2003-649 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbuty,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATEUF Permit Number: P20030649 Date Issued: Thursday, November 13,2003 This is to,certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20030649 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-308.014-0001.052-000.00100 Location: 63 BRIWO09 CIRCLE Owner: ARC4BFND,L.L.C. Applicant: FOREST MOBILE HOME PARK This structure may be occupied as a: By Otdet of Town Board Mobile Home In Park TOWN OF QuEENSBURY Ditectot of Building&Code Enfo cement TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building,&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030649 Application Number: A20030649 Tax Map No: 523400-308-014-0001-052-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: FORF,ST MOBII,F,HOME,PARK For property located at: 183 PITCHER Rd. in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the.Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address; ARC4BFND, L.L.C. Mobile Home In Park $22,000.00 PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT Total value PO BOX 13244 �zz,000.00 EL PASO,TX 79913-3244 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-649 #63 BRIWOOD CIRCLE 1216 sq ft 2003 MOBILE HOME AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $47.96 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,August 1.8,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the ToyaL4Queens ry; ojAday,August 18,2003 SIGNED BY A4. . for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building K Code nforcement Application for Permit Mlobile Home Town of Queensbury, 742 Bay Road, Oueensbury, NY 12804 (5I8) 761-8256 A building permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on'parcel. No inspections will be made until a valid building permit has been issued: " Applicant Information I ell Name: 6�(�C� N� �- t C Fore& -k File Permit No. Address: 4c�e V I `Cad Fee Paid 8 24p3 Ltefec)SbUf U Reviewed By: Phone No. qY7►-j,� lP - Property Owner Information Parcel.Information ' Name: q iZe, s�Utdl> 1-1—C . .41 WO.� -role X. -#W Proposed Date of Placement: p fs� n� �T. 5u�'i+1✓ gdtJ Property,Location: (og bri Address: C1C) Road=Street,Avenue .-DC-MuE12 Name of Mobile Home Park: N tozeST—PAR.K N►IBC-' (if applicable).` Phone No. SC - 5 5 l 5 Tax Map Number: 3A•�� /•-( ` / ��'. Mobile Home Information Zoninglnformation Approximate Value of Home: S a Zoning Classification: 89-" New Home: es Noj Size of Property:, 1tjo -ft.by ft. Replacement Home: Yes No Existing buildings: ' Size of Mobile Home: Ro ft. 'by (0ft• Setbacks: front yard ` fL; rear yard ft. Singlewide: Doublewide: Side yards L4-0 fL and WA. Number of Rooms: (exclude baths) Number of Bedrooms: Accessory Building(s): circle Number of Bathrooms: Detached garage: 1 car, 2 car, car circle: I Gas Fireplace t Woodstove l Wood Fireplace Attached garage: 1 car, 2 car, car Storage building: Yes No Foundation Support: Other: TYP-F-- SIZE&DEPTH Water Supply. well or lanicipal ers x canners x Slab x Is,Septic Permit Required? Yes or No Further information requested on the reverse side of this sheet W Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer: ` 6)I dN 4 om-eS Address: Phone No. (0)404 ~ C)60% Complete information below found on a"plate"or"sticker"which is affixed to the mobile home. 1. Insignia serial number.: I D 30 b NP 2. Name of mamufacturer: N .L1,r' e eCku ut 3. Plan Approval Number: 4. Model or Component Designation: 1 (New Home ONLY) 5.. Date of Manufacture: rl D AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and,specifications submitted, are-:a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE,the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner_ Signature: owner,own gent,archi# nttactor Special Conditions of Permit By. ' For= 11/19/1999sh Code Enforcement Officer PiNAL_ lN�P�CT ON REPORT R%M4 M@B..M- ' MAQ®iJ.L..AR _ Town" of C2u+gnsbury Bullc inC,1 & +Codoe► 'Enlc3rcamegnt ?42 Elay t=to-"xCI C�uonsbury, NY 12804 (51 By 761-8256 : ARRIVE: DEPART: - - �INSP: - DATE INSPECTI©N REQUEST RECEIVED: DATE: PERMIT # _ I M�ASIS.E H�3ME - Ml9�DLTI:A.