2003-540 r r r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20030540 Date Issued: Monday, May 23, 2005 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20030540 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-301-014-0002-004-000-0000 Location: 28 MC ECHRON Ln Owner: DAVID&JACQUELINE MULCAHY Applicant: DAVID&JACQUELINE MULCAHY This structure may be occupied as a: Inground Pool By order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Cade Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,14Y 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Developrrfent»Building&.Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030540 Application Number: A20030540 Tax Map No: 523400-301-014-0002-004-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: DAVID'&JACOU LINE,MULCAHY For property located at: 28 MC ECHRON Ln LOT 4 in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or'place ' `� �' ° " ' ` at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. = ' Type of Coxstruction Value Owner Address: DAVID &JACQUELINE MULCAH 28 MC ECHRON Ln ingrou otaI Vaallue Pool" QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name,/Address y `Electrical Inspection Agency. COMMONWEALTH ET,ECTRTCAI, A �lPtO'P _'706O esil� t irlt ,.�•i;li. .., i' .. r ! h HACrUR NY Plans&Specifications 2003-540 INGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS l! I! j' r i $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT44 EXPI�TS: Thursday,July 22,2004 (If a longer period is required,an appplicatibh for ani extension must bey made to the code Enforcement Officer' of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T wn o 4_ ueen ry u day,July 22;2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement, ` V, Application for Swimming Pool Permit PermitNo. �p � Build ngf&Codes Office-Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804.. (u 761-8256 Fee Paid Instructions and requirements are attached. ' Notes: 1. Applicant 1 Owner /Contractor or Installer Information: Ai5�mei"C_lrvo RECEIVED JUP TORN OF QUEEN BURY - -2:----..-----Person Responsible for Code Requirements: u,��r •� Lr��u 3. 'Pool Location Address: , 1✓7 "j� e-c-OX-4- 'Tax Map No. 4,..,:_ S�yimming Pool Information: (check whichever applies and fill in the blanks) A � -'- __ Above grounpool _ - ' nground Poot - a— B �� I;ength ft 1 / width ft f diameter eft w/ depth ft n [ . y, O g ,stee]/vm 1 fi.ber lass Dgninite; Opoured concrete,Qother 5. Fencing Requirements for above-ground;.& ngroundawamming pools A. If an above-ground,indicate height from ground-grade to top of pool height inches Note: If your above-ground pool is less than 48 inches above-grade,a fence must be installed within the area of the pool. If your above-ground pool is exactly 48 inches above-grade or more;a-lift-up ladder with lock must be installed. B. If an inground pool,a fence must be installed within the area of the pool regardless if your yard is fenced. 6. Final Inspection information: You are responsible for scheduling the following: A) Electrical Inspection; B) Final Certificate of Compliance Inspection An electrical inspection is required before the Certificate of Compliance is issued. See attached sheet listing electrical inspectors. The inspectors are contracted through the Town of Queensbury and you are responsible for payment to them directly. Their fee is not part of this application. A final inspection by the Queensbury Building&Codes Office is required before use of the pool is authorized. The Code Officers will look for an approved electrical inspection(sticker on the panel box)and proper fencing around the pool or lift-up ladder. Signature of Applicant: t^Wle)61 Dater`„ Signature of Owner: Code Interpretations-Department of State Wage 6 of 16 DATE ORI-SS:1TR(Signed:;1/1I' 99) Code Section,724.1 _ If on-entire isidetat parcel,lav'n .an outctooz switrunig>Iiool,ji feneeci;does sectiv 720.1 re4uire an additional fienced eiiclasurie,for ti'ie sv+ut&ing...