180 OFFICE OF THE ZONING INSPECTOR Building PERM,17 NO, 180 Date Issued. .. . , Date Denied 60 Owner V V Address Location same as a' bpye� A new, gRLrRLge pr,. f an- pXi,;stjU, jjp4s pl� ,rype of Co�istru,,�� A.on Wood fr,jme, MonryJ-U— ae— Garage Robert Ruggles # 5 Winderest Drive, Glens Falls, N.Y. 'n ii riJ o:- i a LT, zs hereby g r an t, the a k:, owner the n nq --c rdan: to arpr' 'a 4 n n NO o her 1,a f o;�,na-ti o rt, here t o, fl,�i edi a od logell.her wVA11', plot p`4knz; 4ppr,,ived, and In zomp-11 "ance w!,, -.h t,,he of Qu-een5bury ZoQi�nq va 1� re December. 31, �'968- e.rm� t' 3, A "KV # 4 TOWN OF QUMSMTRY Varren Cmmty. New York Office of the Iming .1nopwtor APPLICATION PO R A BU!LDI:NC PUMT / Locaticm of Property.-P:*"!:�'M- or 4v0*w*- 14.0,74 Appljcatjcv. r i It.Pe�.d Jerw A A e r,2.4. Xq R 74- C 4 1. 0 1 . �p 4 11 V o r. tdo. e -A tn P iF q,. gh re'd, Caist -0 f F*,-:1.1.ie ing, A' 4 >1-e 5,g. AI ',At�era Any N.h2v Bull 41 the v DA%t Building rkr.vLtt Sh'a-11 t'c� 11hreo. crupiev of a plort gjr*,iw ra SCSIC. the actual ,v th %A d lfxbatlfxl m', -he a -h ot�mq r o If-it to 'he tftllt upurk, ue V..' Cc. h, I orb erv-,tod 4- re. atta--he,-" �cv a( the 1ruildlng sad t,o ,Che untlwrsigne4 l4areby agreet to coWly in the "IN conel--.ructtm with all tht provisions of the Zoning Ordirm.nace as adopted, w! the Town of (If permft Le .granted It will' be on. coniciltiort that buil-dixig- or 41- tevations alhall be iaonV- leted at 4ate to be flx&d by ZmAng Inapecter, �4rv'' if nut no emVlanted penalt 'shall lbe rt-w-,i�etll ty '91VU,A4 .1 O 'J I (,h\e7r, v '.'h", t tf.- r:le � - /gla �� — e Qowow- . Conte" or-;