�i. H41ME FC:K�I"INCs� F(��[.JNDA.TICIN �tAG."'KFIL..L F�t.At'wrilN+Gr 1_ fcyundation support, pic,r spaciung - ` perznanuf_ ------------------- - ----- -anchoring per manuf_ ---------- -- --- 3- water line shut off ---------------- --� 4_ sewer line support @ 4 feet ....... S- heating crossover {dblewide} .off grd. 6- dryer vented outside' --ti-------------------- ?- skirting ventilated _•-----•--__-- 8_ riot dater relief valve piping outside 9. deck porches, steps, railing --_--- - 10. furnacelhot water operating 1 l. garage fire proofing .__ .•__. ._._ 12. door <:46sers .... ... . ............. .. ... 13. plunmbirig fixture ---- -- - ---------- 14. fouridation insulation (if appl-)j-- ... 1.5_ ss�olc+e; detectors ____._ ._ • " 16. fixxal electrical " ___jC�► �__ . 17_ variance re4quirt!-,a ---------- - -- -------- �r 18. data plate okay --- s I9_ u3obile HZ3D seal clkay -----_-------- - _ - Model ## Serial # - Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer - - C?K.AY TC) ISSUE. C7IC► - -YES P - C.'omr�rxents: - _ t { Town of C:Wa nst--)ury E3u!lc:lino .% C:c>Ooa Mnfarceiirnaot 742 E3c-ty Ftoiacl Clue nsbury, NY -12804 (SI 0) 761-82S6 DATE INSPECTION FUEQ!T-JIES-r LOCATIC:>Y*J: PERMIT P -z- r xU" milF- -------------------- ---- 2. rruliaxly- --------------- :3. water line s]Ex"t:,c>ff ------------ - ------- - 4- sewer Ibm*-- sxxrxp<>x-t (gp 4 F#--et -------- :5- heating oroSS-cm-fav off grd- 6. <J-vye--ir -.rf--xxtecl c>xxtsiclf-- ---------------------- 7_ skirting.-.F#--r3LtilMte-d . ----:--------------- HC3t water relief valve piping outside steps, railirlm -------- .10. ftarraAceltiot Nw&Ltt--x- cqaf--x7ELtiiao ........ .11. garage fire ]PX'CK:>fiZIS -------- ---------- ........ . ...... . . .......... 13. Plurrilbilas fixtuwt. ...................... 14, ftixximciaticwt- i tilaticm (if gxppl-)...... Is- ajlmc>ko cletpetc>rs- -..--.—-.;. .............. 16- final electrical ........................ 17. variances required .................... . is__ data pilaw okay ------------- ---------- --- ----------- IF■AlAIL INSM1=1= <C�N REPORT ri�/14�1���E. %- !'1►�!A��.J Lim.F� _ _ Town of Clue nsbury BuiicilnQ 8& C:odo E-nfor+cerm ent -7-42. Oay Ftcoad +Qu49ein ibury; NY - 12804 (51 8) 761-8256 - ARRIVE: DEPART: IN _ C DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED: ! �-9 �J DAME: -� - M�O►]�Z�..E Hc�ME M©�lLT�.AH H�t�Ti� - - ` FC>4�rI'INt3,S FOIJNDATI{:77�2 B.Ei`.C7KFIL.L. FR.AZvtINt3 1V'!A YE,S NC7► 1. focxndatici support, pier spicing _ per- ,ry auallf. . .. ..----------- --- ----- 2_ anchoring per manuf- ---------------- 3- water line sl-iut off --------------- ---- 4. sewer line se2pport <U> 4 feet ----.- - 5_ heating crossover (dblewide� off grd- 6- dryer vented outside --z---- ---------- ----- 7- skirting ventilated. -------------------- 8- hot water relief valve piping outside 9- deck; porches, steps, railing --------- 1©- furrr< celliot water operating ------. - ,garage fire proofing ---- - -------- - ---- 12. door closers -- - - -------- --------------- ^s�� 13- pltimlairW fixture - - - -------- -- ------- -- 14- foundation insulation (if appl.). . .... 15_ smoke detectors ..... ................... 16- nn.%l ............... ......... 17. variance required -.-'.-.- ----------- ---- 18_ data- plate 46"y -------- -- -------------- 19_ mobile HUD seal olcay --- ---------- - Model IVIanufacturer - ��ate of Manufacturer C3KA'Y TCJ ISSUE +ClQ YES -NZ Nc3 Comanr:cs�.ts� - f V� } 1 -(� - - ST I X l t J I I f -- NOTICE v NGHORING OF MORE HOE -- - FRAME IS REQUV EQ PER M Nt1FAC URRS pP CtFICAT Q�S t IQ ` TOW_ F Qtl€ NS�ctRY- t11" a s d o i ottI LING EPA TM NT +�''". united xam - Ilan� - t��eu �natiJAH " not e cgnstr l ed s t ►-nts shut -- Ian -an -s ecifi_ icatt �ry coon arein e---- C'A —Of Al Ian I S- the Bull fng-.odes Yolk State. 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