DEMO-0834-2021 Office Use Only y DEMOLITION APPLICATION Permit Permit Fee:$ �—' Town of Queensbury Invoice#:�� 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 �� P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Flood Zone?l% N Reviewed B If bCNEErf Icy Demolition Location: Tax Map ID#: (A K1 &F-cf&F fif I1, qE **AN ASBESTOS REPORT IS REQUIRED WITH,ALL DEMOLITION APPLICATION SU DEMOLITION INFORMATION: 1. Where will demolition material be disposed? NOV 19 2021 2. Type of structure to be demolished: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY a. Reside ce d. Storage Building❑ BUILDING&CODES b. Garage e. Other: c. Business 3. What type of utilities are connected to the structure: a. Gas ❑ f.Well-Water Pump ❑ '�A![ cbnnZG�"1�t�S ®(,Q b. Fuel Oi� g. Public Sewer❑ 1 `r _ c. Propane h. Other � f&,5Td&jCt a d. Electric i. None ❑ e. Public ater❑ 4. Have ALL utilities (water, electric, etc.) been disconnected? Yes[� No❑ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Two inspections may be required: an inspection to determine that utilities are disconnected, if necessary, and a final inspection, after the structure is removed and the site is cleaned up and graded. 2. Twenty-four (24) hour notification is required for inspections. 3. Workers' Comp insurance information is required to be submitted with this application. Declaration: I acknowledge that no structure(s)will be removed from the parcel until the demolition application has been reviewed and approved by the Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement and Zoning Departments and a permit has-been issued. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: Demolition Application Revised December 2020 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): (fro �SS�oh f l�e Kej fabw L43agia - Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 405g CeaMot �Ifovr,, Wopq NY I17-01$ Cell Phone: Land Line: Cft-9M-vgyy ONO 519-q5Z 1$3) Email: )F12�PFEGZ AD L- �m • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): I?i4and 6EUz I Mailing Address, C/S/Z: r+ D�CCIS Cell Phone: Land Line: 519-G05- ZA76 Email: NIA . ❑Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): 1Pr6p6SOibnat ruu I?a[Drafidd SI-cvice Contractor Trade:G(Jgre4-, Mailing Address, C/S/Z: X53 Ceniq k) Nbbm( i,11 IZPS Cell Phone: Land Line: b1g-gj5?- 1831 Email: pF`I!,S Jft a) P[tL.CoM. "Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application" J Fne Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: Ll1z YYYI6 00 y1ro,P;Gd Ions Cj 519-%6_09g4 d.ormc-Wol-og0fimt1-ei)M Demolition Application V Revised December 2020 y Lou dt' e1pc L.1,Ve no1r/ - 11/19/21,11:36 AM Mail-lyle darmetko-Outlook ;, 17 Dineen Road Scott Loudis <Sloudis@greenbriar-Ilc.com> FILE COPY COP Fri 11/19/2021 9:55 AM To: darmetkol@hotmail.com <darmetkol@hotmail.com>; David Johnson <dmjbess@aol.com>;johno@queensbury.net <johno@queensbury.net> 2 attachments(920 KB) NYS Asbestos License Exp April,2022.pdf;Sloudis 2021-2022 NYS Asbestos Supervisor.pdf; Lyle, John O'Brien with the Town of Queensbury will be handling the case for this project. I have copied him on this thread. Please submit the Demo application to his attention ASAP as we are looking to have this cleaned up before the Holiday. I have already sent over the sample condemnation letter which we expect to have returned today. Spectrum Environmental will be submitting their paperwork for the variance and the monitoring today upon receipt of the Condemnation letter. I have attached our licensing to expedite the process. Let me know if you need anything in the interim. Best, StdTT LOUDIS PLIRTNIR ALGA y,NV 12205 'GRE E MM A TC{ 881„621=65t2 C{JNSTRIJC.Tt91V.SERVICES'[:1;�. S LO UD IS?7C QEEN8PlA P-L•LC,COM www.greenbriar-Ile.com Owww.facebook.com/ eenbriarconstruction https:Houtlook.live.com/mail/O/inbox/id/AQQkADAwATEOYzQwLWUxMGMtNDQANjMtMDACLTAwCgAQAHJRG3Rwwkx%2Blr9WQs%2Ba2%2Fw%3D 1/1 \STAEOk+YR=@AT{NTO LABOR; �� Tl \ ! r ; . (\«#o«#mR Z « \zyd2.tm « j 41 LASg%Pnl ES)"" d '. • [ § m9<=.z: �?'U7B\�RDQkM S,PRJECTS .. «»�i eaamn N.ew--York State pa Mertment�o Division oflSafetyand Health Y r License and Gem icate Wit State Campus,Building 12 Albany,,NY 12240Xl ^"" BESTOS HANDLING LICENSE: Greenbriar Construction Services, LLG� ` '' -: LE NUMBER: 1`8=;1,11579 ,!