1978-12-18 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 18, 1978 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, December 18, 1978, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Lyon called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM. Present: Commissioners' Champagne, Lavigne, Lyon, Yasko Director Hansen Absent: Commissioners' B1y, Howe. Roop Visitors: Jeff Wilkins. Gary Carstens, Teresa Leguire APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Fo11øwing review. Commissioner Champagne moved to approve the minutes of the November 27, 1978 meeting as submitted. Commissioner Lavigne seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. CORRESPONDENCE1COMMUNICATIONS - The Director introduced Mr. Gary Carstens, representing the Aviation Mall Merchants Association and Miss Teresa Leguire, (spectator) and neither desired to speak at this time. The Commission briefly reviewed the two letters, which expressed objection to the Ladies Day Out Trip to Co10nie, and the Director once again expounded on the intent of this trip and the status of future Ladies Day Out Trips. RECREATION COMMISSION - TERMS OF APPOINTMENT FOR COMMISSIONER'S The Commission reviewed the updated list of current Recreation Commissioner's, and their respective terms of appointment. No further action was necessary. 1974 RECREATION COMMISSION SURVEY ANALYSIS & SPEAK-UP MEETING REPORT The Commission reviewed the Director's Report 1974 Recreation Commission Survey Analysis, and the accpmpaning Speak-Up Meeting Tenative Agenda and Timetable. It was the Commission's feeling that the 1974 survey should be ana1ysed in depth prior to the first Speak-Up meeting, thereby giving both the Commission,and the public some direction. This should help channel Speak-Up meeting discussion and further assist the Commission in making future decisions. The tenative agenda and meeting dates were also discussed. It was suggested that Wednesday evening was probably the best night for the Speak-Up meeting. Who should preside over the meeting and present the different sections was Page 2 also discussed, and it was decided that the Chairman or a Commissioner should preside over sections 1t 2 & 5, and that the Director would be responsible for sections 3 & 4. Commissioner Yasko moved to approve the report with recommendations as presented. Commissioner Lavigne seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DATES FOR 1979 The £ommission reviewed and approved the Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Dates for 1979, and authorized that these be posted at the Town Office Building. . DIRECTOR f S REPORT The Commission reviewed the Director's Report including the status of the Winter Programs which are underway at this time. It was pointed out that the Open Swim Program, Recreational Basketball Program and the Ice Skating Program are all doing well and that the Skiing Program to West Mountain would begin in January. Some of the Commissioner's expressed concern with this series of ski trips to West Mountain, in view of the fact that in the past such trips had been scheduled to Gore Mountain. There was concern over the high cost, and the fact that most area skiiers ski West Mountain on a regular basis. The Director explained that West Mountain was chosen over Gore Mountain because of cost and for no other reason. The individual costs at both locations were obtained by the Director, and when compared, West Mountain was considerably lower. The Commission suggested that in view of the fact West Mountain is so close, that additional ski trips to Gore Mountain would also provide a service for those who may be interested in skiing other areas. The Director agreed and assured the Commission that ski trips to Gore Moun tain in addi tion to Wes t Moun tain could be scheduled yet this season. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January.22,1979 at 7:30 PM.