213 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date--- 19 _ This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 213 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a One family wood frame dwelling Location Wincrest Drive, Town of Queensbury Owner Dr. & Mrs . Robert Bolinder By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building & Zoning Inspector OFFICE OF THE ZONING INSPECTOR Building PERMIT" NO 213 August, 28 1968 Date Date Denied DR. & Mrs. Robert Bolinder. Owner Address Wincrest Drive, Queensbury Location Type of Co jstru,-�:-,Aon Wood frame, Proposed Use tl -Dwelling- -. W.G. Primm Arc.h i%,:- t, — - --- -- - ; - I , 11 , - .1 , --11 Address II Hughes Court, Glens Falls, N.Y. Addr,ss o, � - -, , ., - - - � r, , - - ,, : - . ', , , 14 - " � " " ' - - . -1 p I I o ., r, PI-ins and SperUications ,Applitation No, ,. PEWISSION is hereby grant(td t.o the abov�-- owner for the r.onstru� - tion, of a building in al.-,-�ordan,.,,e to apr)111,k,ation No,, together with plot plans and o-`-1,her Infor-mation hereto filed and approved, and in tomp1lance wi-�I'h the Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, Date building Permit Sna!11 Expire .,Augu.5t,, 3T, , 19r,69 Permit Fee $ c.�' zonAnq 111sp �,tor