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SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury, held Monday, September 24, 1984 at the Queensbury
To~n Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairperson Little called
thE meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Commissioners Bly, Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Little, Martin,
Teti, Councilman Monahan and Morrell and Director Hansen
Dick Morse (Morse Engineering)
Commissioner Bly moved to approve the minutes of the May 21st, June 25th,
July 23rd and August 23rd, 1984 meetings. Commissioner Martin seconded the
motion, which was unanimously approved.
Dick Morse was present and updated the Commission on the Gurney Lane
project showing the latest design drawings for the pool and bathhouse and
the revised cost estimate. Dick reviewed the changes (lifeguard chairs,
and emergency EXIT signs) which have come about due to input from the
Health Department and the Town Building and Zoning Department. The new
design of the bathhouse was also reviewed and included the changes to
the corridor/lobby area and the lifeguard room.
There was some discussion on the roof design and it was the consensus
that the latest design drawings showing the roof with the guard room ex-
tension, would be more aesthectically pleasing than a straight roof.
Type of face block for the building was also discussed and it was
explained that a type of split-face colored concrete block would be
speced with the color to be chosen at a later date.
The wood stove, lobby area usage, and the heating system were also
discussed and approved.
Overall, the Commission was pleased with the updated drawings and
Mr. Morse explained that he still has about two or three more weeks of
design/specification work left. In light of this, the Commission
· - .~ecreation Commission
September 24th Minutes
Page 2
suggested that the Director request a joint meeting with the Town Board
sometime in mid-October to approve the final design drawings and speci-
fications. A tentative meeting for Tuesday, October 16th was set and
agreed on based on Town Board approval.
It was further suggested that some of the work outlined in the
contract could be done by in-house personnel, i.e. the Highway and
Water Departments. The Director cautioned the Commission about al-
locating this type of work without knowing the schedule and work pro-
jects of those other departments. It was the consensus that these
department heads should be invited to the joint meeting and the Director
was instructed to ask the Supervisor about this.
The Director highlited his monthly report and there were questions
regarding the West End Park vandalism and ice skating this winter. It
is anticipated that the Department will operate an ice skating area if
the Water Department can move a hydrant yet this fall. The present
hydrant is located across Luzerne Road some distance from the park and
it would be impractical to try and create a rink under this circumstance.
The Glen Lake area was also discussed and there were questions re-
garding what could be done to alleviate the run-off problem and the
difficulty with the neighbor.
The Commission also discussed the possibility of restocking the
Gurney Lane pond and it was the consensus that the pond should be
stocked yet this fall with some type of fish.
The Director also reviewed the Department's request for additional
funding through the Warren County Planning Department and the schedule
of fall activities, which are slated to begin shortly.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 22, 1984.