1982-03-22 EXE
MARCH 22, 1982
The third session of the Department's r1aster Plan was discussed,
including the changes which were recommended by the committee that re-
viewed this section previously.
The graph showing the history of the Recreation Department's
sources of revenue and total expenditures was discussed and this
was thought to be more explanatory than the verbal explanation.
The subject of program user fees and charges was reviewed and
there was considerable discussion regarding the Commission's respon-
sibility and position in this area. The Director explained that in
his opinion, the future of recreation departments may be dependent
on this source of revenue. Though the Commission was in some agre-
ement, it was the consensus that the wording in this section to be
toned down much more so as not to advocate such a comprehensive
program at this time or in the near future. It was agreed that this
subject be mentioned but only to the point of showing that fees and
charges accounted for a small portion of the Department's revenues.
Regardin? the l7 recommendations, the Commission concurred with
the Committee s decision to add a paragraph after each recommendation.
This paragraph will help explain and further justify .each recommen-
dation as written.
The question of investigating, and subsequently purchasing, other
possible natural swimming areas (lakes, rivers, etc.) was discussed
and thought the subject is mentioned in the report, no specific recom-
mendation was made. The consensus was that Gurney Lane is a viable
swimming facility and should be given the highest priority.
The Commission discussed the recommendation regarding outside
professional assistance in the planning and design phase of the
Gurney Lane and neighborhood park projects. Considering the scope
and possible cost of these projects, it was the Director's opinion
that a specific type of outside architectural/engineering expertise
was necessary.
The time table for the Master Plan was discussed and the con-
sensus was that this section should not be included when the plan
is submitted. The Commission felt that the Town Board should have
the opportunity to review and make comments about the Master Plan
first, and then at a later date, the Commission can propose or work
jointly with the Board on a time table.
The Director was instructed to make the necessary changes and
have the Master Plan re-typed in final form for presentation at the
earliest possible date.