1983-09-26 QUEENSBURY RECREATION CCMŒSSION MINUTES OF MEETING SEPI'EMBER. 26, 1983 Minutes of the regular tœeting of the Recreation Cœmission of the Town of Queensbury, held M:m.day, Septeni>er 26, 1983 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairperson Little called the tœet- ing to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT : Conmissioners Bly, Little, Martin, Roop, Teti and Director Hansen ABSENl' : VISITORS : èœmissioners Chanpagne (ex), and Granger (ex) B. MmaJ:1an and D. M:>rrell (Town Board), Steven Rosenbaum, ,~(WENU Radio) APPROVAL OF MINUIES Ccmni.ssianer Bly UDvedtoapprove the m1nutesof the, August 22, 1983 tœeting. Conmissioner Roop seconded the IIDtion which was unaniIrously ap- proved. COM1UNICATIONS/OORRESPONDENCE '!he Director introduced Steven Rosenbaum representing a new radio station, WENt] in the Queensbury-Glens Falls area, and the Comnission vælccxœd him. The Director read a thank you letter from Mrs. Harilyn Cohen, Prospect School, regarding their use of the Gurney lane facilities this past surrrner. The Comnission briefly discussed the two surrmer program evaluations (B. Little and B. M:mahan) which were included in the IIDnthly packet. The COIITnission deferred any action on either evaluation until the Director com- pletes the year end program report saœt:i.me late this fall. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The Conmission again discussed the subject of permanent/semi-permanent structural equiprœnt at the playgrolmd locations. Overall, Corrrnission rœrnbers felt that this type of equiprœnt ~ulddefinitely enhance the program, and should provide a further st:im.1lus to attract and maintain attendance at the sunmer playgromds. To substantiate the assurt'ption that there are adequate nt.DJÙ)ers of children in each of the i.Inrediate playground areas, it was sug- gested that the Director check with Dick Goedert at the bus garage to de- termine the nUTIl>er of children being transported by school bus. This nuœri- cal information should either provide a basis for continuing the satellite playgromd program, including the addition of structural equiprœnt, or be justification for closing down specific areas. The Director promised to have this information as soon as possible. 'Ihe Director, updated the Conmission regarding progress at the West Glens Falls neighborhood play area and a tœeting sometÏIæ later this fall to view the area, was agreed on. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 'Ihe Director reviewed the IIDnthly report, including information on the Recreation Department's request for funding frexn the New York State Division for Youth. '!he Conmission also discussed the new programs which were proposed by the Director for the caning fall/winter season. There was no objection to the Depart:Iœnt's offering a women's self-defense program, however, regarcling the proposed Saturday Arts and Crafts classes, the Ccmnission was in favor of a less structured program than was nonnally offered in the stlÏ1rertÏIæ. It was suggested that rather than purchasing set projects, that the Saturday Arts and Crafts program be sCXÆ!Wbat IIDre imaginative with the use of basic arts and crafts materials. Allowing the children to take materials and make something using their own imagination, under the supervision of the instructor, was recOOIœIlded. It was alsorecœne:l.ded that in the future all programs such as Arts and Crafts, Tennist etc. be divided by grade level rather than age group. 'Ihe Director agreed and was given pennission to investigate these programs further. The Conmission adjourned to executive session to discuss the 1984 Recreation budget and the Gurney Lane Sw:imni.ng Pool project. Returning to open session, and there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. The next tœeting will be held on funday, October 24, 1983.