2003-304 BP File# New Business Dept of Community Development Of Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12904 (5-18) 761-8256 For occupancy only,with no work requiring buildingpermit.- no fee required for this permit. RECEIVSD MAY 1 9 2003 Name of Business: - E 'OWILDINGN OF r ^ C qAND CODE UEENSBURy Address: V\/ V Person in Charge or Manager: -A C- Business Phone Number: � Type of Business: (i.e.,mercantile,restaurant,hobby shop,plumbing store): Owner of Property: D -e. ? -4 Address: — 4H-C, 0 r Phone Number: C1. 12,— S- Please provide an accurate layout of your store showing all walls, exits, stockrooms, rest rooms, counters and fixture layout an a separate sheet ofpaper. Signature: ate: ofperson submitting this form: Property Tax Map No. Notes/Comments: Town of Queensbury (13— Fire Marshal's Office &ECEIVE6 EMERGENCY CONTACT UFDAT92803 LTRS 2000 UV OFLD11V Qtf�,cA/Say&y TO: WARREN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. FAX: 7 PLEASE PRINT DATE: CA � /a -� - N BUSINESS NAME- BUSINESS ADDRESS: V BUSINESS PHONE: 61 9, HOME 9 CONTACT 1: -c- -PHONE TOWN RESPONDING FROM: HOME CONTACT 2: C- C, I-VI10NE—' TOWN RESPONDING FROM: HOME CONTACT 3: D. -- PHONE� TOWN RESPONDING FROM: G Fire Marshal Steve'Smith, Deputy Fire Marshal Mike Palmer Phone 761-8205, F.A.X 7454437 EDDY CHIkOPRACTIC Receiv 32 South Western Ave. 10 . 'Qiieensbury,NY �' Y Tpwjv OFQUL (518) 743=922 $DILDI�ICAiyD�S��RY - CpDE INCASE OF EMERGENCY , 1. CALL 911. 2. YELL FIRE. 3. IMMEDIATELY EVACUATE, 4. MIEET OUTSIDE.AT,.TH.E LARGE TREE TO ,THE RIGHT OF THE PARKING LOT. 5. DOCTOR. OR. THE-RAPISTS: BE SURE YOUR: PATIENT IS WITH YOU. ' 6. DR. EDDY,WILL MADE SURE EVERYONE IS OUT SAFELY, 7.=DR. EDDY WILL MEET EMERGENCY CREW. 116�lie. OIX w a T ,,.• .�.- � I f �, Mr4lY!� � ram'• f xia4 J' :' ka