JULY 25, 1983
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission
of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, July 25, 1983 at the
Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chair-
person Little called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Commissioners Champagne, Granger, Little, Martin,
Roop and, lirector Hansen
Commissioners Bly, Teti
B. Monahan and D. Morrell (Town Board)
Commissioner Roop moved to approve the minutes of the April
25th and June 27th meetings. Commissioner Champagne seconded
the motion which was unanimously approved.
Prior to the approval of the minutes, Commissioner Champagne
requested that in the future that the typed minutes reflect the
title of Chairperson for Mrs. Little rather than Chairman.
The Commission discussed the need for more publicity as a
means of keeping enthusiasm and participation at the playgrounds
at a high peak throughout the summer.
The possibility of daily or weekly activity broadcasts on the
radio was brought up and the Director has called both the Glens
Falls Recreation Department and WWSC for more information.
In a related matter, the Commission suggested that some sort
of temporary sign to advertise playground activities, be construct-
ed. Councilman Morrell reminded the Commission about the new sign
ordinance but felt the Department would have no problem getting
the Town Board to approve the request. The Director vowed to have
the signs up as soon as possible 'and to attempt to have the radio
broadcast playground special events.
The Director also read the two pieces of correspondence which
were enclosed in the monthly packet. Mr. Baker's letter explained
that cost shared funding from the Soil and Water Conservation Service
could not be depended on in the future for recreation projects, such
as Hovey Pond. This is a severe blow to the Hovey Pond project but
Mr. Baker will be contacting the Town in the near future to explain
possible alternative funding sources.
The enclosed Director's Report with monthly budget update was
reviewed and there was some discussion regarding fees and non-
resident usage and participation in programs and at Gurney Lane.
Commissioner Champagne suggested that in order to make decisions
about possible fees in the future, that he and the Commission would
have to know more about attendance and cost factors. The Director
explained that he was not trying to recommend a fee at this time
but instead alert the Commission to the possibility of recreation
program fees in the future. The Director recommended that the
Commission sit down this winter after the programs are over, to
analyze costs versus registrations/attendance figures and determine
if a fee structure for some programs was necessary.
The Commission also requested to know if the Department was
keeping a breakdown by program of resident versus non-resident
participation. The Commission was specifically interested in
usage at Gurney Lane. The Director said that most programs re-
quired registration and therefore resident versus non-resident sta-
tistics could be gathered fairly easily. In the case of Gurney
Lane, this was not realistically possible because of car pooling,
bus transportation and other factors. The staff at the facility
had noticed an increase for afternoon swim this year and after
questioning some individuals, the increase was partially attrib-
uted to the fee now being charged at Haviland's Cove.
The Commission also discussed the Dennis Curley editorial
which was aired on WWSC radio and it was their suggestion that
the matter be forgotten.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
at 9:03 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, August
22, 1983.