October 25, 1979
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of
the Town of Queensbury, held Thursday, October 25, 1979 at the Gurney
Lane Recreational Facility, Queensbury~ Hew York. Chairman Lyon
called the meeting to order at 4:25 P. M.
Present: Commissioners Bly, Champagne, Lyon, Yasko, Director Hansen
Absent: Commissioners Howe (ex), Lavigne, Roop (ex)
Visitors: None
The Commission decided to dispense with the normal business meeting
format including approval of minutes and began the field trip.
Commission members walked through the present Gurney Lane facility and
then viewed the rear area which is undeveloped. All those present agreed
that the park had potential in terms of expansion for camping, picnicing,
and other outdoor activities. Only 30 - 40\ of the 22 acres is now
being used, and except for the preliminary road clearing previously done
by BOCES, the remaining 60\ is undeveloped. The Commission agreed that
further investigation is warranted, and that this subject should be
addressed in the Master Plan.
The Commission then walked a portion of the 32 acre parcel of property
just north of Gurney Lane. The property is owned by Half-Way Cabins, Inc.,
and is land locked with no available access except through Gurney Lane.
The Director was instructed to contact the property owners and inquire
about the possibility of purchasing this piece of property.
The Commission then toured the Warren Coünty Health Camp property to
determine its future potential for the Recreation Department. The
swimming pool and some of the cabins seem to be in fairly good condition,
however, many of the present structures were unusable. Having a second
swimming area so close to Gurney Lane was discussed, and their were
mixed emotions, (pros and cons), concerning the purchase of and need for
this area in light of the present Gurney Lane facility potential.
However, the Director was instructed to contact the appropriate officials
in Warren County to determine preliminary cost estimates.
Commission members then inspected the Gurney Lane swimming pool and
adjacent mechanical room including the filtration system. Lack of
adequate water circulation, the steepness of the deep end, and the pool
location in relation to the surrounding area were all discussed. A
number of other problem areas were also pointed out by the Director, and
overall the consensus was that major renovations to the present structure
were necessary. The Director pointed out that the Master Plan will
address this area in depth.
c --
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 26, 1979 at 7:30 PM.