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1985-08-26 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING AUGUST 26, 1985 Minutes 0f the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, August 26, 1985 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairperson Little called the meeting to order at 7:41 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, LaBombard, Little Councilwoman Monahan and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Lemery (ex.), Martin, Teti (ex.) and Councilman Morrell (ex.) VISITORS: Bob Murray and Jim Martin (Shelter Planning), Bob Leader (LA Partnership) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Granger moved to approve the minutes of the July 22nd meeting. Commissioner LaBombard seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. SHELTER PLANNING ASSOCIATES PRESENTATION Chairperson Little introduced those present and welcomed the group representing Shelter Planning and Development Inc. B. Murray explained that his organization were planners/grantsmen who special- ized in helping municipalities obtain funding for recreation projects. He explained that the competition for federal/state funding, for recreation projects was extremely fierce and that it was difficult for a town the size of Queensbury to get funding Mr. Murray discussed the need for phasing a project and stress- ed the importance of upgrading the Department's Master Plan for the Town. The Commission questioned the group regarding fees and the pos- sibility of funding for other recreation projects in the Town. Vice- chairman Granger thanked the gentlemen for their presentation and it was suggested that Mr. Murray's organization submit a proposal as soon as possible, in writing, regarding the cost to update the Town's Recreation Master Plan. GURNEY LANE POOL PROJECT Chairperson Little read a letter from the Supervisor, outlining the tentative timetable for the Gurney Lane Project. The Highway Department has completed their two week cleaning and grubbing op- eration at the site, and the revised specifications for the construct- ion of the pool have been sent out for bid. A letter from Mr. Morton, representing the Queensbury Citizens for Outdoor Recreation and Environment, to the Supervisor, was read and discussed, and it was recommended that the Commissio~ draft a resolution to the Town Board endorsing the Gurney Lane Pbol Project. Vice-chairman Granger moved that the Chairman should write a letter reaffirming the Commission's support for the pool project, and that further more, it should be pointed out that the project has been be- fore the public for the past two or three years. In addition, the project is going out to bid for the second time, that clearing and grubbing of the site has been completed and that the Town should proceed with the project as soon as possible, in order to have the facility ready for use by next summer. Commissioner LaBombard seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. Chairperson Little agreed to write the letter to the Supervisor, based on these comments. RECREATION PARK DISCUSSION The Commission inquired if any work had been done at either South Queensbury or West End Park. The Director pointed out that the work to be done, by Paul Naylor at South Queensbury, is supposed to be arranged by Councilwoman Monahan, based on the meeting a month ago with the South Queensbury Fire Company representatives. Regarding West End Park, Tom Flaherty has submitted his cost estimates for the installation of water service, to the Supervisor some time ago. The Director will check to see if a decision has been made. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director reviewed his enclosed report and Chris Bergeron was asked by the Commission to evaluate the summer playground pro- gram. She relayed that she was pleased with the results and had almost completed her written evaluation. Vice-chairman Granger com- mended Chris for a job well done and this was echoed by a number of other Commissioners. The Commission briefly discussed a number of recommendations presented by Chris and the Director, regarding changes to the play- ground program in the future. These recommendations will be covered in much greater detail in the playground evaluation. The Commission also commended the Department on the wrestling program, the conditioning program and on publicity regarding all summer programs. The Commission adjourned to executive session to discuss land acquisition. Returning to open session, and there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, September 23rd, 1985 at 7:30 p.m.