1980-03-24 EXE
MARCH 24, 1980
The Director updated the Commission concerning the swim pool
investigation and some of the cost figures which have been received
to date. Three pool companies have now submitted "ball park figures"
for the complete rebuilding of the Gurney Lane pool (9,000 sq. ft.
gunite pool with piping and filtration equipment) and these were all
presented. Initially, Paddock Pool of Albany, submitted a cost estimate
of approximately $500,000.00 for the Gurney Lane pool. Winward Pool of
Schenectady, has estimated it will cost between $225,000 - $300,000.00
to build a pool similar to Gurney Lane. The final cost estimate of
$300,000.00 was submitted by Custom Pools of Athol.
In addition, the Director distributed a proposal submitted by
the Allen Organization, Consulting Engineers for the preparation of
a swim center study at the Gurney Lane Recreation Area. The proposal
would cost approximately $1,950.00 and would basically analyze the
present facilities and recommend various alternatives in terms of reno-
vation, new construction, cost estimates and design considerations.
The Commission discussed the proposal and it was the concensus that
based on the financial situation at this time, and considering the
prospects for additional money from the Town Board and/or the Federal
Government (through HCRS) that the expenditure of $300,000.00 for a
new swimming facility at Gurney Lane was unlikely. Realistically,
the Recreation Department has $100,000.00 to spend and it is unlikely
that additional revenue, short of a possible bond issue could be ex-
pected. In addition, the Commission felt that considering the present
economy and the outlook for the future, that an expenditure of $300,000
by a municipality for the building of a new swimming pool was less
than prudent.
The Director suggested that he be authorized to talk informally
with Town Board members explaining the financial situation and asking
their feelings concerning the possibility of a new swimming facility.
The Commission also discussed the possibility of a referendum to
determine resident reaction to a new pool. It was agreed that such an
instrument would be necessary and should be investigated. Commissioner
Roop then proposed a three part motion: that the Allen Organization
proposal be rejected; that the Director informally canvas the Town
Board concerning a new swimming facility; and that the Director find
out information concerning a possible referendum. Commissioner Howe
seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
The Commission also suggested that"attendance at Gurney Lane be
monitored very closely this coming summer, to help determine overall
usage figures.
Page 2
The Director updated the Commission concerning the one acre parcel
of property at Gurney Lane which the Recreation Commission hopes to
purchase. The Director will speak on this subject before the Warren
County Finance Committee, April 9th, and will explain the situation
concerning the present right-of-way to the Gurney Lane recreation area.
The status of the Birosak property was also discussed, and the
Director informed the Commission that there is a wide disparity between
the asking price and the appraisal price. The owners are asking approx-
imately $1,000.00 per acre and the appraisal price is somewhere between
$10Q.-$200. per acre. The Town Attorney is still negotiating and has
suggested that the owners undertake a second appraisal in order to more
realistically determine the price per acre.
The final area of discussion concerned the seven acres of property
adjacent to the South Queensbury Fire house. The Fire Company has
unofficially agreed to a ten-year lease of the property if the Town
will pay the annual taxes on the property. County and School taxes are
approximately $656.00 per year and would be approximately $6,500.00
for a ten-year period. The Commission expressed a concern in that the
total taxes include the structure (house) and that the Town should not
be responsible to pay the taxes on the house. The Director will
therefore approach the Fire Company and attempt to negotiate a lease
price somewhere between the total taxes and the taxes on the property
itself (building not included).