1986-10-20 EXE ~ - (~ QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1986 EXECUTIVE SESSION The Director briefly explained that Mr. Bigelow, as a representative of the Woodbury Lumber Company, was present along with Stuart Mesinger, Town Planner, to discuss his company's plan regarding the Pierce property, which is loca- ted adjacent to the Town's property on Hovey Pond. Mr. Bigelow explained that Woodburys was hoping to purchase this 5 acre parcel and expected to develop it as a professional/retail office complex. He pointed out that his company was still in negotiations with Mrs. Pierce and that as yet, no plans for the complex had actually been drawn. However, the planned office complex would necessitate a dual means of access and therefore, Woodbury's was hoping to gain the second such access through one or bóth of the Town parcels which border LaFayette Street. In essence, he was present tonight to learn the specifics of the Commission's rehabilitation plans for Hovey Pond and to see if both plans could somehow be integrated. Commissioner Granger reviewed the preliminary plan for the development of Hovey Pond as a passive recreation site and there was discussion regarding the Town's one year permit from ENCON. He explained that the dredging and the filling in of approximately one half of the 10 acre pond, would be the most expensive parts of the project. Furthermore, he suggested that, in exchange for the needed access, that Woodbury's consider providing a portion of the fill material, which would be needed. In summary, Com- missioner Granger pointed out that the Commission was in no way empowered to make decisions regarding this suggested exchange and that the Town Board would ultimately make the final decision. Mr. Bigelow also pointed out that he too was only acting as an intermediary and that the decision to provide fill material, would depend on the cost factor and would be made at his company's executive level. However, in his opinion, the exchange sounded reasonable and he would report back to his superiors regarding the project. Furthermore, he requested to attend the next eom- mission meeting and at that time, would bring back more definitive information, including specific plans and a preliminary timetable. Chairperson Little thanked Mr. Bigelow for his time and information and after his departure the Commission continued discussing Hovey Pond. Commissioner Granger relayed information about some of the cost factors associated with specific portions of the project and Queensbury Recreation Commission October 20, 1986 Page 2 mentioned that both Fred Austin (Warren County DPW) and Paul Naylor (Town Highway Department), in light of their respective up-coming projects, were willing to give the Town as much fill material, for Hovey Pond, as was available. In addition, contractors with the sewer project, which is scheduled to begin in 1987, would be look- ing for a guaranteed fill site and the Hovey Pond location would be ideal. Based on the Supervisor's informal comments to Commissioner Granger and the Director, it was pointed out that the Commission's plan for Hovey Pond needed to be more specifically prioritized and that cost estimates needed to be established. Therefore, he sug- gested that the Commission recommend to the Town Board, that they hire an engineer to coordinate the dredging, the spillway and the inlet basin portions of the pr@ject with the Department of Trans- portation and ENCON. Demolition of the Hovey Pond house was also discussed and thereafter, Commissioner Bly moved to recommend to the Town Board, that an engineer be hired to cost out the major portions of the Hovey Pond project. Commissioner Granger seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved and Councilwoman Monahan mentioned that along with the recommendation, that the Commission should attach some scope of the project so that the Town Board would better understand the need for an engineer. The Chairman agreed to write to the Board regarding the recommendation for an engineer and the accompaning information sheet. Commissioner Granger also relayed the Supervisor's comments regarding other recreation projects, including additional develop- ment at Gurney Lane Park and the Ridge Road Park, and here again it was pointed out that the Commission needed to prioritize these projects. Further discussion ensued and there was disagreement regarding the Hovey Pond project and how this fit into the Depart- ment's Master Plan. The consensus was that Hovey Pond, though important as a passive recreation site, should not receive priority over the development of the athletic facilities at Ridge Road and over the neighborhood park concept as recommended in the Þ~aster Plan. After further discussion, the Commission moved to adjourn from executive session at 9:03 P.M.