&0 ?.: IftR-PRi ' "A,TI I�f des= itc°:seeiia� :i'2 1ris a:- tl°a d�velti ta:sere .gai the cnetosire=.it dogs nod -- - Ixer it tF�e:er�fn e t u�1d tab it�eal d �€ � file ek ire fTa e er;;seol�on 72Q; &;: ure.apaednor eft tE410 he enctcc fr bak fzo a to=enctositi I e.gaor d nss c't fed quaprixerxt y Esc to '` .:ii 1ti ec .. ... ,.. ute.f.aekot ? '1I/.4 . t�1i ueni. it a €+ •�"r�i� t�i�i�:�i�£'Brt E fy i de ai��ie ai��IS1e wt :tihterpprlior:: .. OP Attention Home Owner OS PropertyLiptease assure you are familiar with the TOWN OF QUEENSSURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Pool Enclosure requirements specific to Eased on our limited examination, Your pool. We will be happy to explain c mpliance with our comments shall n t be construed as indicating the what Requirements you wil have to pans and specifications are in full 165, meet per Appendix G the c mpliance with the Building Codes New York State Residents I Coder. o New York State. r -= _ �-- 65' — Pool �,---- 40' —� 8 1 a a House O r' c� '4-, Leach Field 4-W. ROAD Davi's C N(vlca.hl ��r_par1 . RECEIVED JUL 1-6 2003 19WN Oga QUEE SBURY 13Ull'bINit-AND CODE TOWN OF QU1EBNSBURY BUILDING.& a PT REVIEWED BY DATE Q ]P<:301 ITISPecAicn-IL QLxecrisbuLry ]Biailcliiig &-- Cc>cle C>Ffilco No. (518) 761-8256 742 ]BzL-v Road, QLiof--xis7bivr-y, NY 12804 Date received, S/j -7 1 >�5- T XDC�AL-IUIEC�I�,T: "IV -art: Inspector's Initials: I"ooi enclosure around pool j or and 4 Fc--,et above grade 2 irica-1-1 rxIa:x-irTaLIT1n cloaranco t<3 grade Er<3ria ixxicIc--i7si4do <3f f'c--ri c c- A 4 inch xxiaxirnurrz clearance iTI Brice icl�ets Wall <),I- 1E><>cvrs have sc-,If-' <--11<3sirig cic--Nrioc-- or alarms (30 second Alarm time T-acicic---r sf--caixrocl in place zixicl. latched E>f--ck gate ---- 56" tc> latch ncv rn<>rc-- than Vm" spacing in &-atg-- oporiirigs 100, CIELt4-- cop(--ri <3IAt-vvztT-4j, S4--If, clvsira IPELcIlc3c--I.r- p-rcvvicb--cl c)xi gzLtt--s and ladder liacic3c3r- pool all 6<3cws S4:z!:If, c;l,c>sixIjx or ala-i-vri4--cl per ikC7Y105.2 1[t<--ryi 9 -rirric---r on pcic)-1 pvirr-xp iCxiv 21via in ti=c---r allc3vve-aFinal olectrical Teliicle ar--cc--ss gat- C--Ios-cl loCA<x--ci C>I< to isS-LI4-- C/C COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. 0� "`l Main Office 176 Doe Run Road - Maaheim, PA 17545 5qo MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE -1 ELECTRICAL APPROVAL N 8 0 3 8 1 Cut-in PermitNo.itRiflRl4iffiRf ff111{iiiil Ml.ill.lt ifii���f � Card No,rffff4fffrlffiifffffrRiiffflffR1R11 owner#11604101114OJ4ili 111x6f 04 i 141iloi i#i tRRrRlirraRrfrlu4.iiR.fRlRRifirlRfYfrrfrtfflHRnr.l4Rritfi.frrffreff! off/r/frflll4i i11N.IR1iRlil Lcanotio ,,,,,,,, ,0#0s00ffset0#0 104 f#Rf Yrrtflrfrl Irr ff..ii i600i6i6661t661111491164 ilrrfffifff 1rfi690H164.R.6062624104111}RH10 2Ny1RRiRffi.iR..ir •.fifff ff •ref 1CtI + itlaCntn 1i�Y1�AiirA111}y1,tA11MI ;;l!tt11 !!1� 1 '/�7J � 'Insa � tlon VM * l� f r/R111oo64#24094fit16411116#1Riisefilff.ff/rfitf 112/R/u1fill//NRRI4R4 I4 IRRNR144tool1R114i1YNff1011ft MM a IM14f111ff11 I lot t 1e1e#e#f00 fof mfiff l e#tf Piffle too fooM14 Ito little##Ilose 0110e#1e#1114its#boe#14ff4 too 1441teolo4 rot felt###II lot ttf te#rf01/h ffto4 iile#e#le#!!l;tof P14110400 off I • 16+11 6#51#61668 all Model 160011o11#oi to footless i too if 14#.4rYr 166110#161 sit 11400 o0tYiifo Ito o;010###let@ I ittoie#0lilf I16111ie#ii#oe#rilire#1 food#14!toil 11 _ `+ �� T }R *w f'� Installed 1 f4oldlirir littlfilf ird i�Nossi4ioiof Yoi. s4r0i}t4rii0ol;tldtlitii.00toolileliriosiiii + 1 �+i I i000i.Niot N#iooi.s#oos.tio.##tNfeirrroo0otfl The conditions following.governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued i! cancelled: - This certificate only avers the electical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be romptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of makin n pections at any time, and if it rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to ke thi ' e f scat � j1�}ytiry��y/ DateM 4t#4 �►4# o.iii44f iffif..e#le#ie#ffott..1 1 S ECTOR 11f11Ni/flf*foil fee too 11tt1ef0 too folfN1of ISO 140011 tottlipf 0664011104411 Ig4111.No#R*I Member N.F".P.A.,I4E.I.