�' LICENSE NUMBER:`"1'11579�'.�`' ,�.. . 49 Wilshire Dnve" LICENSE CLASS: FULL_.. : t' .s{, DATE OF ISSUE: 03/05/2021 Albany,NY .12205 rf�:;w, EXPIRATIQ.NiDATE: 04/30/2022 � :.J jl d;f..:rti.• :� � l � T. Duly Authorized',Representative,E4 Scott Loudiss •-� r . '••. r�, '""' fi;ii t +'�rx='.�:�:•' :^;i�V,�1 �� ;f This hcen e`h�as been issued in acco da7j1celwlth app icabKQ le�p�ouisio o£Artier 30'bf me Labor Law of New YorkfSt 'd o , the Ne;Uciik State{{Codes,Rules and I eguiatiox�s i1 NYC`RR Part S.6): Iti st�uUject to suspension or revocation fora(1) serous violation of state federal oryloca'1 aws a re a d-t the conduct'.o�,an asbestos!proaect or(2)demonstrated;lack:of responsibility in the conduct of any-job in olvingga bes os o;asbeestos aterial. i;;; ;,., 1t �t t 7... efi '`s. * ` a. 'ram Jr . ! :�+ � 1 . This icense is valid onl for the contractor named:abo. e and thi license or-:a photocopymust_be=prominently displaQ�6edt the asbestos project worksA' ,\This hgense verifies that�all persons-employed by the licensee on an-asbestosXprojecC in-New York A.:.t,y.,... zr"_ Asbestos +P"A""Trm tT ii'i r r `i'`s .✓ :-/ 'h�, „"" °'a^t j State hgive.been issued an As estos Certificate;appropriate fo theatype of +ork-they perform,by the'New York State De artment o L/abor. P IN V t q J .� k, Amy Phillips,Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor E=COPY STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, NEWYORK 12240-01001 U OWNBUILDING OF &Q �® G' Reviewed By _ Variance Petition ate: Of File No. 21-1371 Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. Petitioner's Agent on Behalf of DECISION Richard & Beverly Bellizzi Cases 1-3 Petitioner ICR 56 in re Premises: Residential Property 17 Dineen Road Lake George, NY 12845 Emergency Partial Demolition of Fire Damaged Residence The Petitioner, . pursuant to Section 30 of the Labor Law, having filed Petition No. 21-1311 on November 19, 2021 with the Commissioner of Labor for a variance from the provisions of Industrial Code Rule 56 as hereinafter cited on the grounds that there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship in carrying out the provisions of said Rule; and the Commissioner of Labor having reviewed the submission of the petitioner dated November 19, 2021; and Upon considering the merits of the alleged practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship and upon the record herein, the Commissioner of Labor does hereby take the following actions: Case No. 1 ICR 56-9.2 (d) Page 2 of 4 File Number 21-1371 Case No. 2 ICR 56-11.5 (c) (2) Case No. 3 ICR 56-11.5 (c) (7) VARIANCE GRANTED. The Petitioner's proposal for the partial demolition and cleanup of the subject fire damaged residence in accordance with the attached 5- page stamped copy of the Petitioner's submittal, is accepted; subject to the Conditions noted below: THE CONDITIONS Full-Time Project Monitor: 1. A full-time independent project monitor shall be on site and responsible for oversight of the abatement contractor during all abatement activities to ensure compliance with ICR 56 and variance conditions and to ensure that no visible emissions are generated. If visible emissions are observed, work practices shall be altered according to the project monitor's recommendations. 