2005-03-28 SP MTG16 PAGE 156 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-28-2005 MTG.16 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #16 MARCH 28, 2005 RES. 171 7:00 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER Supervisor Stec-Opened the meeting. Bay Road/Quaker Road Corner Improvement 1.0 Councilman Boor- the person who is responsible for this action was Bob Beckerly, he like many people recognized we could probably do a better job at the corner, things have escalated and I ran into Drew and Greg they had previously mentioned an interest in it, we have gotten to a point now where Lowes is willing to contribute material, I think we are now in a position to make some great improvements. Presentation made by Drew Monthie and Greg Greene – suggesting more height in the back section, down to lower plants in the front, introduce plantings with color throughout the growing season … Friends of Hovey Pond will provide some of the labor for this project. Felt there would be no problem in getting volunteer labor. Some of the existing plants may be removed and possibly sold and the funds used to purchase plants. Mr. Greene spoke on the use of the stonewall, remove that and use the stones as a border ground level so the Town can mow over it. Presented the Board with a list of the plants that will need to be purchased. There are three trees non-native maples, would like to have taken out, they are listed as invasive. Would like to have the Town donate compost, from the leaf pickup, also would need some sand and some days the use of a truck. Councilman Boor-I would be willing to work with Chuck Rice and the Highway Department and what ever other department necessary to get you the materials and some mechanical help. Supervisor Stec-Agreed with the proposal, noted the success of Hovey Pond with volunteers, noted he did not feel that this project would have any problem getting volunteers. Noted that when the Town knows the time line and date we can put an appeal out. The Town will be able to identify where the power and irrigation systems are located. The proposal for plantings would be a little over thirty four hundred dollars which is a retail price. The Town Board is impressed with what you have proposed, it is a matter now of moving forward and Roger wants to kind of shepard this up and coordinate efforts between the town and you. Councilman Boor-Hopefully this will set a precedent where we have other issues in town, people will not feel that they cannot come forward and PAGE 157 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-28-2005 MTG.16 volunteer because it is appreciated. I know that when it is done you guys are going to be proud and so is the town. Supervisor Stec-Thanked Drew and Greg for their efforts. 2.0 WEST GLENS FALLS RESCUE SQUAD BUILDING DISCUSSION 2.1. Oxygen Regn. System . At present six to seven hundred dollars to have oxygen tanks refilled, tested and delivered…proposing the purchase of a system in house an oxygen regeneration system, we will be able to fill our own tanks as well as those of other companies and rescue squads in the Town. Looking at a thirty thousand dollar loan to purchase our own oxygen tanks so we would not be leasing them…it is a fixed system in the current building but it could be moved…noted West G.F. has fifty two tanks…it was noted that they pay eight thousand a year on oxygen this system would cost thirty thousand, in four years it would pay for itself. The payments on the system would be under six hundred per month. Supervisor Stec-Instead of paying a six hundred to seven hundred dollar lease, you would have a six hundred plus or minus payment. Board agreed to have a resolution for the next meeting on this. 2.2 Reviewed the history of the West Glens Falls Rescue Squad Building Discussed a location at the corner of the connector road and Luzerne Road, the land is available and at a reasonable price, it is QEDC property that we would be transferring title, basically a land swap between where you are now… we need to firm that up and then talk about size and cost. It was noted that West Glens Falls Rescue Squad has outgrown its present location; there are now sixty members. Supervisor Stec-Spoke about a park and ride facility next to the proposed rescue squad, parking lot could be used for spill over parking for the squad building. Discussion held regarding the use of the building such as a training facility … and schedule the building for other ems providers…spoke on the G.F. Hospital New Vision Program and the Junior Emergency Squad…Size of Existing Structure thirty five hundred sq. feet. Including the bays…description of proposed building-ninety five hundred square feet, six bays, multi purpose room at one hundred square feet, also a small basement, mechanical room to be placed in the basement, septic area off Luzerne Road, there is water available, the facility can be built and in operation before construction of the road…regarding acreage three acres are proposed, noted that there is a small parcel west of the facility could be used for parking. Discussion held on sharing the park and ride parking lot with the Rescue Squad building, park and ride lot approximately forty spaces…Supervisor Stec-Raised the question on this ten acre lot cutting off three for the Rescue Squad does this leave an odd shaped lot for development of industrial uses.…Mr. Round noted he did not feel so. Discussion on cost of building- will range between a hundred and a hundred and twenty-five dollars a square foot for the building alone, the site PAGE 158 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-28-2005 MTG.16 development cost varied, the roads, site lighting, site drainage, utilities into the property, paving, landscaping at this point I have a wide bracket on that because I do not have a good handle on it. I would say between a hundred thousand and three hundred thousand for site development. Supervisor Stec- Spoke about grants that may be available…grant writer may be needed and one who specialized in grants of this type… It was noted that the training facility that is proposed may be eligible for grants to help with the expense of that room, also the decontamination room may also be eligible, there are a lot of options to be looked at. Description of building- Six Apparatus Bays, Decontamination Unit, Administration Unit, Medicine Storage Area, Lounge, Kitchen used for the staff, Multi purpose room divided into thirds, designed for a hundred people, dormitory (2) three beds each they have their own toilet and shower facility, janitorial facility, administrative areas, two offices and a conference room and two toilets. West Glens Falls Emergency and the Town