.JUNE 9, 1986
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury, held Monday, June 9th, 1986 at the Queensbury Town Office Building,
Queensbury, New York. Chairperson Little called the meeting to order at 7:41
Commissioners Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Little, Martin, Teti,
Councilman Monahan and Kurosaka and Director Hansen
Commissioner B1y
Chris Bergeron
The Director explained due to the Recreation Departments work load that the
minutes of the May 12, 1986 meeting had not been transcribed yet but should be
ready for the next meeting.
The Commission briefly reviewed the Chairman's monthly letter to the Town
Board and the Director explained the correspondence received from H. Haggermann,
regarding the Ridge Road Park Grant, The Commission was disappointed that the
grant had been denied but hoped that'the grant would again be submitted next year.
Chairperson Little welcomed Chris Bergeron who was returning as the Playground
Coordinator for the 1986 Season.
The Director handed out the tentative reservation form which had been drafted
so that groups can reserve the pavilion/cookout grills at Gurney Lane. The Commission
approved the system and authorized the Director to implement and publicize this
service as soon as the park is opened this summer.
The Commission reviewed the final draft of the two sets of rules which will
be implemented this summer at Gurney Lane. There was discussion on the pool rule
regarding the age of children who will be permitted to swim alone. It was explained
by the Director that making a parent swim with those children who were under age
was a safety precaution and had been in effect since 1978. Though many Commissioners
objected, it was agreed that in terms of liability and safety and because there
were those parents who will abuse the rule, this rule was necessary. The Director
explained that in situations when the pool was not overly crowded, that the manager
had the discretion to waive the rule. It was decided that the rule about being
able to swim twenty five (25) yards should precede the swim age rule and that
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this might alleviate some of the problems which the latter rule may create. After
further discussion both the pool rules (with changes) and the park rules were
approved and will be posted at the facility.
The Director explained that the application for the Hovey Pond Project was
approved and would be mailed shortly to Encon with the fifty (50.00) dollar fee.
The Commission was updated on the pool construction at Gurney Lane and it
was explained that it did not look promising for a June 30th opening. The Director
explained that this had been anticipated in the summer brochure and that lessons
had been programed to begin at Gurney Lane on July 14th. The Director anticipated
using the school pool as an alternate for the first two weeks of the season, and
would ask school officials for permission to expand the pool hours on weekdays
and on weekends. Some of the commission inquired about staff and were told all
guard/instructions would work indoors until Gurney Lane was ready.
The Commission also reviewed the new design for the parking lot/entry road
and all agreed that this would improve the facility. The question of handicapped
parking was brought up and the Director will check with the engineer to insure
that this area has been addressed,
The Commission adjourned to executive session at 8:36 P.M. to discuss possible
land acquisition matters, returning to open session at approximately 9:15 P.M.
the Comm~ssion had matters of new business to discuss.
The Director advised the Commission regarding the Boat Safety Course, the
South Queensbury softball backstop construction and Chris Bergeron elaborated
on playgrounds/arts and crafts programs, The Commission agreed with the recommendation
that playground, tennis lessons, and swim lessons all be cancelled for July 4th.
Chris also asked Councilwoman Monahan about restroom facilities at Bay Ridge and
how to go about getting a playground sign at Westend Park. Councilwomen Monahan
said that she would inquire about the restroom facilities and suggested that Chris
contact the highway department about the playground sign.
The Director gave a verbal report and showed an example of the interior park
signs for Gurney Lane. The Commission agreed with the sign color chosen and also
asked Chris to explain the arts and crafts program and the playground trip schedule
which have been programmed for the summer.
The Commission discussed amongst themselves about a summer schedule of visits
to all playground/activity sights and agreed on the following:
D. Granger
M. Lemery
week of 7-07-86
week of 7-14-86
.' ,
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T. :Hartin
J, LaBombard
B. Little
week of 7-21-86
week of 7-28-86
week of 8-04-86
This information will be typed and sent to all Commissioners as a reminder.
The Commission discussed the upcoming summer meetings and based on the vacation
commitment of a number of Commissioners, it was decided to cancel the August 11th
There was also discussion on the importance of attendance at future Commission
meetings and it was suggested that the Director contact Commissioner Bly to determine
his status with the Commission.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
The next meeting will be held on Monday July 14, 1986 at 7:30 P.M.