.vnveyed by deed dated September 22,1995 from Michael J.and Kimberly A.Catenucel to Karin Hudspeth conveying a 12.50%Interest In Parcel C only and recorded on October 20,1995 in the Warren County Clerk's office In Book 960 ofDeeds at Pap 163;and balm the same premises conveyed by deed dated December 23. 1995 from we n,'