04-19-2012 Town of Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting—Thursday, April 19, 2012 @ 7 p.m.
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
1.0 Old Business:
Applicant(s) NIGRO COMPANIES Application Type Site Plan 22-2012
Owner(s) Upr. Glen St.Associates, LLC SEAR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Bartlett Pontiff Stewart Rhodes Lot size 8.96 acres
Location 735 Glen Street Zoning Classification CI-Commercial Intensive
Tax ID No. 302.6-1-22 through 26 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference AV 20-12; [7 SPR since 1988; Warren Co. Referral Yes
7 SV since 1990; 4 AV since
1988; 1 UV since 1994]
Public Hearing 4/19/2012
Project Description: Applicant is proposing to retrofit approximately 8,000 square feet of vacant retail space and install a 600 sq. ft.
covered patio in the Price Rite Plaza for a Recovery Sports Grill. Revisions to an approved site plan and change of use in the
Commercial Intensive zone requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) JOYCE SHOVAH Application Type Subdivision 2-2012
Preliminary Stage
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Van Dusen &Steves Lot size 4.05 acres
Location Off John Clendon Road Zoning Classification MDR-Moderate Density
Tax ID No. 295.14-2-36 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183
Cross Reference AV 19-12, Administrative Warren Co. Referral N/A
Subdivision 6-1994
Public Hearing 4/17/2012; 4/19/2012 APA, CEA, Other NWI Wetlands
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 4.05 acre parcel into two lots of 1.68 and 1.72 acres with remaining 0.65 acres
to be merged with lands to the west owned by the applicant. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval.
2.0 New Business:
Applicant(s) HAYES CONSTRUCTION Application Type Subdivision 14-2005 Modification;
GROUP Site Plan 25-2012;
Freshwater Wetlands 2-2012
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEAR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 4.89 acres
Location 504 Luzerne Road Zoning Classification MDR-Moderate Density Residential
Tax ID No. 308.06-2-17 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183; 179-9; Chapter 94
Cross Reference Original &Modification
(Howard); BP 09-440
Public Hearing 4/19/2012 APA, CEA, Other NWI Wetlands
Protect Description: Applicant proposes modification to an approved subdivision to include as-built house and driveway location as well
as after the fact limits of disturbance. Modification to an approved subdivision requires Planning Board review and approval. Site Plan
review & Freshwater Wetlands permits are required for land clearing/disturbance in excess of one acre as well as disturbance within
100 feet of a regulated wetland.
Applicant(s) LAURA FEATHERS Application Type Site Plan 18-2012
Omner(s) Gordon Development SEOR Type I I
Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 1.61 acres
Location 1500 State Route 9 Zoning Classification G-Corm erdal Intensive
Tax I D No. 288.12-1-15 Ordinance Reference 179-9-010
Cross Reference SP 29-11; SP 13-10,SP 12- VVarren Co. Referral Yes
09,SP 11-08, SP 25-07, SP
7-05, SP 22-04
Public Hearing 41192012
Proect Desaipton: Applicant proposes a Tent Sale from August 1, 2012 through August 31, 2012. Tent Sales longer than 12 days
require Planning Board revieNand approval.
Applicant(s) CUMBERLAND FARMS,INC. Application Type Site Plan 23-2012
Om-ler(s) Same as applicant SEAR Type 11
Agent(s) Bartlett Pontiff Stenrart& Lot size 1.26 acres
Location 410 Quaker Road Zoning Classification G-Camierdal Intensive
Tax I D No. 303.5-1-24 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference SP 47-2001 V\bmen Co. Referral Yes
Public Hearing 41192012
Project Description: Applicant proposes the installation of a 220 square That refrigeration snit to the existing 2,952 square foot
convenience store. Further site improvements to include new sidenralks, signage, and dumpster enclosure among other minor
changes. Modification to approved site plans in a G zone requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) J. MICHAEL PUGH& Application Type Site Plan 24-2012
Ong (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type I I
Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 0.24 acres
Location 20 South VV3stern Avenue Zoning Classification MS Main Street
Tax I D No. 309.7-1-5 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference None Found V\irren Co. Referral Yes
Public Hearing 4119112012
Project Desaipton: Applicant proposes outdoor retail sale of goods. Proposed retail uses in the NG zone require Planning Board
reNAeNand approval.
Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board