SURVEY MAP Legend: �a, = Utility Pole i IN Iron Pipe Found = Guard Rail - O = Shore Colony Lot Numbers HOUSE ! Paved o I �° Parking �1 a NOV 0 3 2021 v o 0 UUr TOWN OF OUEENSPURY PLANNING Lands N/F of The Carte Camp, LLC z3 (46141105) Iron Pipe Found Z3 Iron Pipe Found I.G'± north of PL� ro 1.3'± north ofPL Capped Rod Set O ® Capped Rod Set �' 1 70,00' Capped Rod Set Deed Reference Lands N/F of Sounders _ ''�' O (929/235) Iron Pipe Found 49 ZOnE ro Sharon A. Bell Adamo, executor LWAT N83° Frank A.Adamo,Jr. c� to DECK 222' Sharon A. Bell Adamo �'. concrete a Book: 5029 seeps Page: 3 10 Date: 14 August 2014 O MOUSE Map Reference 0 O Area = 9138+ sf DECK paved 6 1 � 20 54 Map of � N Parking 'The Shore Colony" on Assembly Point-Lake George cn By:Leshe W. Coulter `Concrete Date: 12 June 1957 z J Pet.Wall Revised: 17 August 1957 Magnetic 5 ding Capped Rod Set — 75 8 under pavem t Map of... _--Capped Rod Set Robert L.Weinman S 8°03'05"W Utility Pole By:John B. Van Dusen r Date:4 September 1975 1 6 1 .20 Capped Rod Set J Ncl Capped Rod Set 5'Easement in favor ' of Lot 1,as per 'The Shore Colon)1' HOUSE Lands N/F of Sounders survey. (9291235) w 0 Map Lands N/F of Graziano (5001/75) of a survey for Erin Steinbach Iron Bathey Marker Founds'ItU to In Mappine Notes r Town of Queen5bury County of Warren Only title surveys bearing the makers State of New York embossed seal should be relied upon since other than embossed-seal copies may contain Scale: I " = 10' feet ate: 28 August 2019 unauthorized and undetectable modifications. deletions,additions.and changes. srrv.»,nrap y. Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey map as50 ATM sOjt bearng a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation Surveyors Engineers of section 7203.5ub-dwi5ion2.of the New York State LAKE GEORGE.N W YORK 12545 Education Law. Survey performed without the benefit of an abstract of title. TMP#/ 8_5_21 (old) 226.19-2-18(new)