1982-07-26 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JULY 26, 1982 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, lleld Monday, July 26, 1982 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Yasko called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, Little, Roop, Yasko and Director Hansen ABSENT: VISITORS: Commissioners Champagne (ex), Teti Councilmen Monahan and Morrell APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Bly moved to approve the minutes of the June 28, 1982 meeting. Commissioner Roop seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS The Director advised the Commission that Crandall Library had been contacted regarding the Recreation Department's desire to co-sponsor the childrens trip to the opera at SPAC. IIowever, at the last moment the event was cancelled by the Library due to tickets being unavailable. Next year if the trip is scheduled the Department and Crandall Library will again co-sponsor the event. MASTER PLAN HEETING REVIE''¡ The Director briefly summarized the July 22nd joint meeting of the Town Board and the Recreation Commission to review and dis- cuss the Department's Master Plan. The Town Board accepted the plan, however, because of some of the recommendations they did not approve it. The Board concurred with the recommendation that Gurney Lane be given the highest priority and (futhorized the Director to seek proposals from qualified individuals to evaluate the present facility and make recommendations and cost estimates regarding the upgrading of the swimming pool. The consensus of the Town Board was that a larger, possibly concrete, pool was now needed. Minutes - Recreation Commission page 2 WEST GLENS FALLS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK The Director updated the Commission and showed architectural drawings regarding the small neighborhood park for the West Glens Falls area. Initially in 1981, the Town applied for and was granted Community Development Funds for the rehabilitation of a portion of West Glens Falls. Included in the funding was the development of a small, approximately 2-3 acre, neighborhood park. Vacant proper- ty located on the corner of Maine and Luzerne Roads was subsequently purchased through the grant, at the Warren County public auction be- cause of non payment of taxes. Plans were developed by an area college architectural intern and some clearing and work is schedul- ed to begin shortly by Youth Conservation Corps personnel through Warren County. At this time local residents of the area, the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company and Town of Queensbury personnel (Recreation and Highway Departments) are in the process of organ- izing as a group to develop the area. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Commission reviewed the Director's report and the attached monthly budget update and summer program comparison sheet, and there were no questions. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, August 23, 1982.