1986-04-14 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 14, 1986 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, April 14, 1986 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairperson Little called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Little, Martin, Teti, Councilwoman Monahan and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioner Bly (ex.) VISITORS: Lloyd Mott, (Queensbury School), Mike Brandt, Mike Woodbury, Greg Moran (Post Star) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Lemery moved to approve the minutes of the March 24, 1986 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the motion which was unani- mously approved. Chairperson Little pointed out that the minutes (page 3, paragraph 2, second sentence) should be changed to read: In addition, it was felt that the fee would only be passed on to the homeowner and that at the present amount ($1,000.), that it might be used as a deterrent to builders and as a moratorium on development within the Town. This was agreed on and will be changed. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Director temporarily assumed the position of Chairman and requested nominations for positions of Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Recreation Commission for a one year period, April 1986 - March 1987. Commissioner Lemery nominated Commissioner Little as Chairman and it was seconded by Commissioner Teti. There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed and Commissioner Little was unanimously elected. Commissioner Teti, nominated Commissioner Granger for the position of Vice-chairman and it~was seconded by Commissioner Lemery and unanimously approved after no further nominations. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS . Lloyd Mott, Queensbury School Athletic Directdr, spoke briefly on school district's plan for a school referendum on May 7th, to develop additional athletic fields. Lloyd explained that over usage of the open areas at the School, by many outside organizations, including the Rec- rea tion Department, Little League, etc., helped point out, the need to create additional athletic facilities. These facilities will open up , -2- other areas on the campus for usage by outside organizations. Com- missioner Granger spoke regarding the School's schedule of maintenance and Lloyd stressed the need for cooperative planning between the School and the Recreation Department. Many of the Commissioners agreed that more planning, between the two organizations was necessary and that joint planning, especially from this point on, should begin. Lloyd relayed specifics about the referendum, including the cost impact to the community and there was discussion about joint lighting of some of the athletic areas at the School. Commissioner Granger strongly en- couraged further dialogue between the two organizations, and suggested that Lloyd relay to Dr. Irion and the School Board, the Commission's interest on the subject of cooperative planning. The Commission thanked Mr. Mott for his information and his past efforts in accommodating the Recreation Department's needs at the School. Mike Brandt requested to address the Commission and spoke briefly on the topic of School/Town cooperation and planning and mentioned, in his opinion, the problem was a lack of committment by the Town Board on the subject of recreation. Mike briefly reviewed some of the Recreation Department's history, beginning in the late 1970's and questioned the Commission's input regarding land acquisition. The purchase of suitable land for recreational use and updating the long range plans of the Town and the Department were discussed, and it was pointed out by Commissioner Granger and M. Brandt, that in fact, the Town had not paid more for property when negotiations were open to the public. On the contrary, the final cost was either the same or lower than the initial asking price. Mike also relayed that his primary reason for attending was the subject of the new subdivision regulation, and its effect on the construction/development industry in Queensbury. Mike strongly sug- gested that the fee, whatever it be, be levied at the time of sale, not up front, as was proposed. Mike also elaborated on Town taxes and on the Town's surplus funds, which he stated had grown to a substantial amount. Commissioner LaBombard attempted to clarify the Commission's position regarding the subdivision regulation fee, and pointed out that the Commission had recommended a nominal.fee (approximately $200.) and that the $1,000. fee was someone elses recommendation. Furthermore, the concept of the development fee was initially conceived as a con- tribution towards the growth and development of recreational facilities in the Town. Mike Woodbury requested to speak next, and stated that builders should not have to pay any fee at all for the growth of recreation. He added that there are sufficient recreation areas in the Town and question- ed the need for additional facilities. Mr. Woodbury also encouraged the need for coordinated planning with the School district, the City and the County, to better determine and make use of resources which åre presently available. Commissioner Lemery, and some of the other Commissioners, reiterated the Commisison's role as an advisory group, and again pointed out that the Recreation Commission had only suggested and recommended to the Town Board regarding the subdivision regulation fee. -3- Both Mr. Brandt and Mr. Woodbury stated that they were not overly opposed to a nominal fee for growth and development of recreation facilities, however, the present fee and the proposal to¡have the fee paid up front, were the problems. There was further discussion regarding the need for, and the use of, the proposed funds, and Councilwoman Monahan explained the Town's position and in particular, the Town Board's overall responsibility regarding the growth and development of the community. Mr. Woodbury requested to know about the master plan, as it pertained to the acquisition of property, and the Director responded that two of the neighborhood park sites and the additional parcel at Gurney Lane, had been recommended in the plan and had been accomplished. M. Brandt thanked the Commission for their time and the Commission, in turn, thanked both men for their input. HOVEY POND COMMITTEE REPORT Commissioner Martin and Granger presented their report/map, which evaluated the site and suggested a number of recommendations. Basically, the committee was recommending the area be preserved for recreation use and that the general area be cleaned up, the water quality be rechecked, . the Hovey Pond House be burned or demolished, the dam/spillway be repaired and that the Town Board be asked for approval for the Commission's plan. The committee also suggested that adjoining property owners/neighbors be contacted regarding the plan, and that the Department submit a Pro- tection of Waters Permit application to DEC as soon as possible. The committee's plan primarily recommends that the pond be reduced in size, thereby creating more gr~en area, while creating a pond which could then be more realistically dredged and maintained. There was much discussion and the committee answered questions re- garding the plan. The Commission expressed concern about Hovey Pond, specifically how much of the present pond was actually Town owned. There were also questions about reducing the surface area of the pond and its effect downstream and Commissioner Granger felt that this and other con- cerns would be answered by DEC through the application. It was pointed out that the committee's plan would fit in with the neighborhood park plan as recommended in the master plan. Commissioner Granger also sug- gested that an artist's rendering of the proposed park, at a cost of $100., also be authorized. The Commission unanimously approved the committee report, including a request for $50. for the DEC application and $100. for the artist's rendering and Chairperson Little was directed to submit the report to the Town Board. Action~on the letter to the neighþors was deferred until a later date. . GURNEY LANE POOL UPDATE The Director updated the Commission regarding the status of the pool project. The work on the bath house has begun and additional concrete pool work is scheduled in the next two weeks. The choice of colors for lockers, bathroom partitions, and the interior walls has been made and are on order from the manufacturer. The Director also mentioned the 32 acre parcel of property north of the recreation area, which the Town recently purchased, and advised the Commission that the engineer was thinking of redesigning the entry road and the swimming pool.parking area, using this property. .. " -4- TOWN PROPERTY UPDATE/RIVER P:ROPERTY The Director displayed a new map which showed the location, size, and map number of all property owned by the Town of Queensbury. The Commission discussed some of the sites and Chairperson Little relayed information about the sixty acre parcel on the Hudson River which she and the Director had walked the previous week. It was explained that the property was heavily wooded, hiliy and at the present, had no access to a Town/County road. After considering the number of individuals who have registered ATV's in the Town, and based on the lack of access to the property, it was the consensus that further investigation into using this property as an ATV site, should be deferred. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director's Report was reviewed and he was instructed to draft a letter to the Town Board requesting authorization for Commissioner Martin and the Director to attend the three day recreation conference. The Recreation Department's .440 account was discussed, in regard to unbudgeted expenditures (conference costs, pond study, attorney fees, etc.) and Councilwoman Monahan offered to contact the fiscal officer regarding these fees. The Director reported on the possibility of additional grant money through the HCRS program and advised the Commission that these funds would be severely reduced in the future. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:33 P.M. The next meeting will be on Monday, May 12th, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. .