2. The Project Monitor shall perform the following functions during asbestos abatement projects in addition to functions already required by ICR-56: a. Inspection of the interior of the asbestos project work area made at least twice every work shift accompanied by the Asbestos Supervisor; b. Observe and monitor the activities of the asbestos abatement contractor to determine that proper work practices are used and are in compliance with all asbestos laws and regulations; C. Inform the asbestos abatement contractor of work practices that, in the Project Monitor's opinion, pose a threat to public health or the environment, and are not in compliance with ICR-56 and/or approved variances or other applicable rules and/or regulations; d. Document in the Project Monitor Log observations and recommendations made to the Asbestos Supervisor based upon the interior/exterior observations of the asbestos project made by the PM. 3. The PM shall alert the local District Office of the NYSDOL Asbestos Control Bureau whenever, after the PM has provided recommendations to the Asbestos Supervisor, unresolved conditions remain at the asbestos project site which present a significant potential to adversely affect human health or the environment. Perimeter Air Sampling: 4. In addition to the requirement of Subpart 56-4.9(c), air monitoring shall be conducted daily at the perimeter of the work area. Page 3 of 4 File Number 21-1371 5. A minimum of two upwind air samples shall be collected. The samples shall be spaced 30 degrees apart from the prevailing wind direction. 6. A minimum of three. downwind samples shall be collected. The samples shall be equally spaced in a 120-degree arc downwind from the source. 7. If more than one shift daily is required to accomplish the work, air monitoring, within the .work area during abatement shall be performed on each shift. Work Practices: 8. Demolition work shall comply with ICR 56-11.5 except as modified by this. variance. 9. For areas ,where compliance with the twenty-five : feet barrier/fence requirement isn't possible, the areas shall be cordoned off to the maximum' .distance possible, and a daily abatement air sample shall be taken at the reduced barrier. Soil%Earth/Dirt'Cleanup: -10. After. demolition debris has been removed, the site,shall be inspected. Any required cleanup. shall include all visible asbestos or suspect asbestos debris. . Soil removal shall- meet ASTM 1368 (latest edition), Section 9.1.1-9.1.5 inspection criteria. 11. No pieces of ACM shall be present on top of the soil. 12. Visibly contaminated soil or soil suspected of being contaminated shall be removed down to the level where no visible.contamination is observed. 13. The Project Monitor shall write in the project log that the area has been cleaned and has passed a visual inspection.. Final Clearance: 14. After removal .and cleanings are complete an authorized and qualified Project Monitor shall visually inspect the work area as per ICR 56-9.2 (e). If the area is determined to .be acceptable and the most recent daily abatement air sample (including perimeter air samples) results meet 56- 4.11 clearance criteria, the final dismantling of the site may begin. All other r Page 4 of 4 File Number 21-1371 applicable provisions of ICR 56-4 shall be followed for the duration of the abatement project. 15. Usage of this variance is limited to those asbestos removals identified in this variance or as outlined in the Petitioner's proposal. In addition to the conditions required by the above specific variances, the Petitioner shall also comply with the following general conditions: GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A copy of this - DECISION and the Petitioner's proposals shall be conspicuously displayed at the entrance to the personal decontamination enclosure. 2. This DECISION shall apply only to the removal of asbestos-containing materials from the aforementioned areas of the subject premises. 3. The Petitioner shall comply with all other applicable provisions of Industrial Code Rule 56-1 through 56-12. 