1979-12-17 EXE
DECEMBER 17, 1979
The Director updated the Commission concerning the Briosak
property and what has transpired to date. Now that a written
appraisal is definitely necessary, Mr. VanDyke should be contacted,
and hopefully the appraisal can be done as quickly as possible. ,
The Director suggested that nothing be done until the new Supervisor
can be apprised of the Department's plans.
Regarding the Warren County Health Camp property and the entry way
to Gurney Lane, Mr. Malone suggested that the Recreation Commission
wait until after the first of the year before discussing specifics.
New Warren County Board Members will take office on January 1, and
this is somethLng which the new Board will have to deal with. The
Director will in the meantime attempt to search out what type of
lease agreement exists that allows Queensbury to use the present
entry way.'
Those present agreed that the Recreation Department should
purchase the small triangular piece of property, (approximately 300'
of road frontage), to insure permanent access to Gurney Lane. The
Director will attempt to have more specifics at the next meeting.
There being no further business, the Commission adjourned to open