1982-11-15 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING NOVEHBER lS, 1982 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, November lS, 1982 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Yasko called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Champagne, Little, Teti, Yasko and Director Hansen ABSENT: VISITORS: Commissioners Granger and Roop B. Monahan (Town Board), L. Pietrosanto (Post Star) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Champagne moved to approve the minutes of the October 25th 1982 meeting. Commissioner Bly seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE The Director discussed the Hovey Pond spillway report which was enclosed in the monthly packet. The report explained that the spillway is somewhat threatened by erosion and that in order to prevent more serious damage, that tongue and groove steel sheeting be placed as a buffer on either side (approximately lO ft.). The Commission discussed who would provide the labor to install the sheeting and how serious the problem actually was. The Director explained that the Town Board has received the report and that no decision has been made. HOVEY POND ICE SKATING DISCUSSION The Commission discussed the plan to provide ice skating at Hovey Pond and the Director explained that the pond could also be lowered (winter draw down). The Soil and Water Conservation pre- liminary report (Hovey Pond Project) had recommended that the pond be lowered as a means of curtailing weed growth. It seems the freezin~ temperatures have the greatest effect as a means of in- hibiting future weed growth and that if done correctly, would not affect the plans for an ice skating area. Mr. Naison of Finch Pruyn Recreation Commission Minutes cont'd. page 2 has advised the Department once a solid sheet of ice has formed, that the pond can be lowered and this will have little effect on the ice skating area. After further discussion, the Commission agreed with the Director concerning the plan to provide an ice skating area while still lowering the level of the pond. HOVEY POND RENOVATION PROJECT The Commission discussed the renovation project for the senior citizen house at Hovey Pond and there was concern over why the pro- ject has not been at least started. The Director reviewed the events since July when the roof repair/interior renovation project was in- itially bid out and it was explained that unforseen circumstances have caused delays. The Director stated that a lack of communication between the senior citizens and the TowN Board have compounded the situation and that this problem was being rectified. New revised bids were being worked on and should be available shortly. It is still hoped that the interior work can be completed yet this winter. THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Commission reviewed the Director's Report including an analysis of the Recreation Department's 1983 budget which was ap- proved by the Town Board in November. Mrs Monahan verified the new budget line item figures and explained where and why the Board ~~, made cuts. The Commission requested some explanation regarding the figures included in the monthly budget update and there was some discussion. Mrs. Monahan requested an update on the proposed West Glens Falls neighborhood park and the Director was instructed to contact Pat Tatich and attempt to get the project moving and report back at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.. The next meeting will be held on Monday, December l3th, 1982.