4. The NYS Department of Labor Engineering Service Unit retains full authority to interpret this variance for compliance herewith and for compliance with Labor Law Article 30. Any deviation to the conditions leading to this variance shall render this variance Null and Void pursuant to 12NYCRR 56- 12.2. Any questions regarding the conditions supporting the need for this variance and/or regarding compliance hereto must- be directed to the Engineering Services Unit for clarification. 5. This DECISION shall terminate on February 22, 2022. Date: November 22, 2021 ROBERTA REARDON COMMISSIONER OF LABOR Edward A. Smith, P.E. Professional Engineer2(Industrial) PREPARED BY:Edward A. Smith,P.E. Professional Engineer2(Industrial) REVIEWED BY: Ravi PilarP.E. Professional Engineer 1 (Industrial) of NEB FILE COPY ` G TGWU! OF Q#Notifflion BUILDING a Reviewed By Date: Asbestos Pro Project Reference Number: 26712143 Type: Emergency Notification Status: Notification Received Notification Received: 11/23/2021 Payment Status: Paid in full Number of amendments: 0 Notification Entered By: Department Contractor Information FEIN:823675346 Greenbriar Construction Services,LLC Mailing Address 49 Wilshire Drive Albany NY 12205 Asbestos License Number: 111579 Duly Authorized Representative Scott Loudis, Officer Phone Number: 518-621-6512 E-mail Address: sloudis reenbriar-Ilc.com Project Information Project Start Date: 11/22/2021 Project End Date: 11/30/2021 Project Location County: Warren Worker Compensation Worker Compensation Policy#: A 2446 183-2 WC Exemption Certificate#: Number of your employees you expect to be on project: 3 Will temporary workers be used? NO If yes, name of temporary agency: Project Location Building Name: Room or Location: Garage/breezway Bridge ID#: Address Line 1: 17 Dineen Road Address Line 2: City Town or Village: Lake George State: New York Zip Code: 12845 Building Information Current Use: Residential- 1 family Prior Use: Residential- 1 family Approximate Year Built: 2000 Size(sq.ft): 2000 Is this fee exempt project?: NO Reason: Building Representative/Site Contact Name: Richard Bellizzi Phone Number: 518-605-2470 E-mail Address: Cell Phone Number: Phase Details Phase# Phase Start.Date Phase End Date Phase Location Phase Scope Sub-Contractor Details Name: Asbestos License Number: Night/Weekend/Shift Work Details Shift Number Work Days(Sat--Sun) From To 1 TWTF 06:00 AM 05:30 PM Party for Whom Work is being Performed First Name: Richard Last Name: Bellizzi Organization: Apt./Suite: State: NY Address Line 1: 17 Dineen Road Zip Code: 12845 Address Line 2: Country: United States City Town or Village: Lake George Province: Contract Dollar Amount: $1.68 Party for whom Gov Entity: None Variance Information Individual Variance Petition Number: 21-1371 L ocedures and T e of E ui ment and Ventilation S stems Used f-Face Respirators, Remote Decontamination Systems, Lined Trailers,Amended Water, Drop cloths, Person tective E ui ment Air/Project Monitoring Firm Name: Asbestos License Number: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. 29081 Laboratory Performing Analysis Name: ELAP Registration Number: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. 11540 iy Type of Asbestos Work Pipe Related: No Siding: No Clean up: Yes Vessel covering: No Caulking/mastic: No Spray-on insulation: No Roofing/flashing: No VAT: No Demolition: Yes. Demolition Ref#: Other-specify: Waste Transporter Name: SM Gallivan NYS DEC or EPA Permit Number: 4A-639 Phone Number: 518-271-6100 Apt./Suite: Address Line 1: 98 Niver Street Address Line 2: City Town or Village: Cohoes Province: State: NY Zip Code: 12047 Country: United States Landfill Name: Finch Waste Co Phone Number: 5186362141 Apt./Suite: Address Line 1: 424 Peters Road Address Line 2: City Town or Village: Gansevoort Province: State: NY Zip Code: 12831 Country: United States Type and Amount of Asbestos Containing