Board agreed to the site at the corner of the connector road and Luzerne Road, a three acre lot. Councilman Brewer-Requested a break down of what has driven the price to what it is for the building. Councilman Strough-Having a three acre lot you cannot look at life in the next five years you have look at it for the next twenty years, and Queensbury is growing and I expect it to grow a lot more and you may be asking for another expansion in ten years. Giving you a property that is a little bit bigger than what you might need I do not have problem with that and I think the location is excellent. I do have questions about the building and the use of the building. Discussion held regarding the coordinating the park and ride parking lot issue because it will save the Rescue Squad money with regard to parking issues… 3.0 MAIN STREET GATEWAY ENHANCEMENT Executive Director Marilyn Ryba-There are many components to the Main Street Gateway enhancement-the connector road, the reconstruction of Main Street itself and along with that the Town had applied for some funding to do some gateway treatments or enhancement type items to go along with the reconstruction of the Main Street area. Baton & Loguidice P.C. has been working on this since December and we are at the point to move along with this, it is going hand and hand with the Main Street reconstruction. Tim Larson Landscape architect and Richard Straut are here to present the proposal. Mr. Richard Straut-I am over seeing all of what we are doing for the Town. Tim will go through the elements of the project. There is a number of things that we are working on - Main Street Plan, redevelopment of Main Street - PAGE 159 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-28-2005 MTG.16 Designing the connector road - today we are here to talk about the Gateway Enhancement Project. This is funded by a T-21 Grant, that the town secured; generally it involves enhancements along Main Street that will create the gateway to the community. The Park and Ridge facility is funded under this grant, bike trail that would connect conceptually along Richardson Street to the Feeder Canal Bike Trail and also a Gateway Plaza. What we need at this point is to nail down where the facilities are going to be and take them from a concept to a firmer concept where we nail down the sites and move to design. This needs to be on the same schedule as the overall Corinth Road/Main Street reconstruction project. We want to bid elements of this project under that overall construction project to take advantage of some economies of scale. Mr. Tim Larson-This is a Federal Grant which basically is an 80/20 match, 80% Federal share 20% local share. There is three project components with the overall intent to enhance and improve the initial impression to commuters, visitors and residents entering the Town of Queensbury and City of Glens Falls. Three components: Park and Ride Facility - Bike Lane on Richardson Street which would extend from Luzerne Road down to the Feeder Canal and link into the Feeder Canal trail and regional trail system. That portion of the project would consist of expanding the pavement to accommodate a bike lane, striping and bike signage- looking to incorporate a kiosk type orientation element at the Richardson Street intersection Noting the cost increase of the original site for the Gateway Plaza now looking at an alternative location, looking at the intersection of Big Boom Road and the connector road this way there would be a strong initial impression for somebody exiting 18 and entering the Main Street Corridor. Spoke about a larger structure proposed by the Park and Ride to be used for a Farmers Market, craft fair or out door gatherings that the Town wishes to have. Will try and work with the EMS site to make everything compatible as far as architectural style, materials and color. Supervisor Stec-Re: parking for Rescue Squad – to accommodate everyone’s needs, the more of the sixty parking spaces that the T money can pay for the happier the Town Board will be. If it matters that you need a lease agreement so it is shared so that they are covered for insurance or whatever. The Rescue Squad needs to coordinate with you on this park and ride issue. Councilman Strough-Has the State nailed down the starting construction date yet? Mr. Richard Straut-It is targeted for the Spring of 2006. Supervisor Stec-Questioned how the construction project will be done? Where will it start, at what end? Mr. Richard Straut-I would expect that the utilities would go in first, new water lines, new sanitary sewer, overhead utilities to be relocated, then would come in and rebuild the road, I would expect them to go from one end to the other, that remains to be seen, that is the Counties design. PAGE 160 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-28-2005 MTG.16 Supervisor Stec-Noted the concerns of the Rescue Squad, do not want to kick them out before their building is finished. Mr. Richard Straut-The schedule for the Connector Road, is to go to bid on that in July this year, build through the summer and the fall and finish in the spring. Noted it can be be built into the contract documents to let the contractor know that he may have to build up to a point stop and then when the EMS Squad is ready to move coordinate the demolition of the building with the EMS and then continue on. Do not want to hold up construction of the connector road if we can avoid it. Councilman Strough- Ideally if we can get their building in they have access to Luzerne Road, then we would not hold up the building of the connector road. Councilman Turner-Questioned the placement of the Gateway Plaza, will that cause congestion? Executive Director Ryba-There will need to be a traffic signal there. Mr. Richard Straut-I would not expect the Gateway Plaza to increase the traffic… Discussion held regarding the bike path, under the bridge, the first drawing for the bike lane only had the bike crossing behind the peers on one side the north side, recommended both sides. Mr. Straut noted he would check into that. Councilman Strough-Spoke to the Board on the Lakes to Locks program where funding may be obtained for kiosk… Supervisor Stec-Anything else on any other matters? No one spoke Discussion held regarding Bill for Service –looks good but waiting for deposits at the bank, we will know more in the end of April. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 117. 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Town Board Meeting. th Duly adopted this 28 day of March, 2005 by the following vote: PAGE 161 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-28-2005 MTG.16 AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury