JUNE 23, 1980
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission
of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, June 23, 1980, at the
Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York, Chairman
Lyon called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Champagne, Lavigne, Lyon, Yasko and
Director Hansen.
ABSENT: Commissioners Howe (ex.), Roop
VISITORS: Lee Tougas (Post Star)
Following review, Commissioner Lyon moved to approve the
minutes of the April 28, 1980 meeting. Commissioner Bly seconded
the motion, which was unanimously approved.
The Director briefly reviewed the correspondence which was
enclosed in the monthly packet; The Commission discussed the
letter from the Easter Seal Society concerning a Splash-A-Thon
sometime this summer at the Queensbury School Pool, The consen-
sus was that the Recreation Department should not get involved
in this type of activity in terms of supervision. The Director
was instructed to contact the Easter Seal Socièty and inform
them that the pool was available on weekends for this type of
activity and that a request to use the pool should be forwarded
to the School District.
The Commission questioned the hiring of part time personnel
who live outside Queensbury. The Director assured the Commission
that the Department will always attempt to fill positions with
qualified residents first, however this may not be poàsible 100%
of the time.
The Director advised the Commission that the Warren County
Board of Supervisors had approved the sale of two (2) acres of
property between Gurney Lane Road and the Gurney Lane Recreation
Area. Hopefully, this fall some work can be done to expand the
parking facilities at the site.
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The Director updated the Commission concerning the start of
most summer activities and overall the programs are going well.
Except for the North Queensbury Playground (0 registration) attend-
ance at the four (4) other locations and the tennis and swim lessons
were excellent. Swim pool attendance in the afternoons is also good,
Other programs begin later this week and the Department is hopeful
of another good summer of activities for children and adults,
The situation at the North Que ens bury Playground can hopefully
be changed by additional publicity this week or the Director
recommended that the area be closed and the leaders be moved to
other locations.
The Director also explained the situation at the Bay Ridge
Playground location which was moved from the Lake Sunnyside area
to behind the firehouse. Mr. Toomey, who leased the Lake Sunnyside
location for $100.00 to the Town, for last year's playground site,
requested $500.00 for the same lease this year, The Director felt
this price was exorbitant, and with the help of Commissioner
Champagne, was able to get permission to use the area behind the
Bay Ridge Firehouse. An open field, just down from the firehouse,
on Sunnyside Road, will be leased from Mrs. McDermott for $100.00
and will serve as the neighborhood softball location.
The Director explained the information concerning the new
track & field program which the Department hopes to offer beginning
in July. The program will be open to any Queensbury resident,
Junior High age and older and will be conducted two (2) nights per
week from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. for seven (7) weeks. Doug Miller will
supervise the activities at the high school track facilities for
those who wish to participate. After some discussion the Commission
authorized the Director to proceed with the new program.
The Director's Report was reviewed and the Commission was in-
formed about some of the mechanical problems which have occurred at
Gurney Lane, The electrical problems which arose during the week and
the repairs to the well system have now both been completed.
The Summ~r· -Program brochure was discussed and it would seem
there is a problem concerning distribution. It was pointed out
that some residents did not get the brochure and therefore the
Director was instructed to look into the best way to distribute
future brochures. Use of Voter Registration lists and/or water bills
was suggested as a better method of distribution than the school
system. The Director will investigate these and other possibilities
and report back at a later date.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
8:47 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 28, 1980,