Material Friable linear feet: 0 Friable square feet: 600 Non-friable linear feet: 0 Non-friable square feet: 0 Fee Total linear feet: 0.0 Total square feet: 600.0 Total Fee: 1000.0 Project Fee Schedule If the notification was submitted prior to 4/7/09,the actual project fee is one half of the amount shown on the fee schedule Linear Feet: Fee Square Feet: Fee 0-259 feet: $0 0-159 feet: $0 260-429 feet: $200 160-259 feet: $200 430-824 feet: $400 260-499 feet: $400 825-1649 feet: $1000 500-999 feet: $1000 1650 or more feet: $2000 1000 or more feet: $2000 Remarks ZZI NewBYortk StateDeli rtment=q j Labor Division o�Saf�ty and Health License and Certtficate `Unit� State CaampL �B�uildtng 12 Albany,NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICE Greenbriar Construction Services, LUC- ���3 —=FILE NUMBER: 8-- 111579 '� LICENSE NUMBER,611*5- 49sWilsh'Pe Drive LICENSE CLASS: FULL + DATE OF ISSUE: 03/05/2,021 Alba , NY 12205 �� EXPIRATION DATE: 04/30 2022 n a Duly Authorized Representative Sc ott'LO' dis :.. `;:'�;,,.� _ _ ;j T is 1 ct use h s b n issued in accordanrcd1with aabllP rouisions o ifrc `U�tbf the Labor Law of New or1 S d of New Yocktate Codes,Rules antI�eg��}}t�ttio2NY�CRtPart 5:6).-' isject to suspension ension or revocation or a(1) serio s violation of state federal or local alx+s.w�t e a •t the co duct��asbestosl ro'eet or 2 demon ated ack of� respons�bili'ty in t e conduct of any job in,olvip ashes os o�'Efsotos at a. , This license is al onhy��for �h1hecocontractor e-;a is�hcense o� op}cmust bey rominently displa a at the asbestos prolec w.orksite'. :licenses se verifies tha�gal, ersons,_employed"by�he licensee on Aasbestos project•n Ne. rYo State halveAsbes e een issued an tos Certificate,appropriate fo�hR,ty�e�ofv�o"rli<they perform,by the ew Yor tat Department ofbLa or. - r Amy Phillips,Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor - , STATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF LABOR i ASBESTM CERTIFRCATE Yi.S 1 'SCOTT1,lV{LOUDIS�( J ~ -CLASS(EXPlRES),,'-V >`r >CERTN.02!}09645 7697 MUST BE CARRIED ON ASBESTOS PROJECTS 4 ti .1762_2pC� I FILE cp �.' Home ofNatural Beauty:..A Good Place to Live TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 518.761.8201 ,WWW.QUEENSBURY.NET November 19, 2021 Richard & Beverly Bellizzi 17 Dineen Road Lake George, NY 12845 RE: Letter of Condemnation 17 Dineen Rd Garage and Breezeway Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bellizzi: -Your single family dwelling at 17 Dineen Road was involved in a fire on November 3, 2021 which has left the structure's.garage and breezeway unsafe, and is condemned. The garage and breezeway must be,demolished,and removed from the property as soon as possible. Specifically there is no roof on the garage and breezeway leaving the structures open and exposed to the elements, which will lead to further destruction and decay of the structures. An asbestos_report from a licensed asbestos inspector..and variance to demolish the structure from New York State Department of Labor(NYS DOL)will be required prior to demolition. You will most likely have to hire an asbestos licensed contractor to demolish the structure. A demolition permit must be filed along with all asbestos reports and NYS DOL paperwork with the Town.of Queensbury prior to demolition. The structure must remain secured and boarded until the structure is removed: Please advise . us as to a timetable to demolish the structure. We would expect the structure to be removed over the next 60 days. Please use this letter.to allow an expedited permit from NYS DOL to remove the structure in its entirety. Should.you have any questions, please do not hesitate-to contact me. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely David atin Director of Building and Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury Celebrating Our Sestercen tennial 1762-2012