1978-11-27 EXE
Minutes of Meeting
November 27, 1978
Executive Session
Supplemental Information - Sta.. of Parcel 16
The Director advised the Commission that the pa~ent of
two years worth of back taxes, on parcel #6 had in no way
changed the stalIus of that property. All for as the County
Assessor is concerned, unless the entire unpaid balance of
back taxes is paid, the property would be available for sale.
The County Asse8sor stated that a registered notice of sale
would be sentea the owner of record informing hi. of the
propo8ed sale. This formality i8 8 tandard procedure prior
to a sale such as this and if the owner doe8 not respond by
a certain date, the Town could then exerci8e its option to
purchase. The Director also learned that the owner of parcel
#6 i8 not the individual who has pai.d a portion of the back
There being no further busine8S the C01llDi8sion adjourned
to open 8e88ion.