Minutes of Meeting
October 23, 1978
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Committee of
!he Town of Queensbury, Held MOnday, October 23, 1978, at the
Queensbury Town Offic. Building, Queensbury, New Y6rk.
Chairman Lyon called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.
Present: COIIIDissioners B1y, Champagne, Howe, Lavigne,
Lyon & Rooi!.
Absent: Commissioner Yasko
Visiter: .Jeff WilKin, Post Star
:A\,þrwal' 'of Mtnut'es
Follcwtng review, CoImd.ssioner Dly moved to approve the minutes
of theS.ptember 25, 1978 1Ieeting as submitted. Commissioner
Hewes.eonded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
The Director advised the Commission that he had accepted an
invttatton to speak to the League of ~ Voters, Land Use
c..:tttee on Wednesday, October 25, 1978, on the topic of
po..iblefutureprograma and facilities as it pertain~ to the
Recreation Department.
The Director also relayed information concerning a joint meeting
in Novøber with the Glens Falls Recreation Commission. Both
Recreation Directors felt a meeting, as a first step toward
po.sm};,. future joint programs, would be advantageous. The
Commis.ion was receptive to the idea, however, it was decided
that due to the holiday season, (Thanksgiving & Christmas), a
meeting e.fter the first of the year was more suitable. The
Commisston suggested that if joint programming was desired, the
two Directors/rather than both Boards.l should meet first to
formulate specific plans and then report back to their
respective Commissions.
The Commission briefly reviewed and discussed the Commission Mtg.
Attendance Summary and no action was taken.
Annual Report- Division for Youth Requirement
The ComII1ssion briefly reviewed the Annual Report which was
submitted to the New York State Division For Youth as part
of the 1979 Recreation & Youth Service Applications. It was
suggested that in the future, a different form of type, other
than script, be used for all reports, as script is diff.cult
to read.
Page 2
Fall Program Update
The Director informed the Commission regarding the status of
the six(6) fall programs which were approved in September.
A facility use request has been submitted to the Queensbury
Schèo1 Superintendent for the volleyball and d'sco programs.
The fishing class will begin on October 30, and the Ladies
Day Out program will begin shortly thereafter. It was decided
that the Men's Gym Night program would be a duplication of
effort, as BOCE;S conducts a s£mi1ar program, and therefore
the idea was tabled.
Explanation of Budget Line It. - Programs for Senior Citizens
The Commission had requested further information on three(3)
specific revenue and expendi ture line items dealing with
Senior Citizens. The Director explained that these line item8
totaled approximately $8,750.00 and 5010 of this 81IØunt was
reimburseab1e from the N.Y.S. Division for Youth. The Director
suggested that since these funds have no direct effect on the
recreation budget in terms of programs, that in the future the
Department's Monthly Budget Update not reflect either the
revenue or expenditure figures.
State and Federal FUnding Investigation
In formation concerning possible state and federal funding for
recreational projects was relayed by the Director. The COmmis-
sion was informed that contact "'th~Øtate and federal regional
representatives had been made and that information and appli-
cation forms had been received. It was anticipated that a meet-
ing with these individuals would be .chettu1ed in November.
It was the Co1IId..sion'. feeling that prior to making such
app1ica:tion, that the Director begin work on the Recreation
Department's Master Plan. The consensus was that the Director
and the Co8d.sion should attempt to survey Queen.bury residents
to determine present and future needs. A previous survey, ap-
proximately three years ago, and the llinute. of the recent
town mini-meeting. 1!Iltiû1dhaJ)'qhbetTaÖewä4IaB tþey too may pro-
vide additional information. The po..ibility of a series of
recreational mini-meeting. held throughout the community was
discussed, and this was thought to be a worthwhile endeavor in
the near future. The Director was instructed to begin work on
the Department'. Master Plan, and to investigate the Feasibility
of Town recreation mini-meetings.
Report - Proposed Part~Time Salary Schedule
The Director briefly reviewed the report, "Proposed Part-Time
Hourly Salary Schedule", 10/11/78, and there was considerable
discussion. It was pointed out that under the present system
all seasonal, part-time recreation employees were now covered
under the recently approved 3-year CSEA contract. Therefore,
under this contract, these individuals could anticipate yearly
Page 3
increases, overtime pay, personal days, holiday pay, vacation
pay and all other fringe benefits normally associated with
full-time employment. The COBIission agreed withethe report
which outlines four (4) categories " recreation employee,
and recOl8ended a salary scale for each. CoDDissioner loop
moved to accept the report with rec01lBet1d&tions as presented.
COJmD1ssioner Howe seconded the motion, which was unanimously
Director's Report
The Commission reviewed the Director's Report and there was
discusston concerning the work BOCES is doing at Gurney Lane.
In addition the application for 1978 N.Y.!. Division for Youth
funds has been -iProved and rill be received after Jan. 1, 1979.
The Commission a so discudsed the Warren County Youth Board
and was informed that the Director has requested that he be
appointed, by the Board of Supervisors, to this Board.
After discussing Division fot Youth funds, The COJmD1ssion
requested that a letter be written,. to the Chairman of the
County Board of Supervisors informing him of the lack of comonm-
communication had, in the past, caused local municipalities in
Warren County to miss out on the opportunity to apply for
available Division for Youth funds. It was suggested that the
letter he signed by the Commission Chairman and that a copy be
sen t to the Town Supervisor.
The Commission requested that in the future, when programs are
cancelled or there is a split schedule that the insrtuctor or
someone in the departllen t inform the local newspaper and be in
attendence to alert those who may not have been informed. This
situation occ~red at the Soccer program and a nUllber of adults
and children had been inconvenienced.
Executive Session
Upon the Chairman's suggestion the CoaDissicm adjourned to execu-
tive session at 8:50 P.M. to discuss possible land acquisition.
Returning to open session, and there being no further business,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 P.M. The next meeting will be
held on MOnday, NovemBer 27, 1978 at 7:30 P.M.