2003-331 d TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Quensbury NY 12804-5902 (518).761-820.1 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-825.6 �E R- TIFICATE� OTCOMPLIANch Permit Number P20030331 Date Issued: Fr day,Nay 20,2005 This is to'certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20030331 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-2664010001-0-15.000-0000 Location: 94 OAK VALLEY-Way Owner.. PHILLIP&SUSAN WHITTEMORE Applicant:: PHILLIP,&SUSAN WHITTEMORE This structure may'be'occupied,as a Inground Pool By Ordex'of.Town Board . TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the f property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and.Conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY G.. 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number:. P20030331 Application Number: A20030331 Tax Map No: 523400-266-001-0001-015-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: PHTLLIP W_MTTF,MORF, For property located at: 94 OAK VALLEY Way in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together.with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction 'Value Owner Address: PHILLIP WHITTEMORE SUSAN DOYLE Total ague l 94 OAK VALLEY Way Total value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency ADIRONDACK POOLS COMMONWF,ALTH ELECTRICAL I RON M't JMBLO 5 BOULEVARD NY 12804-0000 OITFFNSBURY.NY Plans&Specifications 2003-331 INGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,June 04,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To_ 7 ueens ry; d esday,June 04,2003 SIGNED BYW for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code nforcement Building& Codes Office Swimming Pool ;Z>MWX Z. Town of Queensbury 331 742 Bay Road Permit Application 57ce 7>aa Queensbury,NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. Applicant:,,,-&Lei uaAiTTem o Y-e- Owner: e 1 t 60 SykS Zj uZA.7 Address: INV, Address: ()-4 Opev- . ,-I U Phone No. &-1 01!R q 3 1_1 Phone No. SA$ -I C)2 CL3Jl 2. Person responsible for code requirements: 3. Contractor/Installer Ra-Q_wn a P,cA?_ RECEIVED Address MAY 2 7 2003 Phone No. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 4. Pool Location Address:' q'i opev, k BUILDING AND CODE ve' k 5. Tax Map Number: 6. Type of Pool: above-ground pool / in-ground pool 7. Size of Pool: longth3C ft. diameter ft. width ft. depth ft. 8. Approximate Water Capacityajop gallons 9. Materials used in construction(circle below) �,Steel/ Fiberglass Gunite Poured Concerte Other 10. Submit a diagram;drawn to show property lines, existing structures,proposed or existing septic system, location of proposed swimming pool. Show all setback distances from property lines to both the pool and the structures, as well as separations between them. An electrical inspection is necessary before the Certificate of Compliance is issued See attached sheet for electrical inspectors. The Building and Codes Office needs to be notified upon completion of construction; including installation of fencing. A final inspection will be made before use of the pool is authorized. Applicant Signature: Date: Owner Signature: Date: (if different from applicant name) 20 R.rear setback v 10 ft.min. pool ' side setback 10 ft.minimum side setback no required distance between deckhouse to pool deck garage House ..........Road Name......,... t ---� P'f�C3�. Ix�sp+�'+Gt1CJ13. Queensbury BZzilding 8L Code Enforcernerlt Off�ce Nc�_ (518) 761-8256 742 Bay I2t�ad, Queensbury, NY 12804 Late rec�:ivcci: LC�C�ATIf3N: o`_ sty arrv`pnz Arrive. ai�3Lpzra Depart= � '�`'�� a2zz/�r Irispector's Initials: Ab►ov�: Grourzd: .Lrx-Crou�zd: Y IeT �T/A Pool around pool c>x- arc 4 feeL abcsve grade 2 ir�ch rnaxirnum cleararfce to grace from underside of fenc e 4 inch maxinzurrx clearance in fence icicets Wall or Doors have self closirig device or alarrr-,s (30 second Alarm time) Ladder secured in place aril latched _ Deck gate 56" to iatch no rnc>re than %2" spacing in ate © er�ings Gate operzs outVvard, self, closin I"adlc>ck provided on gates c>r ladder Indoor pool alI doors self cic>sin g or a.larn-Xed per AG 105 .2 Item 9 Timer c>rc pool pump (no plt4a im tinier allowed Firizd electrical Vehicle access gate closed .