JANUARY 27, 1986
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of
the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, January 27, 1986 at the Queens-
bury Town Office BUilding, Queensbury, New York. Chairperson Little
called the meeting to order at 7:54 P.M.
Commissioners Granger, LaBombard, Little, Martin and
Director Hansen
Commissioners Bly, Lemery and Teti
Commissioner Martin moved to approve the minutes of the
November 25, 1985 meeting. Commissioner LaBombard seconded the
motion, which was unanimously approved.
The Director reviewed some of the correspondence which was
included in the monthly packet, including the funding rejection
letter from B. Hancock, of the Warren County Decentrilization
,Program and the year end summary report, which had been requested
by the Supervisor, for all departments, in order to update the new
Town Board members who took office on the first of the year.
Chairperson Little also briefly reviewed the Commission's
letter to D. Roberts, which advocates the charging of a fee to
developers, in lieu of land for recreational use. There was
further discussion and Commissioner Granger pointed out that
even though he was in favor of the idea, that such a law, if
adopted, might have an adverse effect on the amount of develop-
ment in the community. It was noted that a decision from this
point on is in the hands of the Town Board and the Planning
Board and that the Recreation Commission has only encouraged the
ad6ption of some type of fee.
Chairperson Little read a letter from the Supervisor in re-
ference to the possible acquisition of additional land for re-
creational use. The Commission discussed the matter in executive
session and it was the consensus to advise the Supervisor that
much more information was needed before any decision to acquire
the property in question could be discussed.
The Director circulated a letter from T. Martin, regarding
the summer swim lesson program and her suggestions to help the
Department improve this activity. The Director's response was
attached and after some discussion, the Commission also agreed
with Mrs. Martin's suggestions. Commissioner Granger specifically
pointed out the comment about parents and suggested, for the future,
that only swim lesson participants be permitted in the pool area.
He stated that this had been done, very successfully, in the ski
lesson business and was especially beneficial in the younger age
category were parental interference and distractions can cause
problems for instructors. The Director concurred and will implement
these changes for the coming season.
A number of Commissioners also suggested that the Department
make use of the school pool for lessons and open swim, if available
this coming summer, in order to offer a more varied program of swim-
ming activities, and here again, the Director agreed.
A copy of the final grant application for the Park on Ridge
Road was distributed and it was commented that Pat Tatich and the
Warren County Planning Department had done a very professional job.
Commissioner Granger suggested that the Commission write a letter
thanking Pat and her department for an outstanding job and Chair-
person Little agreed to draft a letter in the Commission's name.
The Commission reviewed the list of the monthly meeting dates
for 1986, and they were agreed on.
The 1986 Recreation Department budget sheet was explained by
the Director and there were some questions regarding personnel and
the summer swimming program. The Commission suggested that the new
facility will, because of increased swim lesson capabilities, need
more instructors and possibly an aquatics director to oversee the
program. The Director assured the Commission that the budget was
sufficient to adequatly staff the new pool and thms provide the
quantity of increased lessons, which will be scheduled. Furthermore,
it is expected that an adult supervisor with experience, to oversee
the program, will be hired.
Commissioner Granger suggested that smoking be prohibited during
future Recreation Commission meetings, because of the size of the
~oom and the number of people who attend. He then introduced a
motion to the effect, which was seconded by Commissioner Martin, and
unanimously approved, and will go into effect þeginning with the
Commission's February meeting.
The Director briefly reviewed his monthly report and there was
some discussion on the new dancer-cise and aerobic dance classes
for girls and the ice rink at the West End Park.
Commissioner Granger advised the Director that a large tree limb,
in front of the Hovey Pond house, had broken an unused cable TV wire
and that this should be taken care of as soon as possible.
There being no 'further business, the meeting was adjourned at
9:39 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 24, 1986
at 7:30 P.M.