2003-643 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761.8256 CEIRITIFIACTE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20030643 Date Issued: Friday,July 18,2014 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20030643 has been completed, Tax Map Number: 523400-295-013-0001.012-000.0000 Location: 41 THUNDERBIRD Rd Owner: JOSEPH P GROSS Applicant: DAVID CLARKE This structure may be occupied as a: Inground Pool By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, G� Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Worc nt Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030643 Application Number: A20030643 Tax Map No: 523400-295-013-0001-012-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: DAVID CLARKE For property located at: 41 THUNDERBIRD Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes.and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Ty pe of Construction Value Owner Address: THOMAS &BARBARA HALL III Inground Pool 41 THUNDERBIRD Rd Total Value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency SPRAGUE POOLS 294 BROADWAY FORT EDWARD.NY Plans&Specifications 2003-643 SUSAN CLARK INGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,August 14,2004 (If a longer period isrequired,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the own N Que bO."fty,August 14,2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement l TOWN OF QUEENSBURY o 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030643 Application Number: A20030643 Tax Map No: 523400-295-013-0001-012-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: DAVID CLARKE For property located at: 41 THUNDERBIRD Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: JOSEPH P GROSS Inground Pool 27 SILVER Cir Total Value QUEENSBURY NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builders Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency SPRAGUE POOLS 294 BROADWAY FORT EDWARD.NY Plans&Specifications 2003-643 SUSAN CLARK INGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,August 14,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Thursday,August 14,2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Application for Swimming Pool Permit �3 (� Permit No. Building&Codes Office—Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804.. Fee Paid (518)761-825ti Instructions and requirements are attached. motes: 1. Applicant/Owner 1 Contractor or Installer Information: Lg I . fA _.....-_Person-Responsible.for.Code Requirements: 3. Pool Location Address: � Vk - Tax Map No. �J _* Qu 4. Swimming Pool Information: (check whichever applies.and fill in the blanks) moo` - -- A Poolove81ound bob �und-0 - - - — B T,ength ft / width fI / diameter ft / depth ft _ .. C.. �sfeel/vinyr; fiberglass,❑gumte; ❑poured concrete;❑other 5. .- Fen6ing-Re4uireiiients-for above-ground A. If an above-ground)indicate height from ground-grade to top of pool height inches Note: If your above-ground pool is less than 48 inches above-grade,a fence must be installed within the area of the pool. If your above-ground pool is exactly 48 inches above-grade or more,a lift=up ladder with lock must be installed: B. If an inground pool,a fence must be installed within the area of the pool regardless if your yard is fenced. 6. Final Inspection Information: You are responsible for scheduling the following: A) Electrical Inspection; B) Final Certificate of Compliance Inspection An electrical inspection is required before the Certificate of Compliance is issued. See attached sheet listing electrical inspectors. The inspectors are contracted through the Town of Queensbury and you are responsible for payment to them directly. Their fee is not part of this application. A final inspection by the Queensbury Building&Codes Office is required before use of the pool is authorized. The Code Officers will look for an approved electrical inspection(sticker on the panel box)and proper fencing around the pool or lift-up ladder. Signature of Applicant: LDate: k- 03 Signature of Owner: Date: Code Interpretations-Department of State Page 6 of 16 DATE OF ISS:IIE: (,Signed-.14199) Code Sections 720i I If amen€i iesidetitiatparclavi ati out toor-'swingpocilsence does section 720_I require an additional'fenoecd 6h6losar�for a wip ing pooi. .: - > II ?R ' AI(JI�I " k'-des; i l see cin: 2 � a; a 'af dvva� n ta:se AV :as:.Pa he 66�6 lie. it dies:not- .. _--_-- :- putt erfeuitdg to be Etta v�dZ}�r thenelosre €� eer:-stun 720I does; 4 spee�fjF trod far balk; orirt a pout fet e� r rued:o be Gated,;iwthe enc sure tio:enc osir g tk .. 00l adssc ted e€urprnent : ode-a I r tat�o s iie : W'M •see id 37f .. xs ne ,. . enl >ee of ttiea.Srirtafcort :Pretroxr aril BntEdinoefe si Iie coiastex . ' �itli. r trtfierpEIin ; learrcletet .Sereat =Q Date..Manua l I;:=I939 — _ = COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC,. Main Office 357 Elgn Ter ce -- Manheim, PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE , ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Panel tJert, Cut-in r{ a•id Nof viraar tr.f ,1 .afalti Board No, 1if!