2003-539 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030539 Application Number: A20030539 Tax Map No: 523400-302-007-0001-012-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: OUF,F,NSBURY OiJAKF,R. L.L.C. For property located at: 118 QUAKER Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tyke of Construction Value Owner Address: QUEENSBURY QUAKER, L.L.C. Commercial Alteration 90 STATE St Suite 1411 $100,000.00 ALBANY,NY 12207-0000 Total value $100,000.00 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address' Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-539 QUAKER PLAZA 3143 SQ FT COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATION AS PER APPLICATION $377.16 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,July 28,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must-be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T ;_,_ Quee ury o day,July 28,2003 ZISIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Co Enforcement gailding Permit Application Town of Qveeasbary-Dept of Cotamtmftp Development,742 Bay Road,Queembury,NY A'pantitmustbeobtdiaedbefbrebeghmingconstuetioi Pmmitk;No: No inspoctian wdl bo made anti]applicaaf has received a Fee paid $- ?.- valid buildiag pamit. All applieatite'spaaesron this,: 1LCC.Fee Paid $ *' t►pplitxtion twist ba completed dad tmtst,appear.oti the Reviewed By. ttpplicatioafban.- r _ Applicants Axonf' �c :;'13 fi�cts l r� Omii: Address: �a a .4dtltosti:. "b -SNMAi. tt'r•st:t�s.r.'t'�►y�� _Phone#(S�8)2JI;A Phone hopesiyi.oca WNumber: a_/ House Number I Snbdiviu*ioa Nerve: Tax Map Number: M n2—7- t-12.: . o NewBudt VV residwoe tcommexciel PsttmatedMatWVal=of-Const mdoa '4 n Addition iesidance/ lf n tlai,whatwilly,aofnewadditionbe? • AlEolat3aa raidease O No >b aoerioc ax cam i ' o Otbatweuk(daaodbe ) . - Chock Oecupsagufaemxtlon 1 Floor 2 ,IIRour Other noor TOM aq.9L sq.fL sq.fta Square Faet a Single fmsDy dwelling to , Tm f=fiy drag t2 n Townhouse o: Multifamily dwelling- #ofmits Marcttatile ear - c •'Multi ' . - ' ' o _1 car deareJhed gtttttga . ' - .. • - _t] < Z ardataelrai`gatatge _ - _ . o' .3 cardetacliQd - . a . I car atmcbod pmp,.. . t] ,2 oar adtached ,- o' 3 ear attached o. Storage budding- Conlumid a Stmsge baddmtg= - reaidtastiel ' n Otmr Wlult is the proposed hdpt of the stratwe 1]w feet. Inches MM aqy seeotid4ind or uagmded I69=be used? Tf so,for what? i46 Type of Heating Systm- olectdc%od,1 gas/wood i forced lint air 1 basebowd l other WA Number OfJqmpgww to kri iasta]led Number of fo4r.f6 bm.kzWkd � List below the person(s)ragxm t'ble for supetrriaion of work w regards to building coded: c . f Name Address Phone I�lumbor Plumbed t u \v: IZetL` 6S8- sgi Amon Bloctrictisa AA : �.L .3g RCer A t; 1+u-ee N; 13 1.05�1\ please sip bolow after you have molly read the statemeat To the bat of any knowledge the statemeab coatdbad in.t h appkicatim topdwr with the plane and speeifieations sobmiteed,no attme and comoito matemeat of LU proposed work to be dame on the Eascsmed pmnis s dad that all provisions of the SuDdiog Code,the Zoning thdiaanco and all od w Iaws pettatwing to the proposed we*sbaklbe tx mplkd whk whe dkW spodSad at wtA and.that such work is authorized by the owaa. Funher,ft is mndatstood that Ywo sbaR, eahmit,prior to a Cpdificate of tleenpaticy at Certificate of Compliance beismg rived,as%cgnestedby the zoning Adminlcriator at Mega ofDufil iag sad Codes,m jg" rrvev by a liveried surveyor,drawn to scale,sbowing actual • koeativaofillaewoctioa: ` 5i�nauro:_ 1 1 owm,owaer'e stank arhbitec;E=7WAOr) __;pL-25-2003 16-05 MRCHNICK BUILDERS LTD #1 518 272 8284' P.02 \ QUAKES PLAZA 73 Quaker Road Glens Falls, NY DESIGN LOADS: GANOPY ROOF: SNOW LOADS ON CANOPIES: 70 psf Ground.Snow 49 psf Flat Roof Snow Load 49 psf Slope Roof Snow on guttered canoPY 27 psf Slope Roof Snow on east canopy Ce= 1.0 Ct= 1.2 = 1.0 DEAD - 10 psf LATERAL-LOADS: SEISMIC: Ardiitectural Component Seismic use Group 1 Seismic Design Category C Sds =0.35 , SdIl =0.16 1p= 1'.0 ap,= 1.0 rp= 1.5 Analysis Per 1621.1.4 WIND: Basic Wind Speed 90 mph (3-sec, gust) = 1.0 -Building CatOgory*l Wind,Exposure B East Canopy uplift-25 Canopy wind down- 1 :3 PST a . Remaining Canopies uIift1N OF QUEENSBU Y BUILDING & CO S DEPT. REVIEWED BY DATE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on oUr limited examination, OPYcompliance with our comments shall V1 . E not be construed as indicatingthe plans and specifications are i full compliance with the Building Codes of New York State. TOTAL IIV/ Addendum Number T �' �✓ May 7; 2003 For Quaker Plaza 73 Quaker Road Glens Falls, New York Consultant._Sage Engineering Associates, LLP 1,211 Western Avenue Albany, New York The following items indicated in this addendum are clarifications and or corrections for the Contract Documents. 1. B lIA201: Provide 4"wide Chicago Metallic Planar square edge plus linear metal system w/related trim and accessories to the inside vertical face adjacent to the horizontal ceiling as shown on 81/A201. It.is not currently noted on the.vertical face. End of Addendum Number 9 . 1 Addendum Number 2 May 20, 2003 For Quaker Plaza . 73 Quaker Road Glens Falls, New York Consultant: Sage Engineering Associates; LLP 1211 Western Avenue Albany, New York The following items indicated in this addendum are clarifications and or corrections for the Contract Documents. 1. E1, HIIA200: On north elevation there are only three concrete arches. Two on main area, and one @ O'Toole's. No new arches will be provided. Provide bid for two pitched roofs behind arch. End of Addendum Number 2 1