1979-11-26 EXE
November 26, 1979
The Director briefly reviewed the Recreation Commission's October
Field Trip, and then updated those present con~erning the Briosak/
Half-Way Cabins property. It was explained that Mr. Bacas, attorney
for Doctor Perkins, (half owner of the 32 acre parcel north of Gurney
Lane), has been in contact with the Director and has advised the
Recreation Department that an appraisal concerning this property should
be undertaken. This is a safeguard which protects both, the Town of
Queensbury and the property owner.
Mr. Bob VanDyke, a local appraiser, has been suggested as someone
who might be willing to appraise the property, and the Director is in
the process of co~actin~ him.
Commissioner Lavigne pointed out that the property may have residual
value in terms of future timber harvesting, and therefore the property may
be worth as much as $300.00 - $500.00 per acre. On the other hand, the
property is landlocked with no access except through Gurney Lane, and
therefore the value may be less. The Director explained that these
factors will all be explained to Mr. VanDyke, and at that time, hopefully,
he will be able to set some gener.a1 pâ~ameters in terms of what the
property is now worth. The Director will advise the Commission at the
next monthly meeting.
The Warren County Health Camp property was also discussed, and the
Director explained that he has been in contact with Mr. Jim Malone,
Warren County Finance Officer. The Director, on behalB of the Recreation
Commission, has advised Mr. Malone that the Town of Queensburv may be
interested in either the entire property or possibly a po~tion of the
total property. Mr. Ka10ne explained he would speak to the finance
committee co.ncerning price and get back to the Director before the
Commission's December meeting.
The Director ailo advised the Commission that the present entrance to
Gurney Lane is on Warren County Health Camp property. It was pointed
out that at least this portion of the property should be considered for
purchase to insure continued access to Gurney Lane. The Director will,
therefore, concentrate his investigation toward this end.
The concensus of those present was tha~ the purchase of the total
Health Camp Property was not in the best interest of the Recreation
Department at this time.
There being no further business, the Commission adjourned to open