}Ifla 52975 0 Owner............flf. . fat 1 S-6-44" arlfi,i flit to if} A- .)'ll+�ai aa as 1.1}t.l.}.flr!•}tl.f}.ttt.rt/t}!}}}1}t}ii..ff}t!! f Occupantla}}a}{vi.tn.rvir.t.rtviitr}ririi ff if{ffrflfiffffNff iilf{fiffliffififif iRifffilf iif i.fi{fr}{}fi}}}.affufitf ifNiftli.11#} Location1! ll�faf4a. at�.�.f♦i.�aActa'Yfa 1foolto i la}ilAif-}i lH!►fi t t t a•.lala}• ata�aa 'itP�a!}"Yt�.a . ttttaa}► yiiyt�{���{tiVii Co�isting 11 } a ta.}�tl .f•.a►♦ l+aal7►t.tt}ar al f.T I�1414 }ilr I P U f' TF f■fif ff•of N!{t.tf tr tti.frrf fa}fi f ffffaif}}. }•.al. f► f Dif as a..k air. ..............................u U fl raft•a•at r.r.rirn tint f}.fiiff}r{If►fviatffatrr�iyf'trvi}ilfiiiffitffiffff}flifffliiif Raurfiavitu Y.rRY.rtHRtfatnra Yala♦afffafa•a.iYii ur{trfrtttat.rrrYrHrf itvit Installed By i{fAii,i+llfa} araaa.a.► attletaara}r►arlifll{}111111!!!!lf 1#10y.�j ti }rrar}•.}}It The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled;-! This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date, upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection, Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of making inspections at any time, and if its rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to revoke this certificate} Date aoff ff ff 4f f�p3iff via/a.f•.at INSPECTOR" t ait ift$ off fail a Y afa♦ artaaarrY rr!•rrraYt} Member N.P.P.A., I,A,E.I. , Je i 0 � � @ oa °. ° 00 00 ° - o - � - �. � 0 0 z o � o0 0@0 -10 00 � @ f fi � d v, ..W $ 0. ,.. x' ° o ° @ 00 �U 0 � � N ... 0 @ o . o0 o@v {0 -� , cc� cO � NQ 0 0 � ° :T 00 0 0 ..0 m � � @ "' o . 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LM ° 0 W o ° 0 ° 0a� oao oo a o .00 � m LNOO °� .- U0o M c � �'. 4� „ � ,� ° > UL � E � � EU � � a � ��' U00 ° � �. ° ° � UO � Iz o00 L ,- 0 c 0 C �, �. +- �. � � � c 4- o W ` wm 0 ° oo �. r0 � C � 0 ° D aO � O � o ° ° LocW N , N .�. .� (� a > �- -- NU � 0 0 c � ^ 019000c0 � .` � U � .� Uj 4-1 oo 0 z -j0. zQ ° ° c ' am 0 — 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 00 E 2 c 0 0 � 0 NU � go SOU a - ° � ccChUd cU < F `-qil> 00 u C)f'f-:Lc-c- (518) 761-8256 742 13ety Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 IDoato Arrive: uh- 4--part: 7D Ect-rV-prii Inspoc,bor's Iriitials: -A,bc)-ve C3jrc)c and: ha-Ca rcvu rid.: _V, NIIA Pool ericlosure around pool or and 4 fleet abc>-v4-- grade 2 irich ri-iaxirxiurxi cleararice tc> grade f-r<:>rri Liriclei7sicic cd- fence 4 inch Iriaximum clearaiace in fbrioe pic,-Ri--ts -Wall or boors lia-.re self cl-osirig device or alarms (30 second Alarm time I-a.6cler secured. :-LTI place 'aTTC1 lEttch,ccl ]Dec--k gate - 56" to latch no, unc3re than W" spacing in gate c>pexiirigs ClEtte- open c3Litvvarcl, self cic*silig • Padlock pr<3,vicle-cl on gates zuricl lucIcI4--r -13Ft9AIE5C52- rt5o�� - all CIC3C31-S Self cl<),Sirig C)I- alai-rriecl p e-r A,.C3105-2 Item 9 -riTTIer <>Tl P<>.C>l PLITYIP (in o, plLig in timer otllc>-kA-,pcIj Final electz icalQt 49 1 0:�3 C�e Vel-iicle access g to closed &C 1 C>cl<4--cl C>I< to issue C/C Doe, M rVX]F—rI4-U S 064-5� r L � L U � E Q. C E 2 C 0 LO zo E t: D 00 U c .� U 0 0 U) � ►� U 0 U U 0 c� WN 0 � 0 0 � p4- 00 U ,,. 0 - v4 00 .c4 .cU00 m 00 UE � n 0 cT 1 Z pcOUpVO 1 0 2 • 0 917 0 D , bo T Home ofNatural Beauty..A Good Place to Live TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804. 518.761.8261 WWW.QUEENSBURY.NET March 14,2014 Joseph Gross 27 Silver Cir. Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Pool Permit # 2003-643 27 Silver Cir. Dear Joseph: Our records-indicate that a swimming pool has been installed on your property, with a pool permit properly obtained from this office. As you may expect, we use computers to help track the hundreds-of permits issued each year. A periodic review of our records turned up a small number of active permits that have not been properly inspected and a final Certificate of Compliance issued. Unfortunately, your swimming pool is one of the affected projects. It is important that we follow up with our homeowners to rectify the situation and we ask for your cooperation and assistance. In the near future,you will be contacted by a member of my staff to schedule a final inspection of your pool. A list of the items to be inspected is enclosed for your review. Feel free to contact my office with any questions or comments you may have. I would like to thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, Town of Queensbury David Hatin, Director Building & Code Enforcement DHlcr Ends Celebra ting Our Sestercen tennial 1762-2012 � )J iy �`#� ��s�u ➢a `L.t .ems �,,f���l/ � C3� p r ��`'� s� � .� vw.1 CT` SR �y Q�3 ay�a t�&' k• aaaglog :. 1 1 11DH SpLuug1'. u®7. r rt r �.,• - ' 0.� S j Ma (% s � 1 OD 0 x E'H SS76S 0 SONV 7 1 °� 4 h,. yppqZ a � ,+ .. . 5 ., .r,.. ,.:„ ,.F.-....�—.......—... •etla�arn—+,x. ur..•a., .wn. .r r, 7 '� / L IN . 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