2003-340 (2) z ALONG SNOREWNE MW V ^ moo` REC"EIVED -,TOP'OF SANK JUN 0 3 2003 as ua 'Q 96 :w r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODE 61 P { O r A P co h BUILDING & COED DES w � C � �� REVIEWED BY t� �; �"• % O DATE � � t 9 ,�� • 6 03 �� a e a CA r FILECOnv ' r r � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTM T- �' r ZBased on our limited examination, r comppliance with our comments shall } not be construed as indicating the — plans and specifications are in full f compliance.With the Building.Codes r { ; = g of New York State. `'`' ! 1 o t L 69 L a - O z 3 �O BIG . BA Y ROAD -' a CUSTOM VIEW CUSTOMER -- TODD JORGENSEN DATE 05/27/03 REF Deck03147 HIV i� MAY 2 8 2003 OF QUA ENSBURY SN r`yr A^r t .•.Yak fy 5.ty• .e3 t y�x. . r y r . STORE. NAME 123 STREET RD. CITY; ST-- (800) 555 1212 A F PLAN VIEW FOR LEVEL I STORE NAME CUSTOMER -- TODD JORGENSEN 123 STREET RD. DATE 05/28/03 REF Deck03147 CITY, ST (860) 555 1212 2' 16' N TF 1 y \ 4.V f l 'i 4' 12' 2' LOAD AND SUPPORT: Your deck will support a 83 PSF live load. Posts have 48" below-ground post support. DECK AND POST HEIGHT: You selected a height of 96" from the top of decking to level ground. The top of the deck support posts will therefore be 87.25" above ground level. Your salesperson can provide information for uneven or sloped ground. JOISTS: Set joists on top of beams, 16" center to center. �t NOTE: The design may require knee braces and bridging between joists. Your materials list includes the necessary items. The suggested design is not a finished building plan. You are responsible for all measurements being correct, for verifying that the design land any substitutions or modifications that you make) meets all local building codes and requirements. To verify that the suggested design, and any substitutions or modifications, is consistent with conditions at the construction site, review the design with your architect. Also consult your architect for proper construction and use of materials in the structure. Be sure to follow the deck construction detail available from your store salesperson. i PLAN VIEW FOR LEVEL 2 STORE NAME CUSTOMER -- TODD JORGENSEN 123 STREET RD. 1 DATE 05/28/03 REF Deck03147 CITY, ST (800) 555 1212 14'5 3/4' 4'T 6' 4'3' :r M U7 � zo 71 4'3' 6' 4'3' LOAD AND SUPPORT: Your deck will support.a 81 PSF live load. Posts have 48" below-ground post support. 1 DECK AND POST HEIGHT: You selected a height of 82" from the top of decking to level ground. The top of the deck support posts will therefore be 73.25" above ground level. Your salesperson can provide information for uneven or sloped ground. JOISTS: Set joists on top of beams, 16" center to center. NOTE: The design may require knee braces and bridging between joists. Your materials list includes the necessary items. The suggested design is not a finished building plan. You are responsible for all measurements being correct, for verifying that the design (and any substitutions or modifications that you make) meets all local building codes and requirements. To verify that the suggested design, and any substitutions or modifications, is consistent with conditions at the construction site, review the design with your architect. Also consult your architect for proper construction and use of materials in the structure. Be sure to follow the deck construction detail available from your store salesperson. r' � r' STRESS ANALYSIS FOR LEVEL 2 CUSTOMER: TODD JORGENSEN TP TE: 05/28/03 DESIGN: DECK03147 REF: 03147121.ZIP )LESMAN # ------------------------------- ----------------------- MEMBER STRESS FACTOR COMPOSITE TYPE SIZE FACTOR LOAD LOAD ------------------------------ ----------------- JOISTS 2X8 DEFLECTION 92 PSF 161N BENDING j 264 P-SF SHEAR 183 PSF COMPRESSION I 291 PSF 92 PSF "Ams 2-2X10 DEFLECTION 409 PSF BENDING 163 PSF SHEAR 101 PSF COMPRESSION 265 PSF 101 PSF L T S 1/21N SHEAR I 2304 PSF 2304 PSF POSTS 4X4 STABILITY 449 PSF 449 PSF ----------------------------------- TOTAL LOAD 92 PSF DEAD LOAD 10 PSF LIVE LOAD 82PSF -----------------------------71----------------------- III STRESS ANALYSIS FOR LEVEL 1 CUSTOMER: TODD JORGENSE14 'D:n�,TE: 05/28/03 DESIGN: DECK03147 REF: 03147121 .ZIP �_)IESMAN # ------------------------------------------------------- MEMBER STRESS FACTOR COMPOSITE TYPE SIZE FACTOR LOAD LOAD ------------------------------------------------------- JOISTS 2X8 DEFLECTION ., 169 PSF 161N BENDING 166 PSF SHEAR 139 PSF COMPRESSION 231 PSF 139 PSF 2-2X10 DEFLECTION 211 PSF BENDING 115 PSF SHEAR 93 PSF COMPRESSION 252 PSF 93 PSF 1/21N SHEAR 2224 PSF 2224 PSF POSTS 4X4 STABILITY 389 PSF 389 PSF ----------------------------------- TOTAL LOAD 93 PSF DEAD LOAD 10 PSF LIVE LOAD 83 PSF ------------------------------------------------------ its �• — OP i• f d CROSS SECTION CUSTOMER -- TODD JORGENSEN DATE 05/28/03 REF Ded03147 re` boo nil d STORE NAME 123 STREET RD, CITY, ST (800) 565 1212 CROSS SECTION CUSTOMER -- TODD JORGENSEN DATE 06/28/03 REF Deck03147 i ai r i i 4 4 1�,t a as n i. k STORE NAME 123 STREET RD, CITY, ST (8001 658 1212 f '' ET7 7 M�MM w m -17 itz, Z4 f7 • 7-1 .......... lF .61t Ll 6