January 22, 1979
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission
of the Town of Queensbury, held MOnday, January 22, 1979, at the
Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman
Lyon called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M.
Commissioners: B1y, Champagne, Howe, Lavigne, Lyon,
Roop, Yasko, & Director Hansen
Jeff Wilkins, Teresa Lequire
Following review, Commissioner B1y moved to approve the minutes
as submitted. Commissioner Vasko seconded the motion which was
unanimously approved.
The Director advised Commissioners Howe and Roop that their present
terms of appointment would expire in February and requested, on
behalf of the Town Clerk, to know whether each desired to be re-
appointed. Commissioner Howe replied in the affirmative and
Commissioner Roop requested more time to think about his decision.
He said he would contact the Town Clerk with his answer.
The Commission reviewed the revised Recreation Speak-Up Meeting
Timetable. Chairman Lyon explained that a previous committment
now made it impossible for him to attend any of the Wednesday
night meetings. In as much as a Chairman, to preside over each
meeting is necessary, the following individuals volunteered to
act as Chairman for each of the meetings:
South Queensbury - Lavigne
Aviation Road School Area - Yasko
North Queensbury - Howe or Lyon
Bay Ridge - Champagne
West Glens Falls - B1,
It was also decided that only two or three Commissioners and the
Director were necessary at each meeting.
Ice Maintenance .Discussion
The Director expressed his op1n10n concerning the ice maintenance
situation and requested comments from the Commission. Most of
the 60mmission agreed that the ice was at best adequate and that
the weather and Mr. Wadkin's method of making ice were contributing
factors. The Director pointed out that the Town was committed
to Mr. Wadkins for the remainder of the season. However, it
was suggested that investigation into other alternatives of making
ice be looked at in the future. The Commission unanimously
agreed and was also apprised of the fact that the Department
was very close to overspending the 1979 ice making budget.
The Commission instructed the Director to continue the program
of making and maintaining ice until February 18th ( as per budget)
and to continue to monitor the situation.
Directors Report
The Commission reviewed the Director's Report and the accompanying
Recreation Department monthly budget update. The Director
advised the Commission on the status of à.ll programs including
the ski trips which have been cancelled due to lack of interest.
The Commission suggested that publicity might be the problem
and that advertising future ski trips through the school bulletin
might help. The method of ski trip registration was also
discussed and the Commission pointed out that this is new and
might also be a factor. The Director explained that the
Town should not subsidize a ski trip for seven individuals and
therefore some type of pre-registration (by phone or in person)
was necessary. Setting a trip minimum was a method of insuring
a break-even situation and the Director felt this procedure
allowed the Department the necessary time to cancel buses should
registration not be adequate. The Director pointed out that
phone registrations were accepted for the second Gore Mountain
trip. However, only 12 individuals were interested. The Commission
pointed out that ski trips in previous years also had pre-
registration through the school and that such a trip should be
tried in February. Therefore another ski trip with more
publicity (school bulletin) and ~':ip.r~.~i~rãtron:f:eé'EWi~l :.
be attempted.
The possibility of speed skating at the ice skating area was
brought up by the Director, as a result of inquiries by
interested individuals. The Director informed the Commission
that a free speed skating clinic was going to be conducted by
the Saratoga Winter Club at the Recreation Department's
ice skating area from 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. on Thursday,January 25th.
The Club would put on a demonstration and also provide speed
skates so that individuals might try this type of skating.
The Director also asked that he be authorized to schedule
1 1/2 hours on one or two nights for the remainder of the ice
skating season for those who may desire to participate in speed
skating. The Commission was receptive to both the clinic and
the new speed skating times.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
at 8:30 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday,
February 26, 1979, at 7:30 p.m.