�. 3ocicc,d O1c to issue C"/C-- iC'-(D�IIXFI®T"TS es �� I1-1speotic3r1 Qucensbt�x y 13z�ilding C='c>d.e Enforcement CDffice Nc3_ (518) 761-8256 742 Bay R©ad, Qtie(--risbury, NY 12804 3�ate received: LC)C�ATIC)N: ArrizTe: arn/Prxs Dr--part: axri/pna lnspectc>r's Initials: Al3c3v Grcx n"d: Iz -Grc�and f- �" f'r N 1lT;�A Poc�►1 enclosure around pool or and 4 feet abc3ve grade 2 incli rriaxirnurri cl earance to grade from underside of fence 4 inch maximum clearance iri ferice 13icRets -Nall or Doors have self closing device or ala -ix s (30 secorid Adarixi time') r I_.,adder secured iri place and latcl-Yed De-c-k- gate -< 56" to later no more: than V'z" spacing in ate o enir1,gs G-atc opens outward, self -- closin Padlc3e1t provided on gates car Iadder 11zd4o.c3a- pool all doors self, closing car alarmed per ACx'105 .2 Item 9 Tinier on pool pump (no plLig ii3 timer allowed} Final c:lectri c al _ 've-hicle access gate: closed. Sz, locked C)1lc to issue C1/C1 COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. Main Office 176 Doe Run Road - Manheim, PA 1754 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Y, No.,...,,.,.... Pe It No, #N#!#4ilfN!!lflf#!Nlif.{#lNt{{f#Nf Ceti Cut-in Card flftil{,i#,4#{,N Coo �wne� w .li!!1!lili llflllNtfif#4tfN41Niff it i/1 FIlffi 11li,tddddNN,otNlt4fNNfo.NiNtN{{,tNiNii,lNiddii•1f4l1fl11flfN,iiNNNNNNN,NN.N#{t##{iffl t Location ,N# tiff #N#NNi Nt t ti 14 i!!NN##N/i4104110 41lfi 14/11f4ii ll4Nt4f44!(14*1911#1P44 1 off 661#01 64 1 to I m mm m"f ml geIsm0 ell i lofNiufffloNll� 6 1 Installation Consistingof iN i#t #fN.NNtllflf! # li,fliiffi#INNNiei1l.dtdNN,Nd{NNfp ..... . #ff{off f,NNN of tifii all t114 all 1 iil liNNffN11!!i#f{!i{N.,l,IHNttN,i111N!lf1lf/Nllfl11111#!1!!lttlN lfi!ltff4ilflit4f i4111f4#Nlgfi#if#lfifH.#.tliif#ifiit411,1f4flf 411Nil IIlfflft11o111111i411,i1ofiHiffil efNf NtoilNlltf Nltl„Nit{IflflffNiilff.Nf.,i{lot,11 Nt1/11fii1tfil{ftl,f fflflf!!i{II f#t!#.iitlN#,fliiif iN iII let f#.4e1t..i l4.fefN#11N ii.1!!f#off iif NINI.flffflfif,eif 4fi /L Insfalledyiftl111lofilotl11lllllltflffifi44f11liiltfif!llilfli II,dNN.t,N{tltNli.1lell1lllffN{Lie, of f{tff{NffftNNNNflNifftffffNf#{f..fNfifl.I The conditions fallowing governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued ilk cancelled: This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date, Upon thf introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall,he pr ptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege o making / spe ions at any time, and if its rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to ev this c of tet �� N Date,,, f.N i.lNfff ffiN i.ffdffiff.fNl,..f{{ INSPECTOR ,f{ltf4f.,t ,#,flf.{iff iff N{fNNNNNNff f,. . told# tole NNIf11160MM11{f111 Memhp.r N.F.P A.. 1.A.�..L XdQ0 31B •ajejS WA MaN}o sap 6u!p p,ayl 4i!M aoueyduao qn} u! ale suogeoy!�ds Pue sueld au; �yy !pu! se panstwo aaqq lou ile4s sauawwoo lno�!M aouegdux� 'u013euiuxexa p811wll irno uo pase8 +yaw tNt+ fin JNIQIMB Ads 033M:10 NMOI 31VO JAB a3M31A3 ! t ^` , e A.-)4 r SOT ` .� Z Fc roe q��8 Fp oN�Q�,F 4?002 F 30 Attention Home Owner Please assure you are familiar with the Pool Enclosure requirements specific to Your poiil. We will be happy to explain 1,0 18`x 3+ ' �, ! what Requirements you will have to rat Poo meet per Appendix G Of the roe , ��` New York State Residential Code. as 4 N 4 o " . 0�-' a iK V , u . 0 91.4� t v 4 • J � + TOWN OF QUEENSBURY P,4 3- 3-3 i